DESMOND and KEVIN were clones!!

Here is ANOTHER worldwide exclusive that I can reveal!! The other HATCH operator kevin (photo no.2) was DESMONDs (photo no.1) clone!! Here for the VERY first time we see A picture of KEVIN from the season finale!!


  1. 1. where do you find that picture?
    2. Thats younger desmond , landed on the island for a few minutes.

  2. this is ridiculous. you see a picture and say "THAT'S A FACT".
    in my opinion this is henry ian cusack playing Desmond, just a bit younger and less crazy.

  3. Why do you type LIKE thIS? It'S F*cKiNg annoying

  4. That's a FacT MisFit! YoU arE SpoT on As ALWays!... I knEw iT wAs thaT thEy ArE CLonEs!!

    YoUr A FreaKiNg GeniuS oF thE HiGHesT CalIbeR..


    When I groW Up I WannA Be A MiSFit ToO!!

  5. Nah, I think that's just Desmond in his flashback. He'd have shorter hair just like he does there. Cool pic though.

  6. Now, how hot is he???? I´m in love with Desmond!! And now with his very own clone, lovely Kelvin *sight*

  7. I don't see Kelvin mentioned in your casting sheet for the final episode . Hmmm. Man, I would like your site if not for the fact that you act like your speculation is 100% fact when we have not even seen the episode yet.

  8. Isn't that a picture of Goodwin?

  9. hahahah yeah it is Goodwin. I guess it is possible that goodwin could be Kelvin.. it could also maybe be NotHenry?

  10. Seeing again 2x07 (the other 48 days) I say he's Goodwin, with a different haircut. Look at the eyes (smaller than Desmond's ones). So Goodwin can be the mysteryous Kelvin, but Desmond said he died, even if I didn't completely believe his words

  11. Sorry BUT it does not look ANYTHING like GOODWIN

  12. WHY dO yOu TyPe LiKe A REtard?

  13. You're letting the 5'oclock shadow confuse you. It's indeed Goodwin. Note the shape of the eyes, they teardrop down in the corners. The nose is the same as well.

  14. OMG WTF are you guys talking about?? that's not goodwin, and I'm not sure it's Desmond either, it's just Henry Ian Cusack, in either a movie or a show..but it's definitely NOT GOODWIN...the misfit is, as always, RIGHT!

  15. Anonymous said...
    That's a FacT MisFit! YoU arE SpoT on As ALWays!... I knEw iT wAs thaT thEy ArE CLonEs!!

    YoUr A FreaKiNg GeniuS oF thE HiGHesT CalIbeR..



    Bet u wrote that yourself. So sad

  16. Um...isn't that a pine tree and a telephone pole behind the alleged Kelvin? I might be wrong about the telephone pole (could be a tree), but I haven't seen too many pine trees on the island!

  17. They do not look alike to me...sorry babe.

  18. i was pretty sure everyone knew this already.. its that obvious!! but maybe u concentrate so hard on finding images in the snow that you miss out on the actual story... did you not wonder when he sed see you in another life????????

  19. Hey Mike Rotch, they didn't pay any attention to me on the other Board, but maybe you might find this interesting. I found a site Check it out! And, click on "Final Words" and you will see a letter. Within the letter, check out the link to Lifeboat Foundation. What they do such has a lot in common with Dharma Industries.

  20. I am afraidn THAT these are the SAME actor!!

  21. Really, that is Goodwin. It is not the same actor as Desmond. Sorry, but you're wrong on this one, misfit. The rest of you're site is great! Kudos to you! But that guy in photo #2 is goodwin

  22. You're all wrong, it's the plumber from Desperate Housewives!

  23. I do not remember who kelvin was! Help, who was he in season 1?? How did he relate to the story! I remember Desmond but not Kelvin1 Please help!

  24. Kelvin WAS the person in the HATCH with desmond!!Desmond said that KELVIN died!!

  25. hurrly is sitting on the beach at the end off ep13 reading a script called the bad twin

  26. omg how stupid u are, that actor doesnt even play in the finale...

  27. haven't you all seen the season 2 finale - kelvin inman is the guy who was in the hatch before desmond who also was with siad in a flashman at the army barracks!


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