WORLD exclusive!! - DHARMA satellite MAPS!!

You are ALL priveliged to SHARE in my massive knowledge!! Here is a SECRET and hidden satellite IMAGE of the ISLAND!! ABC will want to delete this ONCE it is OUT.Thanks TO the thinbluemime FOR spotting this!!


  1. thats the side of the plan not a blue print of anything

  2. A close encounter of the blurred kind...

  3. ummm..... no? wheres the water

  4. Yea, real nice retard

  5. dude it was filmed in hawaii

  6. there is a half of dharma sign on the island, and it looks like rivers are runnin through the "cities".

  7. the human brain automatically compares unfinished shapes with those that are familiar, to make them complete. what you put here is just a bad low-res image of some facility of I-do-not-know-what kind. that half-drawn Dharmagon is nothin but imagination like the face on Mars.

    So when I enter some certain letters, plus some stars, you'll read something I WAS NEVER EVER SAYING:

    F*ck th*t st*pid th*ory!



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