Another WORLD exclusive!! Two TIMESLINES on lost!!

I wanted to SHARE with you SOMETHING that I found on THE imdb boards with the help OF someone CALLED DorkUFO!! This I think PROVES beyond and DOUBT that there are 2 distinct timelines OCCURING on LOST!! HEre is the proof!! CLICK to enlarge!!


  1. OMG... time seems to fly by inside the hatch, abd the objects seem to change shape instantly... OMG, it´s a TV show, it´s a production error., nice work, keep it up

  2. You did see Locke reorganizing and cleaning, right? Oh, nevermind, you're too busy thinking that you're a "detective", finding some dumb shit like, "Oh, MR Echo is bUilDing A trEbuChet, LOl." Learn how to use capitalizations correctly. Idiot.

    I must admit, 1% of your finds are somewhat intriguing. They're most likely not yours, though.

  3. You're brilliant, Misfit. It must show Desmond during two different times. Also, it is good to see you citing your souces (though sadly I don't think you'll ever reveal the identity of your ABC insider). Definitely food for thought.

  4. Guess what Dude?!
    I'm a memeber of IMDB
    in fact anyone can be a memeber just go sign up and u to can add stuff to the site

  5. I actually think this might be a pretty good find. Nice work. There is definatley something going on with time on LOST.

    I saw the actor who plays CHARLIE interviewed on Leno and he was saying how he was currently reading a book by Stephen Hawkings - A brief history of time.

    This book deals with physics the creation of the universe, black holes, the possibility of other universes/dimensions, creation/'god', time travel and space time in general. Maybe he was inspired to read it because of his work on LOST.

  6. That is VERY interesting about Hawking!! Thanks for the information!!

  7. lolz. you look disgusting...

  8. AWsoME GreAt FinD! HoW Do You Do iT?
    Time And Time Again!!!!!!!

    Be CarEfUl.. AbC WilL SuRleY sHut YoU doWn!

    AwEsOmE InFO!

  9. shut him down and lose the only laugh they get all day

  10. Hmmmm doing a bit of research myself here it looks to me like the ThEmIsFiTiShErE post comments to himself at times,
    what do you all think?

  11. this info is old as hell.

  12. The record players are two different players - so this isn't a prop oversight.

  13. All this means is the prop people are not very consistant!

  14. with the level of detail with the numbers etc i don't thinmk it's a prop error.....

  15. It is too obvious to be a prop error. Lost has a huge budget and they would have spotted differences. They pay people to take pictures of the set and then re-create them. This has some significance...but what?

  16. Listen you idiots. Nobody makes you read this guys stuff. If his postings get you THAT mad about a stupid TV show then it's YOU who needs help not him. Get a life ffs and leave blokes blog alone!

  17. My theory is that I think everything in Lost has a copy of itself. I mean everything. Including our beloved Losties-stars.

    This Dharma Initiative was pretty innocent from the beginning. It's was a experiment involving twins/clones to see if the Ba Gua/Feng Shui concept really works. So they put twins/clonings in exactly the same enviroment “hatches” but within different energies in the Ba Gua/Feng Shui.

    Somethings goes wrong and some twins/clones goes mad and start killing "bad persons".

    Many Lost-experts has found small differences in The hatch that lead me to the conclusion that The hatch has almost an exact copy of itself somewhere.

    One thing that struck me was the "Medical hatch" had gotten in so great decay for such a short period of time. This must be the “bad” copy.

    “See you in another life” is a popular phrase that make me think of clonings. The Lost-experts also found a significant difference between the doctor in the Mr Eko movie and The orientation movie. Personality changes is also a sign.

    The flashbacks could be pre-clone-memories? The Losties actually never left the island.

    Remember my friend: everything in Lost has a copy, a clone or a twin. One good. One bad. Which one are you watching?

  18. These production errors have been brought up so many times in the past, you only stumbled onto a few of them, there are a bunch more. I wouldn't read too far into it, they are just production errors.

  19. I would find it hard to believe a show with such a large budget and a bent towards the small clues . Would also be 100% accurate in their sets , these cannot be simple production errors I'm sure . I admit until I checked this site out , I didn't have a clue about all these theories that are sounding likely with all the small variances in the sets . Curious , very curious

  20. it a flashback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the clean things is from the begining of man of science, man of faith. and the other ones are from adrift!!!!! it is a flashback of desmond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. good find. Can't forget about the newer washer and dryer too. Hmmm makes you think

  22. good work... but still, GET A LIFE !!!
    go find some crazy
    Lost fan to jump

  23. someone already mentioned the washer/dryer thing. ya know when hurley made the comment about how they looked newer than everything else in the hatch. also, jack told rose he sat in 23A and he and ana lucia were at the bar he said he would be sitting in 23B. there's more, i just can't think of them right now.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Hmmmm doing a bit of research myself here it looks to me like the ThEmIsFiTiShErE post comments to himself at times,
    what do you all think?

    Monday, May 01, 2006 3:59:00 AM
    I doubt that very much. I know there are many people who love this blog. maybe you can post something worth reading instead of crap....

  25. Anonymous said...
    Hahahah.... DorkUFO

    Sunday, April 30, 2006 3:44:00 AM
    WOW! That was brilliant! you Idiot!look at yourself before you put others down.

  26. Misfitishere only finds the information which is a joke or some kind of error. Its never a secret about lost. misfitishere ill tell u something u should find out What the others want with Sawyer and kate. we know the others need jack to help Ben with his x-rays..

  27. A joke in 2006 may turn out to be the truth in 2008. Are you and anon time travellers?

  28. A joke in 2006 may turn out to be the truth in 2008. Are you and anon time travellers?

  29. It WAS not a JOKE!! THis is VERY serious Poof THAT i was correct!!

  30. Wow, that's interesting! Great find...


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