Finally a complete SURVIVORS connection chart!!

UPDATED: 5th Sept 2006!! Yes IN celebration of MY Ticket to the Season 3 PREMIERE I have decided to UPDATE my Wonderful Connection CHART!! I will BE taking a copy of THIS to Hawaii and I will show IT to Carlton Curse TO see what he makes of it!!

You asked FOR it so I have DELIVERED!! This is MY latest (and in MY opinion) BEST chart to date THAT shows how EVERYONE is conncted!! I hope there are NO mistakes!! LEAVE me a comment if there ARE any omissions (99% UNLIKELY) or if you NEED some explanations!!


  1. could u give some explanations.. cause.. i dont see any connection between walt and rose..? or. real henry and rose?..

  2. Misfit, I think the chart would be a little more clear if you used different colored lines to show how the people were related. Example: A green line if they are married, a blue line if they are parent and child, a yellow line if they are siblings, and so on.

  3. Uhm, yeah, where did you find out that Rose is Walt's mother? Or that dead Henry is Rose's brother? Oh, they're all black, how stupid of me, should've thought of that. I guess Michael is really Walt's older brother and therefore also Henry and Rose's son then.
    And how do you figure Libby<->Desmond or Libby<->Locke? Or Eko<->Charlie? Or FakeHenry<->Hurley? Or FakeHenry<->Claire? Or Desmond<->Claire?
    Also, you said that this would connect EVERYONE. Not true, since Eko or Charlie aren't connected to anyone but each other. Also: Michael, Walt, Rose, Bernard/Hanso and Real Henry are also only connected to each other.

    Other than those, they all seem to check out.

  4. You forgot Locke <---> Sayid. (In "Lockdown", Locke inspects the house that Sayid's Nadia is buying.)

  5. Last night I could have sworn I saw Jennifer Garner on the island...where's that connection?

  6. * desmond & claire ? *
    * what ? *
    * when ? *
    * where ? *
    * why ? *

  7. The WOMAN who was going to adopt CLAIREs baby was the SAME woman who was in DESMONDS photo it the HATCH

  8. so , some things 2 say

    rose = real henry (rose is NOT the diary writer because she's mentioned in it

    Bernard = Hanso ( source?)

    desmond = claire (i dont think it's the same girl)

    claire = Fenry (i dont think it's thomas father)

    rose=walt (come on man , do you really believe that?)

    you should call him "Boone" not "boon" , lol.

    you forgot locke=sawyer connection , lockes father may be the real sawyer.

  9. "you forgot locke=sawyer connection , lockes father may be the real sawyer."

    No!! That is ONLY speculation!!

  10. ok, people, don´t you get this site´s humor??? Some of you talk like if the guy was serius...
    Now, about the Desmond/Claire connection: that IS true. The girl is exaclty the same... No question!

  11. hello. question, how do u know for rose and walt..?

  12. Rose seems a little too old to be Walt's real mother. Plus, the first time Michael saw Rose, wouldn't he have said, "Hey, I know you, we had sex once?"

    Besides, if I am not mistaken, didn't we see Susan pregnant with Walt in the first Michael flashback ep ("Special", ep 1x14)?

  13. just saw first seasons "special" episode.
    "Violence ensues and a mysterious island beast makes a re-appearance when Michael and Locke clash over Walt's upbringing. Meanwhile, Charlie is tempted to read the missing Claire's diary, and Sayid enlists Shannon to help decipher the French woman's map."

    Has any1 noticed walts comic? does any1 know the titel? is it a real existing comic? got some strange lab scenes, polar bears and a shut off island in it.... *pondering silence*

  14. Susan WAS not pregnant with WALT!! It is all MISDIRECTION!! Rose was ARTIFICALLY inseminated!!

  15. Well, you wrote Boones' name wrong.

  16. You should wait until something actually happens before you put in on the chart. I am suspcious of ROSE - WALT connection and the Libby - Desmond thing. Also, both would be spoilers if true and you have no such warnings on here. Is that casting call thing supposed to be the whole episode? It sure leaves out almost all main characters.

  17. i agree with the above.

  18. To "alilili":
    You can read Walt's comic online... Start here:

  19. what about Russo on your chart???

  20. Holy.................. crap.

    Good work!

  21. libby and desmond are connected

    libby is in desmonds flashback episode.

  22. Explain to me where "Locke's father is the real Sawyer" is only speculation and Rose is the mother of Walt is NOT speculation? Please, tell me where you come up with these facts.

