I have CALCULATED what mister Echo is building!!

I have BEEN examining the many BITs of wood that mister ECHO is chopping down with HIS axe and I can reveal that HE is building a TRBUCHET!! The dimensions ALL match exacrly with the PHOTO below!! I suspect IT will be used to LAUCH the dynamite AT the others!!


  1. He's Building a church man!!!!!!!!
    It said on one of the lost diaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i think that trebuchet idea is rather stupid, no offence...
    but if someone was to build a trebuchet that would "launch dynamite to the others" that would be locke. also consider that dynamite is rather unstable, they will most probably blow up themselfs than the others :)

  3. i thought u said it was an arc similar to noah's to transport the survivors, and the polar bear to safety...

  4. for the love of all things holy you are a fuking retard!!!!!! whats the point of saying crap like dat.its a fooking church you geeky spaz. i mean for the love of christ you must actually watch the episodes with no sound on.........all i can say is that hospital your in dus not do nefin for ya. weirdo!!!!!

  5. do you actually watch lost?

  6. yeah omg if you took an intrest in the actual plot instead of making stories up of your own you might actually learn something about whats really going on!!!

  7. ey man .. i think you realy did "LOST" it ... its only a TV show.. and your not a detective.. your a sick guy ... tell your friend "dave" to leave you alone .

  8. what the f... ? ey man .. take the red pill .. the blue its making you delirious

  9. You are such a retard it is going to be a church... it is so obvious as he said it to bernard. this isnt the only shit post you have wot about the one where libby is on her knees and somehow you manage to make that out as she is buried in the sand. oh yeah and the one where henry have a logo on the back of his head... you so blatantly edited that pic as you managed to paint all over his collar aswel

  10. Keep up the good work. Even when your're wrong it at least give me a good laugh. Come on a TRBUCHET!

  11. Are you serious?......
    Did you escape from ur Mental Institution or somthing cuz its a freakin church... And why the Fck would he launch dinamite at the others

  12. yeah good call that was my next guess

  13. Look, I won't describe you as retarded, I won't tell you to fuck you, but I'll tell you what:

    (and I won't copy this bothering capitalization-thing)

    After minutes of exploring this page, I'm gonna present my maaaaassive knowledge about ThEmIshjnflaawhatever to the audience:

    He is a genius!

    That's all because he's writing nonsense and gets one (doubtful) half of the people to adore him, and the other half to write funny stuff against him. He sits at home in the middle of nowhere and has a lot of fun entertaining himself over this comedy! Ha, gotcha!


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