Noah's ARK == EKO's ARK!!

I have just DISCOVERED that mr.EKO is building an ARK just like NOAH did!! I think he WILL use this to transport the SURVIVORS off the island ALONG with the others AND the crazy ANIMALS!!


  1. * ? ARK or CHURCH ? *

  2. It's not a boat! just because it has a roof means it's a boat? I really hope you are joking...I hope most of these "stories" are jokes. Please let them be jokes.

    VOTE TATU!!!!!!

  3. You said earlier he was building a TRBUCHET

  4. With his focus on religion, I also think it to be a church

  5. if it were a boat he would have built the bottome first...its a church

  6. "I have just DISCOVERED ...."
    "After 2 HOURS of research AND detective WORK"

    wow..... someone needs to go on the island

  7. Charlie in S02E19 STATES that it is infact a CHURCH.

    Get ova your Ark theory.

  8. its a fuckign churhc your theorys are BOLLOCKS

  9. ecko said it was a church

  10. and how do you suppose eko is going to make the bottom when the poles are into the ground....or is the bottom buried under the sand like libby????

  11. you're crazy man...get a life!

  12. Why do you even bother?

  13. It is in fact a boat, and a church. The first of its kind. Eko had a plan to patent it, if you don't believe me look at the screen snap shots of Eko's big stick and you will see that he was attempting to scratch his patent notes on his massive rod.


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