  23. Misfit, I'm glad that you added how they were connected to the chart. This brings so much information to me. I never would have guessed that Sawyer was Kates mom. Thank you for using your detective skills for good, and not evil.

  24. No, you twit, Sawyer MET Kate's mum

  25. Well, its either been altered or you guys are reading it wrong cos:

    1) It says Rose is Walt's grandmother which i guess is possible cos we never met Walt's mom's mother. (And who's saying Michael or Walt ever did either)

    2) Boone is spelt right

  26. You're late to the party, Anon...

    I saved a copy to my hard drive yesterday...

    1. It DID say Rose was Walt's mom.

    2. Boone WAS spelled "Boon".

    Yes, looks the blog-meister has corrected these items.

  27. Don't forget that Locke is Ana Lucia's father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. The comic book link can't be right. Walts comicbook was in Spainish! Michael even comments how Walt can't read it because of the language difference, and Walt replies "I like to look at the pictures".

  29. You know, it really would help if you could actually read the blimmin things. My God!

  30. I can see it no problem. Just click on the image.

  31. The Claire/Michael connection is wrong. One office was in Sydney, the other was in America.

  32. Your site is shit, its all utter ballshit, its all a load of lies, get out and grow up.

  33. I am hoping to MAKE some big upDATEs to this after the TWO for the road episode!!

  34. You stupid asshole! That chart doesn't make any sense! Enough with your bullshit detective work! Nothing on that stupid chart is concrete! You are insane!

  35. Stephanie what PART do you not UNDERSTAND!! I will try to explain IT with YOU!!

  36. What's the deal with Desmond selling a boat? You don't need a baot in a hatch! When did the real Henry go to Mr. Clucks? When did Locke work for a box company? How can the fake Henry be Aaron's grandfather? Fake Henry is not that much older than Claire!

  37. I will give you some CLUES.

    1) Look at my site! You will SEE mrclcuks sponsered the BALLON that Henry Gale was in

    2) It was CONFIRMED in season 1 that Locke worked for a BOX company.

    3) In a flashback LIBBY sells the boat to DESMOND for his around the WORLD trip

  38. OK but what is a ballon?

  39. Hot air ballon!!! Are you dumb?

  40. No I am not dumb but obviously you are if you could not figure out that I was calling Misfit dumb for not being able to spell "balloon."

  41. Uh hello it is spelled balloon and not ballon!

  42. It is spelled balloon not ballon you asshole. I guess you can't spell or find good clues Misfit! I totally believe you are in a hospital cuz from your CLUES you are an obvious RETARD!

  43. you're so full of shit, man

  44. i believe that rose is walt's mother, how about vincent? i think he/it is her child too (walt's twin like in the book "bad twin")

  45. Not bad work. I can't wait to see if all your work will be proven in time.

  46. this site is full of shit

  47. oh my goodness people...

    name calling because he spelt a word wrong... sheeeesh grow up.

    if you don't like what he wrote here... then don't read it.

    I think it looks good!
    More to be added... in time... but good job.

  48. the chart seems pretty reasonable


  49. Hmm..

    When Sawyer bumped into the car door, they were outside the bar they meet properly in. So technically that only counts as one meeting.

    There is yet no proof that Jack and Claire are related-- this may be what the writers want you to think for fans to keep talking about.

    No proof of Rose/Walt's relation, no proof of Aaron/Fenry's relation.

    No proof Desmond's girlfriend was gunna adopt Claire's brat, either.

    So please think about all this before making up bull on your blog. :)

  50. you truely are a Misfit this connections chart.. 90% of it is a load of BOLLOCKS your site is soo comical. thanks for waisting 15mins of my time.

  51. Can you TELL me the 90% that you do NOT agree with!!

  52. How exactly are you coming up with Jack & Claire are brother / sister?

  53. Well I thought It was obvious that the woman that Jacks dad had an AFFAIR and a daughter with is Claires mum!!

  54. wow, stephanie needs to chill the hell out. i think it's pretty funny that you're critiquing misfit's spelling when you misspelled boat (baot) in one of your rude comments.

    let's just keep this friendly, people. when you're attacking people about spelling it just gets things off topic and it's incredibly rude.

    we're just all trying to enjoy the show and figure out what is going on. calm down, people, seriously.

    and if you don't remember locke working for a box company, then maybe you need to rewatch the episodes and stop attacking people online.

