The BLACK rock has been FOUND!! MAGNUM Hansor was the OWNER

Well IT looks like I have found the Black ROCK ship!! It looks LIKE from the INFORMATION below that it was sailting IN the South Indian Ocean WHEN it went missing!! My mole has ALSO informed me that IT was owned by Magnum Hansor!! and THAT the black smoke THAT you can see iN the photo the ship CARRIED inland!! Click on the electronic PHOTOS to make them expand MASSIVELY!!

"This British(?) slave-trading vessel disappeared in 1881, on a return voyage from a gold mining operation in the South Indian Ocean. Perhaps more interesting than the fact the ship was lost were the circumstances preceding and following its disappearance. According to traders on Papua New Guinea, the ship sailed away from port in an Easterly direction, rather than West to Africa, where it would exchange gold from the mines in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea for more slaves. Furthermore, though a copy of the ship's manifest has been discovered - no accurate information is available on the ship's ownership. According to the manifest, The Black Rock initially sailed from (and was supposed to return to) slip 23 in Portsmouth, Britain -- but no shipping company claimed ownership. A crew of some 40 men, along with an uncounted number of slaves, was presumably lost at sea."


  1. For once misfit this is an excellent find.

  2. WTF is this?????? Where did you find it?

  3. That's likely a faked book.

    If the title is New World Sea Traders, it's not in the Library of Congress. (Though it could be a chapter name, but I don't believe in the book until I see a copyright/title page or it's ISBN listing.)

    Furthermore, the text looks like it was added later. Printed text bleeds on the page, and is visible to the naked eye. There is no bleed here. This text appears to be added digitally. I also question the leading and paragraph style. Even the font is out of place.

    It's a halfway decent prop, though.

  4. This is much better misfit, real information and real proof. Good detective work.

  5. Wait a minute - "faked book" ? wtf, does the very latest edition of Photoshop now have a foxing tool that I'm not aware of? "Foxing" is the yellowing of pages on a cheaper grade of paper & if Photoshop can do this up so very real looking then its inventor should get richer than Bill Gates has. I collect antiquarian books (as well as being the world's biggest Lost fan) so I know old pages and the foxing on this page looks very authentic.

    One of those numerous anoyamouses above claimed: "Printed text bleeds on the page and is visible to the naked eye. There is no bleed here." I checked with some of my real oldies to see if this claim was true and NONE had the slightest bit of text bleed even on their most delicate foxed-up pages. Perhaps under a microscope one could detect "bleed" but certainly not with the naked eye unless the words were printed on toilet paper. So his/her claim is dubious & laughable at best.

    The text on this page is "justified" - therefore, the wide leading & spacing is what you get when you justify paragraphs. There is nothing wrong with the typeface style at all but he or she claimed "the font was out of place." "Font" is the wrong word -- the correct word is "typeface" not "font". "Font" stands for the size of the typeface - be it teeny or humongous.

    IMHO this is NOT a faked book.

    Excellent find misfit!

  6. I knew that last year Old very old

  7. This book is part of the lost experience, its a genuine part of the story

  8. It's almost a convincing fake, but a fake none the less.

    Where ever you found it, someone deffinately spent a long time making it.

  9. those claiming this book is fake need to do a little more research first. Its all part of the Lost Experiance Alternate Reality game going on right now. This game is a way for the writers to address some of the concepts and ideas they felt they wouldnt get to talk about in the show.

  10. Guys, this is NOT a fake!
    It was taken from Copenhagen Post 2 at

  11. and WHERE is your evidence about the black smoke then, cus it certainly isn't in that book!!

  12. You can SEE the black smoke IN the electronic PHOTOGRAPH

  13. you stole that info from rachel blake's site


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