The fake henry GALE is Erins grandfather!!

I can confirm another WORLD exlusive in revealing THAT the fake henry gale is THOMAS's dad and that in turn means that he IS erins grandfather!! He is ON the island to get his grandson BACK!! The photos below proove THAT they are father and SON!!


  1. The photos prove nothing!!!!

    Sure they look similar...but it proves nothing. Again you have outdone yourself.

    VOTE TATU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Babe, those are two different guys?!?
    I still think you are a brilliant!

  3. Thank YOU lady clayton!! They are different but are related!!

  4. they look nothing alike! what are u on about?

    some of your theories and things you've noticed are great but some (like this) are meaningless!

  5. I think they look more like cousins or uncle and nephew. Fenry Gale doesn't look old enough well maybe he does but I don't think so.

  6. I've noticed the resemblace myself. We already know Thomas is on the island. After he left Claire, he was in the Swan Station and painted the mural.

  7. They are actors- even if they were intended to be father in son they are not going to be related in real life!

  8. i look like the local drug dealer, maybe this means he is my father, thus proving my theory that aaron's grandfather is a hippy! dude give it a rest

  9. You have a very interesting site and are usually pretty clever. But these pictures don't PROVE anything.

  10. They are hired actors. if they resemble each other that is just coincident. Look at Jack and his dad, they look nothing alike.

  11. Come on, buddy! You really need to discover the difference between something that is "PROVEN" and a "THEORY". You're running about 50/50 with being credible. Some things seem right on, but some way, WAY off base.

  12. hey dude, they're paid actors. It's not like this is a reality TV show where everyone is real and any resemlence = blood relation.

  13. Yeah i recognized that earlier! I love this blog but it this you fucking spoil us! Damn it there is no secret left

  14. You are either paranoid, or mocking paranoid fans.

  15. ok Fake henry is a other if the others had ways of getting off the island why do they stay on it???

  16. Thomas has a widow's peak, Fenry doesn't.

  17. THis is one of your better theories! :)

  18. i believ fenry is thomas' dad...and fenry painted the mural in the hatch..both fenry & thomas dhare simialar artisitc qualities and thats why the paintings look similar...!


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