  55. Yeah well maybe you should shut the fuck up. I spelled one damn word wrong and MISFIT the RETARD misspells ALMOST everything. At least I don't try in random caps you dumb fucking bitch. If you think you are going to find out what it going on with this show from Captain Dumb Shit you are so wrong.


    umm...about the comic book. HURLEY was reading the comic book on the airplane (final episode, season 1). HURLEY's heritage is spanish speaking.

    walt picked up the comic book from the wreckage to pass time.

    no big deal

  57. you are fucking retarded. where the hell did u come up with these bogus connection? rose beign walt's mother? god you're retarded

  58. i would like to join your fan club. please. also i hope you dont mind, but i've nicked this for and my desk top. many thanks

  59. How is Bernard Hanso?

  60. OMG why is everyone bitching on everyone. This is a place where one person gives his vision on the show. If you don't agree then just give counter arguements or stop reading. Why all that name calling. Themisfitshere has always given answers to everyone and in return he gets ...

    It's a TV show so lighten up it's supposed to be fun. I like to read what others think about it and I don't always agree but that's no reason to act like that.

    Sorry was of topic but after reading everything Stephanie wrote... girl you need to get help think you got some screws loose or missing. In a way it's funny you hate his idea's, you hate the site, you trash everything but you keep comming back...

  61. For real man, you seriously need to address how you came with every black person on the island being ralated or at least what sources you used. I refuse to believe that Micheal wouldn't have recognized Rose if she is who you say she is. In addition, could you address Locke and Libby? I think I know how you came up with it, but I just need some verification. Thanks dude, keep rockin'.

  62. You didn't indicate how Mr. Eko was related to those dead guys in the plane. Additionally, I don't see how the French Woman is tied in to any of these people.

  63. I can see most of you are very angry young men, why don’t you all open a window take your hands out of your pants, switch off lost , and go and do something productive, or even better go and find a girlfriend.

    You may ask me then “what does that make you ?” my job is to get geeks outside I get paid to do this fuck wits.

  64. Just to let you know that you are clearly thick and cannot spell or puncutate for shit! Idiot.

  65. you switched the names eko and charlie!

  66. Great info! Thank you very much for posting that.


  67. i need to understand the libby and loc relation

    thanx and btw this site you've made is pretty kool

  68. Cool man.

    I just had a revelation that Bernard was Alvar Hanso too...:-)

    I'll dig on that trail too...

  69. Once again, What evidence is there that Bernard = Hanso? The only real information we have about Bernard is that Rose said that he has a mouth full of sweet teeth in Everybody Hates Hugo and that he is a dentist in SOS

  70. How are Hurley and Eko connected via Driveshaft?

  71. First when I saw The orientation movie I thought: Hey, that looks like Cancerman from the X-files!

    Why don't they show Alvars face? Because he is on the island of course...and Bernard is the most Alvar-look-a-like on the island...

    We don't know much about Bernard but he seemed to have a unlimited supply of money in his pre-plane-crash-life. And now he is kept alive with food falling from the sky by his own company.

    He claims to have been a bachelor for 56 years! I think he has been stealing some of that life extension drug for himself..:-)

  72. Stephanie sweetie... ever heard of anger management classes?

  73. Stephanie sweetie... ever heard of anger management classes?

    Yes and my anger management class would like to invitie you to SHUT THE FUCK UP! This little chart doesn't make any sense at all cuz Misfit is such a fucking retard! He's making shit up and passing it off as real and I'm not going to stand for it!

  74. Stephanie maybe IF calmed down AND stated WHICH connections you dont UNDERSTAND maybe we can explain them TO you!!

  75. Thank you Misfit but I am watching old episodes that I missed the first time around and maybe the chart will make some sense but I still think some of the connections are not very important.

  76. 90% of this connections are false.

  77. What the heck is SRMHI?

  78. SRMHI is the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institution!!

  79. One of my friends just sent me this site. I enjoyed reading it and finding out some clues/ideas people had. I think some of the connections are very true...and some are far out there but its fun trying to figure out how everyone is connected.

    For those of you who enjoy the swearing and telling people off, then just stop coming on the site if you are going to be angry and criticize people. I value others opinions but is it necessary to get all pissed off. This is supposed to be fun.

    Thanks misfit for sharing...

