Lunatic MAGNETS stetching and MAKING things bigger!!

It appears THAT the magnetic ANOMOLIES on the ISLAND (or should I say CRAZY alien spaceship) are CAUSING all sorts of PROBLEMS!! It appears THAT like walt things ARE getting bigger!! Just look at the TUBES for the notebooks!! They is NO WAY that they WOULD ever get round that BEND!! They would CLOG up and suffocate the PEOPLE in pearly STATION!! I think THIS is the same REASON that the Hurleys PET eagle got so LARGE and the ONE legged ALIENS are also so BIG!! It is like a magnetic RACK!! See the PROOF for yourself!!


  1. wow first one. love the site! love Lost!

  2. obviously you aren't taking size relation into account. Watch the episode and notice that the tube is very large, also it is the same size as the tube in the hatch Locke and Eko went into last episode.

  3. Dude, calm down, it's a show.

  4. omg you are a fucking messed up person. what is up with you and the one legged aliens. the fucking statue wasnt even complete. and this bit "THAT like walt things ARE getting bigger". of course walt is getting bigger. its called growth

  5. Oh my GOD you're an ASS

  6. I think he is just taking the piss now...

    I think he is a sad man.

    I think he is gay...

    He is a queer, twat and a nob end.

  7. You have completely lost it. This may be the most retarded claim of all your retarded claims.

  8. the tube does not supply air, so pearl would not sufficate. Also, stop wasting time on supposed production errors, and just tell us the damn spoilers. Pointing out mistakes does no one any good.

  9. CRAZY theory!

    The tube was straight, the magnetic pulse that brought the plane down just bent the pipe because the top of the tube has a metal ring on it which was attrected to the magnetic force.

    Since the tube wasn't used anymore you never get to it get a container lodged in it.

    Makes more sense then yours.

  10. i wonder whats THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!

    you need to chill and think normal, you make up insane thoughts that coulnd be possible, i think you are crazy and i think you belong in the psy center where hurley was

    OR you Can AlSo TyP NorMal And NoT lIkE ThiS, etc.

  11. BRILLIANT observation, Mike! Keep it up!

  12. Thanks for the laugh and the reminder that we are all taking this way too seriously. (I don't know what's funnier, your amazing DISCOVERIES or the way some people on this blog react to them. Keep up the good work!)

  13. OK HURLEY most definitely is the LOST link..
    "what did one snowman say to the other?" was told by hurley to charlie walking through the the forest .. desmond asked locke this same question on entering the hatch (hurley doesnt know of this) and then kelvin asks desmond the same as we saw in episode 24 - of course .. hurley knows the answer.. FREEZE. (link to polar bears and the island and the antarctic. hemisphere) - I think Libby will appear in a hurley flash back next season (as he walks back to the main group he will stumble upon a new hatch and it will have a password - "what did one snowman say to the other?" + he will type freeze..) as we all know hurley still has the main link to the numbers anyhow. hurley is most definitely "HIM"

  14. you are a dumbass! everyone who reads your site either knows that or is also one...

  15. I have found proof that YOU ARE a big DORK!!!!

    Just click on your picture!!!!

    Seriously man, you need to get a life, you're getting more stupid with every post!!!

  16. I can't believe you haven't posted a screen grab of the hottest moment in the series so far- when Alex feels up Kate. Watch the ending again- you can't miss it.

  17. Mike - YOU are AWESOME!! LOVE the BLOG!! YOU are da' BOMB!!

  18. Please elaborate on your hollow earth theory! I thinkt he polar monitoring station supports this.

    Oh, and you're right, it would never fit around that turn.. no way.

  19. you are the definition of maniacal wack-job fuck nut. you... yes, you.

  20. On a RELATED note... Did YOU see Dr Marvin Candle's HAND on the pile of TUBES? It was CLEARLY visible for approximately 5 SECONDS. That CONFIRMED your theory that the INCIDENT was in FACT Dr Marvin Candle losing his HAND up the notebook CHUTE.

    Good work mIsFiT!!!

  21. are you gay. you look gay... are you

  22. Yes I am very HAPPPY thanks for asking!!

  23. hahaha. cant stop laughing.. haha. hes very happy...


  25. i've refrained from writting comments to these "finds" of yours until now, but now i simply can't resist any more... i think you should know that you are, if not THE GREATEST, at least one of the top 10 idiots of our era... and a good day to you, sir!

  26. Mmmm, i thought the answer to "what did one snowman say to the other?" are "smells like carrots" no? I hear that when desmond told locke.

  27. BACK TO THE SUBJECT: I think the reason Walt is bigger is because he is a grwoing boy...BTW Mike is not gay we have sex all the time.


  28. Where would all the fun be, if the tubes were just goiung straigt across the island?
    They needed to include some curves and loopings! However, they forgot to build a station aroung the tube end...

  29. I think you spend too much time on this - it's not healthy. You are young - go get a real life sweetie.


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