!SPOILERS! Do you want SOME more inside information!!

As promised my mole HAS revealed some NICE bit of FACTS for next weeks SHOW!! Mr EKO will face the MONSTER again but will not be SO lucky this TIME and We will see the return OF DR.Marvin handle!! HERE are the other KEY facts!!

- Locke and Eko see a vision of YEMI on the island!!
- Libby finally DIES
- The “?” is a pearl looking building that WE assume is the main control centre for the hatches
- They find another Dharma tape in HERE!!
- Apparently it says something like you deserve a vacation for hitting the button every 108 minutes!!


  1. YEMI is mr EKOs priest brother who got SHOT!!

  2. Yemi will be the black horse , christian sheppard , and so one... for eko !

  3. wow, how fucking sad, you and ur site need help with your lame attmepts of Truth and Being Silenced. you and ur "mole" should fuck urselfs. get a life and enjoy the show, or post interesting things or ideas. Not shit u claim to be spoilers or big discoveries that you researched. P.S. You desperately need to get laid.

  4. Keep it up. don't let these guy bring you down. you might be ass but I like the site.

  5. keep it up i like the site. you might be a ass but hey you got the info that no one else has.

  6. It's actually Marvin Candle, not Handle.

    Great site!

  7. Yet again,more high quality spoilers.

  8. i've been searching the net for over an hour for some lost spoilerish .. stuff and this is the only site ..with this .. i hope it is true . super cool stuff .. bravo !!!!!

  9. The next episode will be great :P

  10. cool site here u got. i've been reading posts here recently and u got some good info.
    don't listen to pricks,
    keep up the good work.

  11. There was a quick "scene from the next episode" at the end of this week's show that gave me the impression Mr. Eko was going to die. Scenes from the next episode are always quick but I remember him falling off a cliff. The picture here could be a frame capture leading up to what I remember. Anyway, the prediction made on May 3rd was correct although I don't know what time it airs in your part of the world so I had my doubts. If this prediction is true I will be very disappointed to see Mr. Eko go but curious how it plays in to the story. In my opinion his character has been the strongest symbol of redemption and one of my favorites. I think most agree there's been a definite (and more clear distinction recently) between good and evil, perhaps on the island there is no redemption.

  12. its probably a dream sequence when Eko falls off a cliff

  13. Eko has yet to finish building his church. Unless some lame plot writing has Charlie finishing the thing all by himself and assuming the role of island minister I would bet Eko is gonna hang around a bit longer.

  14. I'm not finding anything horribly wrong with your spoilers except for your attitude. I think people will respect you more if you don't TALK like THIS and CAPITALIZE so many WORDS.

    That just bothers me so much.

  15. I hope Libby doesn't die before Hurley remembers how he knows her...

  16. she is dead when he gets there.

    hey misfit how come you dont say that locke and eko find another hatch called "the flame" under the plane that had the heroin statues in it?

    you need to work on those detective skills.

  17. It's Marvin Candle. See that C??? Sorry, no H. Some insider, can't even tell you the correct names of the characters.

  18. Hey Misfit! I LOVE your blog!

    One question: Do you know if we find out the whole Libby in the mental hospital deal before she dies?


  19. It is my understanding that We do!! We also find out A lot more in the season FINALE!!

  20. What happened to Ana Lucia? Is she dead? I hope not.

  21. What happened to Ana Lucia?

  22. HELLO! Dont listen to other people. i like the way you talk and this site is darn amusing and very real at the same time. I'm glad Mr.Eko will not die!!!!

  23. Nice blog. Can't you save libby? i suppose you can tell the producers to save her!:P

  24. Love the site..its very amusing...keep it up and dont worry what these other angry cunts think...as long as theyre talking about you thats all that matters.

  25. hey,nice blog.can you tell the producers to save libby?:P

  26. I read somewhere that Libby has some connection to Desmond, and you have mentioned that too in another blog, do you know what the connection is??

  27. Libby I believe is a WIDMORE and it is libby who SELLS the boat to desmond for HIS round the WORLD trip!!

  28. no info here i have not seen elsewhere - to prove yourself you need to mention something very SPECIFIC that has not been in any previews.

  29. lol. what a load of crap.

  30. Sry to say Ana Lucia is dead. 1 season contract, DWI, her being a bitch.

  31. Sad to say but Ana Lucia is dead. She had a one year contract, then the DWI, and her being a bitch kinda ends it for her.

  32. More SPECIFIC!! Can you show me a PREVIEW that shows another Dharma tape, that shows YEMI, THAT shows the ? being the PEARL station!!

  33. DWI - Driving While Intoxicated

  34. How do you get to the beginning of this site?

  35. LMFAO fuck your a joke lol

  36. Well are'nt you a pathetic little ma without a life of your own, you have to try and acheive status through "HIS"

  37. Looks LIKE my mole was SPOT on again this WEEK!!

  38. Looks LIKE your mole was FULL of SHIT because the MONSTER was not in this EPISODE at ALL and the PEARL was not the "?", nor was any mention of deserving a VACATION for pushing the BUTTON in that VIDEO. Good TRY though MATE!

  39. The PEARL was the ? mark!! HE was wrong ABOUT the monster and the vaction LINE was in the video film!!

  40. For the person who posted a message at the very top... UK SUCKS ASS

  41. The Pearl was not the "?" Look at one of the enhanced versions of the blast door map. Radzinsky had the Pearl marked down as one of the Stations. THE PEARL IS STATION 5 OF 6. Not the "?"

  42. He don,t see the monster again and WE DON'T GET VACATION


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