  80. Misfit please explain exactly how you know this to be true. You have not proven anything. This is pure speculation.

  81. So you just make up whatever you want and then change it when you cant come up with a good explanation. Good plan.

  82. I have NOT changed anything except TO add NEW connections!!

  83. Can you e-mail me so we can discuss you chart further?? its very interesting!!!


  84. Really great connection chart you're providing, dude.

  85. Stephanie would you sleep with me tonight? I'll pay you 2 bucks.

  86. I would but Misfit is my man! Is 2 dollars how much you usually have to pay to get people to sleep with you?

  87. i'll make it 3 and a half cos uv given me a good laugh here toite stephanie! best posts av seen on this site so far!!

  88. I am sorry stephanie, but you had better back off of MisFit...HE IS MINE!

  89. How do you know all this stuff is true? How do you know that Desmonds girlfriend was going to adopt Aaron? And how do you know Rose is Walts grandmother? And what does the Bernard and Hanso link mean?


  90. first thank you for this, even if it's not all real, like some say. it helps a lot. how or/and when did sawyer and kates mom meet? and is rose walts grandma or mother it says grandma, right?

  91. IN the LONG con sawyer and THE other man met in a diner!! They were SERVED by KATES mummy!!

  92. Thanks for the chart. It has provided some new insight and interesting theories. I appreciate your clue searching, even if others do not and are quick to judge. Keep up the good work. People that have no life and use the internet to bully others are really sad.

  93. u r so sad. i cant beleive u actually do this.

  94. Maybe create two charts. One that can be bcked up by the show and one full of The Great Misfits predictions.

  95. I am still waiting for the proof or at least the evidence that Bernard is somehow related to Hanso. Please provide this information. Also, please provide the evidence that supports why Rose is related to Walt. If both of these theories are true (no evidence for either yet) then it seems that Dharma/Hanso have gone through a lot more work than they needed to just to kidnap Walt. I mean if Rose is Walt's grandma, then Rose and Bernard/Hanso could have visited Walt after his mom died and ran away with him then.

  96. How is Sayid Kate's father??

  97. You forgot to connect the fake Henry with the real henry.

  98. You also forgot to connect Charlie with Hurley when they almost took the same elevator in the Hotel before they got the plane in the episode Numbers.

  99. I didn´t understand the Sawyer and Shannon connection.

  100. Jin also saw Jack in the airport.

  101. i'm confused how do we know Fake Henry being Aaron's granddad....and Rose being Walt's grandma...and that the Real Henry was Rose's brother???

  102. SAYID is not kates FATHER!! Sayid MET Kates father in IRAQ!!

  103. I posted that:

    - You forgot to connect the fake Henry with the real henry.

    - You also forgot to connect Charlie with Hurley when they almost took the same elevator in the Hotel before they got the plane in the episode Numbers.

    - Jin also saw Jack in the airport.

    - and what hell is the connection between Sawyer and Shannon?

  104. You could put the name of the episodes where the connections were found.

  105. Hi, love the site!! how about hurley & anna are related? both spanish heritage? Cousins? & I also think that the real "sawyer" is lockes father like the other guy said!! keep it coming... ps ic not done a spell check, that way Steph can do it for me & have her say

  106. Dude, dont lie about changing it. And i personally do think half thats is crap. But i dont hate you. You just yearn to be admired so you post all this phoey. Maybe JUST MAYBE if you changed the word "spoiler" to "theory" people wouldnt hate you as much
    AND stop witring RETARDEDLY

    it doesnt make you any better....

  107. i believe that locke worked for the box company that boone's family owned

  108. you FORGOT a connection: in the '?' episode, we LEARN that the man that had TRIED to heal ROSE is the father of the 'ALMOST-drowned' girl that eko VISITED.

  109. Misfit, I think your site is entertaining but I have read through the over 100 comments on this subject and see that you have not answered half of the questions. I am going to ask this for the fourth (4th) time, what evidence is there that Bernard is Hanso, Rose is related to the real Henry Gale, or Rose is Walts Grandma?

  110. Those CONNECTIONS will be revealed IN season 3

  111. Since there is no proof for the connections that are mentioned above, at least you say there is no evidence until season 3, doesn't that mean that the connections chart is your theory or guess?

  112. Stephanie, why the hell do you keep coming back if you think Misfits ideas are complete bullshit? If you don't agree with him then leave the site and forget you even saw this shit.

  113. whats the deal with "bernard/hanso" and how do you know this?
    and how is fake henry aaron's granddad? and does this have anything to do with henry aaron as in the record holder for career homeruns?

  114. dude this is all bullshit. how u expect 2 b taken seriously wen ur just chattin balls. need ur head sortin mate.

