MORE leaks from my ABC mole!!

My abc MOLE has contacted ME again today with some MORE information!! Yet again THEY believe that my detective skills ARE best placed to find out THE hidden links HERE!! The following are WEBSITES that contained hidden secrets!!

Global Paradigms Corporation
The Valenzetti Foundation
The Books & Life of S.K. Nave
Oceania - The Atlantis project


  1. things must be boring up in aberdeen

  2. Those are some "detective skillz" there Napoleon,

    You should really learn to pay attention to the disclaimers at the bottom of the page at

    "(This site is not affiliated with ABC, ABC, ABC or ABC)"

    Not to mention Whois searches for all three websites (come on buddy Angelfire) produce non-affiliated ABC hosting. Heck one of the hosts is on my websites webserver.

    You're schtick was amusing for a few minutes, but now its gotten pretty old and really lame. Give it up clown.

  3. Of course THEY are not part of ABC!! That would be too OBVIOUS!! only my keen DETECTING skills are able TO trace these down!!

  4. Traced one of the links to excerpts from "Fantastic Voyage." I beleive the excerpts for this book give weight to several theories to which I have subscribed. Happy hunting, All!

  5. You know, I've been trying to find a pattern in the words you've chosen to capitalize. Cuz I think that if I piece those words together, I will finally be able to know what you're really trying to hint at.

    Don't doubt me; I really do believe my own theory.

    Oh boy, this is fun! Cheers!

  6. "Global Paradigms Corp. has filed for Chapter 11 protection in the Bankruptcy Court of Santa Dominica County as of October 31, 2005. This site is no longer active but remains online and archival and arbitration purposes."

    Nice DETECTIVE work dumbass.

  7. hey misfit you must me loving the fact that these guys dont believe these links.

    listen up retards they are real and part of the lost experience game.

    i wouldnt call them detective skills being that they are all over most of the lost forums.

    im not saying everything this guy puts up is correct but some of it is. this site never fails to make me laugh one way or another.

  8. Yeah uh, wouldn't it make more sense for your MOLE to give you the info instead of sending you on a wild goose chase?

    You're a fool. We're not buying it.

  9. am i the only person thats posted that thinks this bloke is a loser ?

  10. Hey your stuff is pretty funny but this one is kinda stupid

  11. iT IS not STUPID!! you will see soon THAT this will be proven to BE correct!!

  12. ThIs MaYbE iS aDiCtEd To ThE lOsT eXpErIeNcE 1

    Writing like misfit is no fun... lol

    but this maybe real is addictet to the lost experience. the producers said they wanna trap us... with fan sites and other stuff , so maybe misfit had a great found !
    well , maybe his "dedective skills" have leav him alone lOl

    Excuse my bad englisch please :|

  13. it doesnt have to be proven when its already true man.

    these people must not know about the second lost game

    they probably dont even know that the first game started in november 05 and went into january 06.

    all these sites and many many more are part of the lost experience game that starts may 3.

    all you have to do is listen to the offical podcasts on the abc/lost site where they talk about this all the time.

  14. I don't know about the lost experience game your talking about, but I do know that this guy is right about these websites, The Global Paradigms Corporation client list, list Hanso Foundation and The Valenzetti Foundation. The man on the Valenzetti Foundation talks about Oceanic being his favorite airline, and he talks about the numbers. Then on the same site there is a link for Wildmore Laboratories, on the Wildmoe Labs page there is a sidebar with this note : ":Proud to be the exclusive manufacturer of all Dharma and Infinity brand foods and pharmaceuticals for over
    three decades" So before you call anyone a dumbass, maybe you should research the sites.

  15. in addition: on the Valenzetti Foundation website, there is a link for "original attachment of the formula image" underneath a picture of some chemical stuff, if you open the page in the top left hand corner, there is something on the back side of the paper, can anyone read it? I know there's something there.

  16. where do u find the time to do all this crap...dont u have a job?

    Away and work!!!


  18. If you go to the Atlantis Project website there is a "Board" this links to a list of Doctors and Scientists who work on many interesting topics that are "Lostish". My speculation is that this is the list of the "others". Perhaps not all of them are on the island, but they are all involved.

  19. I went in one of the links and eventually through many clicks of which i cannot recall i ended up at a Biosphere 2 website.......

    it gave a telephone number...and for the first time.....i actally called one.....saying it gave tours and such...

    it is a real place......i felt kinda dumb when the operator answered...i was like.......humm so do you watch the Lost.....lollollo she thought i was nuts.

