I know WHO the glass EYE belongs to!!

I have RECENTLY discovered that the GLASS eye that the TAIL people found in the SPARROW hatch/bunker ACTUALY belongs to to SUNS father Mr. PIKE!! I think THIS lays to rest another of LOSTS many mysteries!! There iS no need to THANK me!!


  1. soo....

    1. Mr. Pike's name ist Mr. Paik.
    2. I know another guy which had an Glass Eye , it's the police officier which listen to Boone in Hearts and Minds (I think it was there ^^)
    3.I'm not sure if Mr. Paik had even a Glass Eye.

    Namaste =)

  2. wat the fuck is wrong with u! will u stop coming up with bull shit stories

  3. It's actually Marvin Candle's glass eye.

  4. ur a tube! why are u hospitalised misfit?

  5. candle /wickman didnt have a glass eye u fuckin prat

  6. I think the eye belongs to Candle/Wickman too. I don't believe its been established that anyone uses a glass eye on 'Lost', but in the orientation film and video Candle's eyes are noticeably asymmetrical.

  7. nope, its not.
    get a picture of mr.wickman from the pearl video and notice that he has a messed up eye

  8. You are an absolute and complete fucking moron.

  9. Could THIS be anyhow related to STAR TRACK? Could mr. Pike get his face rebuild WITH a CAUCASIAN style and therefor assume COMMAND of the ENTERPRISE sometime? Will his GLASS EYE pose an OBSTAKLE to that?

  10. You are aware that the more you tell him to stop coming up with bullshit stories, the more he's going to post. He feeds his fire with negative comments, while I agree his posting styles are very annoying, and his constant gratification towards himself is overwhelming, and makes me laugh, you all still keep coming back because you want know what there is. I agree that this in no way solves one of losts many mysteries, however its a interesting theory. the biggest mystery is not even about the Island, but how can a ABC/LOST worker give you information that is false. Either you have a horrible 2nd personality, or your Mole is one of the worst... either way keep up the posts, it makes me feel good about myself, to know that I'm not even this sad with myself.

  11. Dr. PIKE is most likely MR. Candle's father, in which case Son and Mr. CANDLE are brothers. I solved LOST.

  12. Misfit your a fucking idiot. Your a sad nigger beating fucking hospitalised aryian and a complete penis

  13. I agree with them you are realy a moron teletabie ...

  14. Wow. People get really uptight about this stuff, don't they? Lighten up! It's a TV show!!

  15. Misfit, I THINK you SAID it BEST:
    there IS no NEED to THANK you.
    I couldn't HAVE said IT any BETTER myself.

    P.S. I capitalized EVERY other WORD, just FOR you.

    OF course, EMPHASIS on THE capitalized WORDS.

  16. Yo DUDERINOS, you all are taking this thing way too SERIOUS. why BASH misfit for his blog. its ALL about the FUN. and to the PEOPLE always correcting misfit. YOU dont GET it AT all. Relax and let YOURSELF be ENTERTAINED!

    misfit'S doing A HECK of a JOB.


  17. Its the Arrow not the Sparrow.

  18. Jeez, you guys are all dicks.

    He's taking the piss, although quite a bit of what he says is true.

    Read what he says and laugh rather than getting constipated over it!


  19. Anonymous, You can't spell to save your life. Instead of using the dictionary to prop up the uneven end of your trailer, why not use it to improve your vocabulary you ignorant moron!

  20. Hola, he seguido tu blog desde hace poco, y algunas cosas que pones en realidad son puras tonterias, pero dan risa XD
    Algunas cosas si son ciertas, lo acepto..

    Esta muy bueno tu blog (y)...

    Saludos desde mexico!

  21. Hello MEXICO!! Im afraid THAT generally I cannot speak MEXICAN!! I will try TO learn mexican TONIGHT and get back TO you!!

  22. FIY, they speak SPANISH in Mexico...

    He said some of your posts are really stupid, yet funny.

  23. Not just Mexicans speak Spanish...

    And Mexican isn't a language, just like American isn't a language.

    You freaking retard.

  24. HAHAHAHA "i will try to learn mexican tonight"...youre the best/worst.

  25. your fucking stupid buddy

  26. it's Marvin Candle's eye - in the first video in the swan he has a glass eye and only one arm, (note he doenst move his arm once in the whole video) and in the preal we se him with 2 arms and his eyes look much different so maybe the "incident" caused that to happen to him

  27. seriosly, what's wrong with you?!

  28. I think it's the eye of one of the guys sawyer sold fake jewelry to.

    Mr. Paik's eye color is completely different from Locke's by the way.
    Think about that one... for some reason.

  29. the glass eye belongs to themisfitishere he need 1 to see clearly b4 posting shit.

  30. a hahaha!!!

    Mr. Paik looks like the Crazy Frog!!!!

    ...in that picture

  31. In the first season in Claires dream you see Locke with a glass eye... so that's gotta mean something...

  32. it actually belongs to michael !


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