  115. Apparantly, Sun and Jin have a deplorable lack of connections with the rest of the group. Unless, Sun's Dad is somehow connected to the Hanso Foundation or Dharma. With his plentiful resources, perhaps he is helping to fund some projects since the Military pulled the plug on their funding. Or for that matter, Sun's former boy friend/ English coach that is connected with the hotel chain must have some other pertinent connection with the group tohave been featured in two of the Sun/Jin Episodes. But what could the connection be? As it stands the only connection to the group that exists is an extremely WEAK connection of Hurley being on TV in the background for 2 seconds of one Episode. Any other thoughts of how these two could be related to the group?

  116. For what reason are you in the mental health center? Although very handsome, you look to have a touch of Asperger's syndrome.

  117. (DISCLAIMER: english is not my first language, so Steph dear, please don't get too furious for any spelling errors ok?)

    Now for my proper comment.

    Ok, here's my picks

    1) Bernard = Hanso: Unless you have further info from an inside mole, that's mainly speculation based on the resemblance between Bernard and the 1980 pic of Hanso. Check it here at

    Some support for this theory:
    According to the 'Lost Experience' game, Hanso may be veeery old and, like Joop the Orangotang (105 years) he's benefiting from the "life-extension project". So, Bernard *could" be Hanso. Also according to the LEG, Hanso's been missing since 2002. He may have changed his identity to "Bernard" for some reason (hiding from Mittelwerk and/or Widmore? See "Bad Twin" Book), and met Rose after that, fell in love et cetera. Perhaps the plane was brought down because of him!

    It has also been speculated that later in the series Hanso will be revealed as been one of the 'good guys'.

    2) Desmond & Libby: it's a known spoiler from the 2nd season's finale that Libby is (was...) *the* Libby Widmore, related to Charles Widmore from "Bad Twin" Book and Lost Experience Game. According to that spoiler, Desmond was groom-to-be- of 'Penny' (Charles Widmore's daughter?), and was helped by Libby, who sold or rented her boat to him for his around-the-world trip. We'll know if that's true when the season's finale airs next week.

    TPTB had already implied somewhere (podcast or interview) that some of the new characters for season 3 will come from the Lost Experience Game. I'm betting on the Widmore and Mittelwerk families... So, the 'Libby Widmore' spoiler may be true.

    Damon and Carlton: "We'll be introducing new characters in Season 3, so you'll be getting fresh flashbacks. You'll probably see fewer flashbacks of our original characters as we begin to move toward certain inevitabilities. You will learn more about some of the other survivors next year. Also, where the new characters come from in Season 3 is going be part of the fun and anticipation over the summer, and hopefully by the end of the finale you'll be getting some sense of who those characters might be."

    3) Rose & Real Henry: That's speculation based on information gathered from the 'second diary' found at Lost's Official website. It may be true, but we won't know until season 3. Somebody mentioned that the diary's writer can't be Rose because she was mentioned in it as a 3rd person. I haven't checked it yet, but perhaps the mention appeared at the *first* part of the diary? (written by Shannon) That would explain this inconsistancy (aaah, I'm sure I mispelled that one! Sorry Stephie)

    4) Desmond & Claire: It has been stated quite firmly at other message boards that the girl at Desmond's picture (i.e. his girlfriend) is the same woman who was going to adopt Claire's baby.

    btw, I'll throw my own little bit of theory here saying that I believe that the 'fake psychic' was paid by the Widmore family to convince Claire to give the baby up for adoption (to Penny Widmore)? Maybe there's a more profound reason for them to want that particular baby so bad? Some answers may be provided by the LE game or season 3.

    5) Rose & Walt: pure speculation, but there's nothing to absolutely rule that out yet. Although, if Rose *is* Michael's ex-wife's mother, how come he didn't recognize her mother-in-law? Unless they never met before, which would be weird... Or perhaps there's artificial conception involved (remember Mr. Klugh questioning Michael if he was Walt's BIOLOGICAL father...)

    6) Claire (Aaron) and Fake Henry: This one I don't get. How could Fenry be Aaron's grandfather? Let me speculate a bit: Fenry would have to be Claire's ex-boyfriend's father. I briefly recall the ex-boyfriend making a quick appearance, but how he could be related to Fenry (and consequentialy to the Widmore or Mittelwerk or Hanso families, if we assume that Fenry belongs to one of those clans) is beyond my reach for now. Although it adds another reason to the Widmore family wanting to adopt Claire's baby.

    7) Hurley & Charlie: If I recall correctly, in season 1 Hurley was listening to Charlie's band (Driveshaft) cd before the bacteries ran out?