  20. Listen carefully:

    These are websites put up by fans or people just goofing off. They are not official websites associated with ABC or LOST. Much like the numerous other fanbased fake LOST websites.

    ALL Official LOST/ABC websites are hosted on ABC servers in Burbank.

    ALL Official LOST/ABC websites have the Disney/ABC disclaimers.

    WHOIS the sites and see that neither are registered to ABC or ABC/Disney affiliates. Neither are hosted at ABC/Disney affiliated servers.

    Will you people get a fucking clue?

    And for the brainchild who tells us to "research" pay attention to the link at the bottom of the page where it specificaly states, "This website is not affiliated with ABC"

    Jesus you people are ignorant.

  21. gabrial(if that is INDEED your real name)!! Of course they WILL put not abc!! That is to try to THROW us of the scent!! But as I am a good detective I have SEEN through there deception AND revealed all HERE!!

  22. Misfit, you are a genius. Keep up your work. I hope the powers that be at ABC don't ever locate you.

  23. SO at this HOSPITAL they allow you UNLIMITED Internet access, do THEY? how did ABC find YOU and decide YOU would be the ONE to who they would LEAK all this valuable INFORMATION?

  24. Yo Gabe! Lighten up sunshine, no need for the language. People are just trying to have a little fun here. If Misfit makes you so upset then get off this Blog. It is not worth the stress. Make your point, but do it intelligently and respectfully. I enjoy reading this blog including those who disagree with Misfit, but your language and mannerism on this blog makes you seem like you have the mentality of a 14 year old. Your 34 come on man grow up. I know that you will probably respond to me by typing obscenities at me, go ahead I will respond to you no more. Enjoy life.

  25. I do not KNOW who you are but you CERTAINLY are not my mother!! I guess THEY found me by looking AT my site and seeing what a GOOD detective I was.

  26. Misfit, I'm worried about your status and what might happen if ABC gets ahold of you. I am in the underground bunker business and think that you might need to go underground. We will need to design something that still allows for internet access. I will leave my phone number, please edit it out of this post.

  27. There's no such county in all the United States. Now who's the dumbass? Dumbass.

    John Locke said...
    "Global Paradigms Corp. has filed for Chapter 11 protection in the Bankruptcy Court of Santa Dominica County as of October 31, 2005. This site is no longer active but remains online and archival and arbitration purposes."
    Nice DETECTIVE work dumbass.

  28. I'm pretty sure the dumbasses are Misfit, who posted the worthless link, and you, Jessey, who took days to dig up that valuable piece of information. Fucker.

  29. Congrats, you found a bunch of fan sites that have barely anything to do with the show. What a leak!

  30. Give the guy a break.
    If you don't buy it, then go to another site.

    Good work!

  31. Um hey Sherlock Misfit (if this is INDEED your real... nah atleast its a fitting name),

    somebody sends you links (obviously to fool you) and you "trace them down" and think it's as cool as can be?
    again there is the question: where is the detective part?

  32. I think you need to give Mike the benefit of the doubt. Check the websites out. I was skeptical at first (because I've seen Mike's other posts), but as some of these comments have suggested, there appears to be more than meets the eye with these websites. I wrote about some of the intricacies here. Check it out; I don't think you can dismiss these sites that easily. I think they're legit.

  33. omg!!! go to then go to faq! they explain the numbers!

  34. valenzetti site is definitely a fake... read some and you'll find out it was written in italian an google-translated. ridicolous :)

  35. Dr. Marvin Candle, MLSM (Berkeley, 1974) is listed as a Division Staff Member on the bigspaceship link from the http// site.

  36. this crap is crap... abc has to put a disclaimer on all their stuff. It's mandatory. Not only that, all their stuff is built so nice and in flash and has alot of technology in them, really just great peices of art. the web deveopers are paid professionals, not cheap hacks. I design for a living, these these sucks and are not from any firm I know of. Not only that, if they really did go bankrupt, Lockeed would sue them to remove their name. Honestly, look how shitty these sites are built. It's not a lost site. Move on to the next one.

    What a bunch of retards.

  37. well....i followed some links on the valenzetti site....and names that pop up are also names of characters on ABC's Alan Goreshivki (is that a nod to Al Gore?)

    also if you look at the clients list on site....Hanso is listed there

  38. you are really stupid you know that? what a waste of everybodies time!!!


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