SPOILERS!! Looks LIKE the black SMOKE monster was following KELVIN as well

Now that WE all know via my BULGING brian that THIS is kevin from the HATCH!! I think we can now ASSUME that the black smoke has BEEN following and LURING people to the island FOR some time now!! I think this WILL be very important VERY soon!!


  1. Yeah, I read this somewhere else just about 30 minutes before you posted it.

  2. Yeh, it's true, this guy is Kelvin

  3. It's not THE smoke, because it's coming from the ground and doesn't seem to be heading in a certain direction: it's CLEARLY just the type of smoke that's caused by a war zone.

  4. Um, don't you think thats a load of crap????????? Surely you realised this screenshot is from when Sayid was in Iraq and that the smoke is from the burning oil wells???? Or am I mistakenly assuming that you are in some way intelligent?

  5. My God man, have you completely lost it? This scene take place during Desert Storm. The smoke it just a burning building or oil well. Not the smoke from on the island.

  6. I am going to assume that this guy is Kelvin. However, that doesn't look like the smoke monster to me. Looks like a plane crash (815?).

  7. It's the Kuwaiti oil fires. Has nothing to do with the island security system.

  8. The smoke in the back ground is a burning oil well in Iraq during the 1st Gulf War, not the "Smoke Monster."

  9. do you even watch the show? idiot.

  10. Great picture and info!


  11. Very disappointed in this spoiler. You are better then this. :( Don't make me give up on your site.

  12. Wow man. It is hard to believe that anyone is stupid enough to not realize that this picture was from Sayid's flashback episode!

    And at any rate it's smoke from a OIL WELL fire, NOT the "security system".

    Jeez people.

  13. yea we know its from his flashback.

    but its the same kelvin from the hatch you kunt.

  14. im guessing that he was just trying to show us that the guy is kelvin not that the smoke is the smoke monster.

  15. Looks like that dude from the first Highlander movie. Doesn't he have a zipper on his neck?
    The dark haired dude is McLeod, or it could be Sean Connery.
    The black smoke is from my wife cooking biscuts of course, or possibly one of my shoes after working
    two days straight.

    just in case you didn't realize it, I was kidding.

    Can someone tell me what episode has Desmonds flashback? The one where is sells his boat.

  16. YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!

  17. Spideyman? Is that you?

  18. You are king of the dorks anyway, even if it is real. and all you misFit fans are stupid, if you love him so much why stay anonymous? Sign up and drink the Koolaid, losers!

  19. sure it does clowboat

  20. Hey Mike..its me Caron again...wtf am i gonna do without you this summer? My favorite site of all time and the season is ending...Will u be reviewing old episodes and posting never before revealed secrets? Anyhoo I have an internal itch..heading to the GYN..wish me luck!

  21. If you havent picked up on this already, everything in this show is related somehow. If it is there, then it is there for a reason. Is it really that difficult to believe the creators are leaving clues in every episode?? This may be one of those clues. Stop hating yall.

  22. wait...i'm confused. how do we know this guy is kelvin?

  23. the same actor that played the army guy is the same actor playing kelvin.

    and to the guy who asked why we dont sign up, its simple. this is easier.

  24. actually....he is correct. The oil fires are representing the monster for a reason. Hang in there and find out!

  25. you don't even know how to spell brain!

  26. You claim to be clever but you dont even know how to spell at all, and its not just typos. You are clearly an ignorant, uneducated, inbred twat.

  27. the black smoke is not representing anything, except black smoke, from a burning oil field. this guy is not kelvin, this is the guy from sayid's flashback that made him torture the other iraqi officer. dont u think sayid would have recgnized the man who made him what he is?

  28. How WOULD SAyid know what KELVIN looks like!! He has never MET him!!

  29. this my not be kelvin, its only the actor who portrays kelvin. he is listed as joe inman in this photo. maybe him or maybe twin brother?

  30. Who is Brian?
    And why is he BULGING?

  31. i thought this guy looks like the guy in promo for next week. the guy that's with micheal. is this him?

  32. Yes he played Kurgan in Highlander and he also the voice over for Mr Crabs (he also sings the theme tune lol) for the Spongebob Squarepants show lmao !


  33. didn't Desmond say Kelvin died...

  34. Yes HE did!! But maybe he just assumes he WAS dead or maybe HE really is!! The MAIN point is that this WILL be in a flashback of desmond FIRST meeting KEVIN!!

  35. haha smoke monster!!!!

    oil fields are burning!

    why are you in the hospital?
    no lies.

    if that was ask before i did not see it.

  36. kelvin isnt dead u fuck head, hes zek, u can see it obvious so desmond is a drunken munkey, and mabey thats the plane, jks, thats something u would of wrote


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