    Ok, that's it, please be gentle.

  118. What about Loches Dad being the "Real Sawyer" you should add that one....

  119. Shut up anonymous! You can't tell me what to do! Most of Misfit's ideas suck cuz he is a moron but some of Misfit's ideas are good and that is why I keep coming back!

  120. Stephanie, Are you one of Misfits special personalities???

  121. No! I am my own woman and Misfit is his own man!

  122. Out of curiosity how long ago was rose and bernard's meeting? If that was revealed on the show it might relate to his dissapearance as hanso, if this is true.

  123. If you would like a more serious connection chart, check this one out... LOST character relationships chart

  124. The Grandma thing with Rose and Walt is still not clear for, were is the evidence....

  125. I am still not convinced that Rose is the grandmother of Walt.
    Do you have any proof fot that?

  126. hey, did you know USA posted a link to this chart without crediting you? Go to the Life section, then pop candy.

  127. that "serious" lost relationship chart is bollox, it just states the fucking obvious


  129. How CAN i report them FOR copying my CHART!!

  130. Don't think you can as there's no copyright.

  131. This is MY latest (and in MY opinion) BEST chart
    Everything you do in your opinion is good. >_> When its not.

    The image you created needs way more work done to it, like what episode and what happened. Etc Etc.

  132. Stephanie, shut your bitch mouth and show a little respect. He never claimed any of this to be fact.

  133. Would it count that while Jin was deliving the message (in House of the Rising Sun), Hurley was on the TV in that house?

  134. Nevermind that last comment, I see it now.

  135. Man, I dont want to be mean but I am going to be. I hope you are doing all of this as a joke just to playwith peoples minds. B/c your site is a freaking joke. THe ideas that you have come up with shows me and everyone else that you have been up way tomany nights looking at your screen. You are not even making since any more man. Let me help you. Turn of your PC or mac, take some sleeping pills got sleep for like a week and never freaking get back on your blog. To tell you the truth you are so crazy thinking the stuff that you do I would stop wathing lost. It is people like you that may go and try to find an Island and see if Darma is there. Your conection page looks like you pulled names out of a box. OUT!!

  136. I don't understand ; what's the connection between Stephanie the spell-checking transvestite and the chart?

  137. There's something really worrying about this chart: it shows a family relationship between the drug-pusher Vincent and Sun. Just what sort of baby are they expecting? I think the MisShit should tell all of us what's really going on.

  138. How is Rose, Walt's Grandmother and sister of the real Henry?

  139. Stephanie...R U from NJ?

  140. bring back boone you need to shut the fuck up! I am Misfit's biggest fan! stephaniesux no I do not suck and I am not from NJ! Misfit I like the new look of the chart but some things still do not make sense! I don't think that Rose is really Walt's grandmother!

  141. pinchi coyote themisfithere, deja las cabronadas guero come tacos d carne, pinche cabron q t la clave Alvin Hanso y tu vieja la pinche peach, cachudo y arriola mascatrolas

  142. Proof about Rose and Walt... none cause its false information once again.

  143. Steph, you ignorant slut, just scroll up. He's explained it like four times already.

  144. misfit can you answer a few questions...

    1) How is Rose Walt's grandma other than the fact she is black?

    2) How do you figure Henry Gale (real) is related to Rose, other than their skin color?

    3) Why do you think Bernard is Alvar Hanso?

    4) Why is the fake henry gale aaron's grandpa? I know you had that pic that looks KIND of similar, but not really. Plus, wouldn't it be more likely he's aaron's uncle, because of his age?

  145. oh, and

    5) Sun is Vincent's previous owner?? WHAT? where did you pull that one from?

  146. a result of Katrina, which is widely region Wednesday afternoon should stick before Hurricane Katrina flooded the tendencies to be violent or do room, however there will be no nudity.

  147. This guy probably rights his own anonymous comments HAHA

  148. this site isnt even worth being compared to shit

  149. You cant report anyone dude since the chart isnt yours to start with
    and the ppl all belong to the writers

    POST IT!!

  150. You go misfit. You rock. I love the connections. It is even better when they turn out to be true. You go boy.

    BTW: I love you Stephanie.

  151. "you forgot locke=sawyer connection , lockes father may be the real sawyer."
    "No!! That is ONLY speculation!!"

    thats what the words "may be" are there for...
    so quick, put it in your chart! so the other speculations don't feel so lonely.

