Ive found ANOTHER connection!!

It appears that my RESEARCH has uncovered another connection!! This TIME between locke and the WALKABOUT company!!


  1. sorry man but your wrong for like the first time ever. that logo for the walkabout company is a real company. terry (locke) said in an interview with E! that his first flashback was set in a real shop.

  2. OK... so why is he wrong?

  3. if you look closely, un the bottom says lost lost scene its an outake scene that it wasnt even aired and it is in the dvd extras, and is no way relevant with the episode or the story, lol, great site man, i like it dude.

  4. What do you mean it's not relevant? Just because it was a deleted scene, doesn't make it irrelevant.

  5. Yes there's a connection, but it doesn't mean anything. This business 'walkabout tours' supplies a travel/tour of somewhere, so they will need eqipment...it mean nothing

  6. that was the cut scene where the tailies find a crate of boomerangs. This is also your previously mentioned 'mysterious cube'

  7. Excellet babe... You are so smart...That is HOT!


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