Mysterious WRITINGS on daves HAND

It's BEEN a bust DAY for me here!! I keep FINDING more and more CLUES about the SHOW!! I am sure ABC will want to HAVE this page removed SOON!! After LOOKING and researching the episode DAVE again I found some strange writing on HIS hand!! I HAVE determind that it is the STRANGE hieroglyphics FROM the timeR!! CAUSE to die!!


  1. You have found some really interesting things, but this just looks like a scar.

  2. somebody can't remember their lines

  3. It's dirt. This has already been pointed out.

  4. dave asks for his slipper and he sits and uses his hand in the dirt and he wipes his hands but when he gets up he uses his hand again in the dirt to get up and this time he gives hurley a hand without wiping his hand, its dirt definetly

  5. I thought it was peanut butter.

  6. it loocks like some kind of text

  7. u r such an idiot. wot a load of shit - u need 2 get a life m8 nd stop makin up fings up

    "I am sure ABC will want to HAVE this page removed SOON!!"
    pfffffft as if!!!

  8. its mud u fucking retard, they fell over. god your a CuNt!

  9. maybe he got drugged to believe what he was doing jummping of the cliif

  10. that doesnt mean anything your dichhead i am sure that ABC reads your blog for a little fun!!! asshole

  11. dude thats mud! are u stupied


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