  152. Hey Mike, I know Aberdeen is quiet (lived there most my life) but quiet enough to do this?

    Superb stuff, I was too scared to read too far in case I learnt a bit too much.


  153. And don't forget that desmond is claire's brother (they have both australien accent), michael and walt are rose's son (they're all black), hurley and Sayid are kate's cousins (they have curly hair), Sawyer and Shannon are related (they both have blond hair),the guy from the video in the hatch is jin brother (he has the asian look), Sayid is Sawyer's uncle (their names start with an "s") and most imporant of all Misfit is a MORON!!!!!

  154. oh and vicent is misfit's father!! dont forget that!

  155. Guys, you're still forgetting a few very critical connections:

    -before the crash, Claire and Hurley were lovers (Aaron has brown hair)
    -Dr. Marvin Candle is Sun’s grandpa (they’re both Asian)
    -Jack’s dad, Christian, and Locke were in the same ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’ session
    -Charlie’s brother, Liam, and Kelvin Inman are step-brothers (both have beards)
    -Shannon is Jack’s wife, Sarah’s, sister (blond hair)
    -Jack is the devil… one time he had 6 buttons on his shirt, he took 6 steps backwards, and he blinked 6 times…. connected to Boone (who once knew a guy that was possessed)
    -Ethan was Kate’s brother (Ethan claimed to be from Canada, but he was really from Iowa like Kate)

  156. I think I might vomit.

  157. Almost everything listed here is slander. Misfit, do you get off on attention? Because this list is completely retarded.

  158. About Rose being Walt's Mother- I think Micheal'd know who he'd been fucking. And usually if the Mother gets cancer, it might pass on to the daughter, and Walt's mom (who died of a rare blood disorder) Did not have any signs of cancer. Overall, good ideas though.

  159. 666 is not the number of Satan, it's the number of the Antichrist, the incarnate of Satan's son. As seen in 'The Omen'; the antichrist is Damien. He's called the Antichrist because in the bible the devil is satan and satan is anti-god, so his son would be antichrist. Get it now?
    And your connections are far too basic. You have no proof whatsoever. Of all the people in the world to have a relationship, why would it be Hurley? Just because he's got brown hair.... Lost isn't some kind of on-screen spoof where all the characters are lying about their lifestories, maybe a few exceptions, but that's it.

  160. You need TO read the chart BETTER!! Rose is WALTS grandmother!!

  161. """ThEmIsFiTiShErE said...

    How CAN i report them FOR copying my CHART!!"""

    Better question... how can we warn them that it is complete crap? Stupid, what do you plan to do, report them to the Internet police?

    """James said...
    Your connections are far too basic. You have no proof whatsoever. Of all the people in the world to have a relationship, why would it be Hurley? Just because he's got brown hair.... Lost isn't some kind of on-screen spoof where all the characters are lying about their lifestories, maybe a few exceptions, but that's it."""

    Holy crap James, you sense sarcasm/mockery a mile away, don't you? I was making fun of Misfit's idiotic connections that he claims are true and will be 'revealed' in Season 3.

    Oh AND Misfit, what the hell IS up with YOU ranDOMLY capitalizing words or PArts OF words? You guys are all idiots.

  162. All of you are idiots!!! Me and Banana were making fun of misshit's stupid chart!! WTF???!!? I did not know there was someone as dumb as misfit! Hahahah james you're so dumb ( brown hair..)!
    P.S: Misfit your typing is hilarious!!

  163. Vincent is a LAB
    Sun's dog was a CHOW

  164. hey, shouldnt you have jake/claire as brother/sister instead of stepsister? if they have the same father then they are siblings.

  165. You have claire and jack as "brother and step-sister". Step siblings means they do not share any of the same DNA. In this case, it would be "brother and half sister" since they share the same father.

  166. I have read several times on a number of sites that Jack is related to Claire in someway. Dude, you need to make the chart clearer. I can't really understand it.

  167. Ok, I know someone already asked this, but you failed to answer it. How the hell do you figure that Sun is Vincent's former owner? That makes sense in no way. Also, Walt is Vincet's current owner, not Michael.

  168. Vincent was Orginally SUNS!! Remember she had a dog and it was vincent!! Also MIKE is the owner!! Childred are not LEGALLY allowed to own dogs!!

  169. I like the chart. But, Sun did not own Vincent. It was a different breed of dog. Also, Sun asked the "decorator" to look after her dog when she was planning to run away. Her dog was jot going with her. Since most of the back stories come together at the end (getting on the plane)how could vincent have been in Australia and Hong Knog at the same time.

