Half Past Human!! 4 TOAD Baby EATING villians are the answers BEHIND LOST!!

I have JUST read some books and I think Ive stumbled ACROSS the real story behind LOST!! It appears that the GIANTS with 4 toes are ACTUALLY baby eaters!! The BOOK called "HALF PAST HUMAN" YOU read about it HERE I think ABC might try to SHUT me down again after this FIND!!


  1. So that's why they wanted the children & claire's baby... they wanted to eat them!

  2. please will you shut the fuck up about abc shutting you down, do you really think they care what you type on here.

    Grow up and get a girlfriend!

  3. ^ C'mon, no need to be rude :)

    You shouldn't take his theories too seiously. I'm sure he's just joking around (or at least I hope so!).

  4. Hahahaha, nonsense, but realy funny... :p

  5. I see no reason to remain anonymous, but have to agree. Get a life.

    However, I wouldn't worry about the television network. Sites like this just add to the bunfight.

  6. perhaps Fat Bastard from Austin Powers is behind it.


  7. rofl

    People need to stop being so serious.

  8. rofl

    People need to stop being so serious.

  9. i think hes doing GREAT job
    i youre not intrested just dont read....
    but it requires a lot of time to updating a blog like this.....
    im a fan of lost and i understand him ......but dude......
    (keep the good work)

    see you in another life brother

  10. your sites f*ckin funny man. nice one


  11. he is an idiot

    GET IN MAH BELLY... funny.. very funny

  12. Thank YOu to the people who have said nice WORDS to me!!

  13. why do you pretend to be stupid? Over the past month or so you have clearly become more and more unintelligent. You will spell a word wrong, then in the next sentence spell it correctly. You have some interesting finds sometimes, but then other times it's worthless. It's gotten to the point where you are actually trying to act stupid and unintelligent, although I have no idea why. Get a life

  14. I do not HAVE a spell checker on this ELETRONIC computer!! I get very excited when I post and dont OFTEN check it!!

  15. Well spell checking is not necessary when you know your own languague.

  16. That seems like the kind of book a dork (like yourself) would read.

  17. msifit, dont expect these bloody yanks to understand your humour.

  18. I found better theories by Googling "giant four toes".


  19. HAHAHAH =D I love this, btw are you handicapted misfit because you look like a down syndrome guy

  20. THIS is ALL fuckinggs TRUE bastard BITCHES MISFITS you are A TRUE hero who tell THE truth dpont LISTENING to THESES sons OF FUCKING bitch

  21. Hey!!

    Please somebody tell me what's the password in the hanso foundation site! Please...

  22. If ABC shuts this site down I will go to the corner of 4th and main and dance a boogaloo, otherwise keep on blogging


  23. Once again, you are an idiot, thanks for spamming the internet with your mindless dribble. I would love to see the shit that lost would be if your were it's writer. With your convenience stores, and incorrect spoilers.

    BTW, ABC does not give a flying SHIT about the crap you write.

    Crapfully yours,


  24. rock on, dude! Best blog ever.

  25. Go on with your badass electronic computer Misfit. Your theories and amazing LOST sleuthing are 23 kinds of coolness.

    More more more.

  26. misfit, you've done it again!

  27. Since when did computers NOT come with some sort of spell checker? The late 1980s? Even my first computer with Windows had one, and that was almost 15 years ago.

    Quit taking the piss.

  28. Where IS the spell checker in INTERNET exploror or IMDB!!

  29. Some cool theories.. big fan!

  30. Cool find MISFIT, and a message to all the peeps who wanna be mean to you. You all come to this site over and over again, if you don't like what you read, then don't come back, its you choice, nobody is forcing you.

    Keep up the good work MISFIT :)

  31. Thank you FOR the nice WORDS!! I really DO not understand why some PEOPLE are so nasty towards ME!!

  32. Maybe you should tone down the psychotic theories. The producers of the show have already said that the show has nothing to do with aliens. Maybe you should take a step back before posting an impossible theory and think is this really plausible?

  33. Some of your stuff can be very clever, however I must say some is quite stupied! You do put a lot of work into it, so somtimes you may get things wrong, and it can be interestting! Though people who swear at you are tottally out of line

  34. Dear DesmondTheLegend ^
    The producers of the show have lied to us MANY MANY times...Only ThEmIsFiTiShErE has told us the TRUTH...Sometimes I think that the producers make it up as they go along...

  35. When have the producers "lied" to us? I will tell you it is far fewer times than Misfit has. Did you even bother reading his posts on what would happen in the finale? All but two of them actually happened, around 10 didn't. He lied. Wait, he only tells the "truth".

    By the way, if you (Misfit) can't even be bothered to cut-and-paste your text into a spell checker, then why would any sane person even be bothered to read any of your theories? 10 year olds have better handing of the English language.

  36. Dear ThEmIsFiTiShErE
    I think I have solved the question about the Rude Fake Anonymous posts...It is now obvious that as well as being clones, there is also at least one which is schizophrenic, below 10 years of age!!! He/she/it is also SLIGHTLY RUDE, but I will not retaliate as I find his/her/it's "Handing" of the English language, and his/her/it's admission of insanity rather funny...

  37. man this is gettin old this is old new read it on anouther site

    and do I scare you that bad?
    do I make you pee yourself is that why you hardly post my comment?

  38. Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval.


  39. I wany my baby back, baby back, baby back

  40. Dear ThEmIsFiTiShErE
    I may have TRULY solved another piece of the Rude Fake Anonymous postings question...Fake Anonymous may not be clones after all!!! It may be a single schizophrenic (under 10 years old) he/she/clone...that can travel through time!!!
    That would explain both the multiple posts at all times of the day and night, and also the his/her/clone claims to have seen YOUR spoilers before in his/her/clone past!!!

  41. "that's why they wanted the children & claire's baby"

    Well they just wanted Claires child and Walt/Alex are still alive!

  42. why the fuck do people say "get a life"???? you dont fucking know the bloke u tits

  43. i know you have made this site for fun but some people may start to believe you so for your benefit I reckon you should calm to extreme bits down. :) it was funny to begin with wen you were deliberately spelling things wrong and showing fake photos but now i think it shoud stop.

  44. you know what i think?? people are saaying all these horrible things but they don't realise that you may have a disability or sumthing and thats why you say the things you do. I'm being 100% serious by the way - i ain't joking or winding up up - im really worried for you. -- PLEASE GET SOME HELP

  45. You know what's funny?
    Whenever the owner of the site makes a comment it comes up in blue - so why is ther a number of anonymous entries in blue??? solve that misfit
    oh and by the way: get a life

  46. Sorry but anyone can post as anonymous and have it in blue, all you need is a link.


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