Did Dr MAvin Candell LOSES his arm up the SHOOT!!

I've been WONDERING for sometime EXACTLY what the incident iS and I think I now know AFTER watching LAST nights SHOW very carefull!! It looks like THE sneaky doctor lost his arm up the NOTEBOOK shoot!!I think HIS pained expression gives away this FACT!! I think it is safe to assume that THE mystery of the incident can NOW be laid to rest!!


  1. Another mystery solved. Keep up the good work, Misfit!

  2. Wow, I am lovin the super sleuth skills dude!

  3. i really dont think this is fact the incidet has been referred to too many times to be something as simple as that!!

  4. stay away from being "funny"..........

  5. I love your site, but you aren't as observant as you think. It's Candle's RIGHT arm that's missing (see Orientation video). Look how he's standing in the Pearl video. Wrong arm.

  6. as if his arm got sucked up that thing.

    you do find some good things but your explination for them is bullshit. how the fuck can u assume the thing sucked up his other arm?

    thats so so stupid. i hope you were jokin

  7. I cannot imagine he lost his Arm up this shoot since the vacuum pressure doesn't kick in until the tube is closed again . I also imagine the good Dr would have been screaming his head off having a limb ripped from his body . I saw the show last night and I didn't see what you are claiming . But you have an interesting site so keep up the theorizing . Shawn from Canada

  8. Hey, you might have something, Dr Candle and Dr Wickman. Similar meaning names, but different, same face or different? same person? who knows? Why did he change names?

  9. Definetly didnt lose his arm up teh vacuum shoot. you do have some good catches, but that idea was kinda dumb. locke had his hand pretty much INSIDE the shoot, and I don't recall him losing any fingers or his arm.

  10. Here you go the full video:


  11. First the tube takes Agustus Gloop and now it's taken the good doctor's arm! Oh, the humanity!

  12. LMFAO...awesome Misfit.

  13. if I would see a video that mentioned that this chute will bring everything directly to THEM, you can be sure that i would follow that chute to see where it leads. I don't get it...why didnt' they do that?

  14. anyway, if you listen to the tape, he says his name is mark wickman. i have listened to it like 100 times.

  15. He obviously doesn't loose his arm.'

    1. It is seen after the tube.
    2. You see him close the shoot before the book goes up.

  16. they wont follow the tube becuase it will probabily go under ground, its not like its gonna be seen from outside. yer maybe if they follow the direction the shoot is going then maybe.

  17. WTF is that video someone has posted, who tapes the tv?

    you can find the real video on youtube

  18. That was funny. Thanks!

  19. LMAO What a guy, MiSfIT RuLES

  20. LMAO MisFIT is a PLayA, good stuff.

  21. WTF...where is the blood? He looks ok to me?

  22. good job misfit i love this website and ur my hero

  23. I bet they are gonna end up sending lit dynomite up the tube...


  25. lmfao, brilliant. I love it.

  26. This has got to be the funniest thing ever. I think you're spot on though. The raised eyebrow clearly shows the man is in considerable pain. John Locke was very lucky not to have got his hand lopped off and caused yet another 'incident'.

  27. I think you meant to say CHUTE. Not shoot. Just an observation.

  28. I believe THAT you are the STUPIDEST and most STUCK UP person on the face of the EARTH. You remind me of that FAKE JESUS CHILD on House. You type with words in CAPITAL LETTERS to make you sound good. You have some IDIOT telling you a few little secrets about THE show. Then you come up with some IDIOTIC THEORIES that are complete BULLSHIT and make no sense. You are a complete LOSER. You need to STOP BLOGGING! You SUCK!

  29. I doubt that he lost his hand up that shoot thing. That's the look he always seems to have. I think the actor might have just had some bad plastic surgery or something. He can't lower that eyebrow ever.

  30. Lemme get this straight... people actually think that misfit is serious?

  31. please tell me u ppl aren't buying into this shit and taking it seriously. Some stuff is good but more often than not sounds like ur having a joke

  32. This Stuff Is All Shit, Your Facts And Theroys are all wrong, And We Know What The Incident was something to do with electromagnitism and stuff, it told us in the last episode so i dunno what your on about, He never lost an arm! he still has 2. Your So Stupid If You Think This All Makes Sense And Fits Together And Is Real. Fucking Watch Lost Properly Not The Way You Want To See It

  33. Sophie you are a fucking idiot

    how can a fucking theory be right or wrong

    You obviously show no sense of humour you tool

  34. I'm glad it was his arm that went up the chute and not something else, otherwise he may have raised both eyebrows!

  35. Dear Misfit
    I'm most impressed by yet another of your brilliant deductions.
    Pay no attention to those weenies behind the curtain who continue to diss & flogg you. Your blog rules!

  36. The Incident is something is big and changed the entire Darma inatiave, not some scientist loosing his arm.

  37. THAT IS NOT A PAINED EXPRESSION!! and exactly... wrong arm... Still, nice try. I like your ideas

  38. boy you might be legaly retarded!


  39. how dose he not have a arm, are u messed up, he shows it in the show, cuz he's he shows u how to put it up into the tube, and it wouldent have enough sucking problem, so it's impossbile, and his exspreion is pain, hes talking

  40. of course because in like 2 seconds he turns around and you see both arms perfectly fine


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