  170. I like the chart. But, Sun did not own Vincent. It was a different breed of dog. Also, Sun asked the "decorator" to look after her dog when she was planning to run away. Her dog was jot going with her. Since most of the back stories come together at the end (getting on the plane)how could vincent have been in Australia and Korea at the same time?

  171. Sun's dog is a sharpei, not a lab. And what is this "children are not legally allowed to own dogs"? Are you high? No one controls that.

  172. Why isn't Walt and Vincent connected?

  173. How come sun i svincents last owner?

  174. I get that this chart's a joke, a bit of fun just to rile people up, but where do you get the bit about kids not being able to own dogs? Is that true in the UK? It's not true in the US or Australia, so either way, Vincent was Walt's in Australia, and would be his in their new home, had they gotten there. Children *can* legally own and register/license pets. Walt had Vincent long before his mother died, necessitating the reunion with his father, Michael, who obviously wasn't comfortable with Vincent at first. Other than that, thanks for the riduculous laughs!

  175. No he is right your dustbin lids cant legally own the dog, age restriction bullcrap, i know cause i just got one six weeks ago and it said the infamous ".. 18 years or older .. " when registering him, but at the end of the day would any parent really take the little doggy off em, if you do you're one weak ass lean muther furker lol

  176. It is still not "Hannah" its "Anna"

  177. Hello I am French! Can you establish a link of my site on your site? Thank you!
    If you makes to a bond on your site I will also make it on my site! Thank you

  178. I'd be the first to say that I don't get your chart.
    Although your web site is ok, it's not all that accurate. You are just a fan, the same as all of us, and you don't have any inside connections to ABC or the whole Lost production.How can you say you have stated "FACTS"? You're just as "Lost" ( no pun intended) as the rest of us!Looking foward to Season 3 to get some answers. Have a safe trip too.

  179. The name is Eko, not Echo ... Good work!

  180. It's not Hannah, and its not Anna, the correct name and spelling is "Ana-Lucia Cortez" , and you guys call yourself LOST fans...shame on you..LOL

  181. I know, but anna is the nickname she has gotten here in norway, You are correct about ana-lucia!

  182. How do you know the real Henry is Rose's brother? And how do you know she's Walts grandmother?

  183. how is rose walt's grandmother AND his real mother through artificial insemination?? make your mind up!
    Plus that chick in Desmonds photo oringinally was clearly a continuity error. Maybe they didnt want to use that actress?? because it's exactly the same picture just a different women!

  184. Stephanie said...
    What's the deal with Desmond selling a boat? You don't need a baot in a hatch! When did the real Henry go to Mr. Clucks? When did Locke work for a box company? How can the fake Henry be Aaron's grandfather? Fake Henry is not that much older than Claire!

    Get with the programme love or SHUT THE HELL UP! Ever thought about actually paying attention to the show and not just taking the Mispricks word for it? How can you NOT know that Locke worked for the box company that Hurley ended up owning for an investment after winning the lottery? Ever think Henry isn't much older because of the Island? and how it might prolong life?these experiments they're using the island for, just might have something to do with it?
    And how did Des sell his boat?...There was a storm..he landed on the beach and the boat was attracted by the magnetic force to another part of the island..And that was given to him by Libby.
    So until you actually watch the show and have something interesting and decent to say about Lost, I'd suggest not to bother posting on this site anymore. And especially if you're gonna take the piss out of misfit, i know hes a pratt but you cant deny its not interesting.

  185. WHO the heck is "Hannah"????
    Do you mean "Ana Lucia"??

  186. fist of all i love this site, thanks misfit ! <3
    Some people are just so stupid they can't event recognize jokes/sarcasm/parody when they read it, this is funny as hell !
    one point though, I think that it's Locke and not Hurley who owned a Drive shaft's CD before they got on the island. Something to check in early season 1, but I'm pretty sure of it.

    Keep up the good work !

  187. misfits, love the chart, but can you separate them in two of them 1) with ACTUAL connections 2) with SPECULATIVE MISFITS connections to claim "i told you guys" when there are no more speculations but facts !!!

  188. alright,first of all your all just crazy,trying to figure out"oh rose is walts grandmother....." and other relations that just don't make any sence!!! i mean come on people!!! all of you i could guese are most likly older than me... and hell!! im only 12 and i have more commen sence than you!!! all you guys are doing is bikering over who is related to who!and i think most of it is a whole load of balloni!!!!!!!!


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