Those CRAZY numbers are back with a VENGENCE!!

It looks like those CRAZY Hungarian ICE Scientist have DEVELOPED a program to WORK out where the numbers 4815162342 are BEING entered!! Looking AT the screen below WE can see the strange MATHEMATICAL properties again!! The crazy LANGUAGE spoken by the people from hungary SEEMED to indicate that MY HOLLOW EARTH theory is correct!!


  1. They are PORTUGESE!!!

  2. i think the hollow earth theory is great!!!!but can u wxplain y the language of the scientist has proved the thery????i don't understand!!!!

  3. you are the best!
    i like you american guy

  4. the reason the numbers are like that is because they didnt push the button and the numbers might be added up to the power of the magnetic pulse.

  5. Indeed, they are Portugese or bresilien

  6. That crazy language they were speaking was Portuguese. Lord, I'd hate to see you try to survive 5 minutes in Portugal or Brazil.

  7. you are stupid. i seen that on another website way before you posted it here.

  8. damn they r not hungarians. dumb american

  9. Although they're Brazilian, they speak with a very weird accent.. like from Portugal.

  10. Not a great find you just ripped this from Lost-Forum.

  11. lol, you'r site is great, keep up the good joke

  12. That was not hungarian. I am hungarian, but it seemed to be spanish or portugese...

  13. they are from Portugal or Brazil, good work MISFIT

  14. BTW Sun's pregnancy test is from WIDMORE LABS!!! is it a good find???? XD

  15. I found your site today and i am reading all "news" now. I find it sad, how stupid the bigger part of earth's population is.

    So many idiots, who don't check the sense of this site and they have to take everything too serious, because they have no humor and no brain to understand.

    I can't find words for the feeling I have, that i have to breath the same air, like those idiots.

    I know, why I hate mankind.

  16. mike do you think marvin kandle or his alter ego were in the snow hatch, the same red light is on the top of that monitor could be same one as backround of his videos

  17. they are speaking portugese with brazilian accent, great discoverer :P

  18. seem to be surviving quite well....

  19. Is Jack and the man who made a called to Desmond's gf in the last show are same peson?

  20. thEmIsFiTiShErE , hehe.
    well that was just a joke like:
    It looks like those CRAZY "Hungarian" ICE Scientist ^^

  21. Hi, i couldn´t get a vidcap, but if you people give attention to the papers when desmon began to see the numbers (first time when locke gave those to him) if you see the date start 120204 and continues until 130004. How could it be that posible if desmond says that he crush the plane when he figures that 922004 was september 22 of 2004 if is that true what 130004 must signify???

  22. Miből gondoltad hogy azok ott magyarok, de még mindig jobb, mert nálunk meg orosznak nézték őket:)
    Közbe meg portugálok vagy brazilok

  23. Americans are not stupid. Every country has a wonderful share of dumbos and knotheads and I like this site. Keep up the good work misfit dude.

  24. I already knew about this :\

  25. that crazy language was spanish....good idea with the numbers though. Never would have noticed.

  26. "I am KNOT american!! I am from UK"
    I think its Not
    but thank heaven ur not american i would be hidding if u were

  27. I love you Misfit. I'll just bet you have a sexy mystery-solving accent too. I look forward to more of your revelations.

    Anonymous 3:21 - You cannot say that you "seen" something. You can say that you "have seen" something. I just thought I'd help you out there. It really isn't fair to call someone stupid while committing such atrocities against the English language.


    the pet version of LOST!
    Coming up next on the animal channel
    (LOST :puppy island)
    Spot finds a hatch only to realize its just a great dane poop

  29. Maybe they are Australian. What language they speak there?

    And they are in a globe?

  30. awww don't set to aprove the messages, the stupid people that like attack you are part of the salt here. I laugh on them ;)

    oh well, it's your page. as you like is better. I will keep comming often.

    (you can don't accept this one if you want LOL)

  31. i totally like how all the people are calling you a dumb american, mike rotch... mike rotch of ABERDEEN, UNITED KINGDOM.

  32. That's not hungarian language! This is Portugese or Brazil. But not hungaryan.

  33. Oh good god. People, this is a joke website. It's so obvious he's not serious. Please, just get a fucking sense of humour.

  34. why you don´t put my post yesterday?


  35. I think this pic is the best find of the season! Nice find!!

    --Pamela ;)

  36. I'm Brazilian
    and i could barely understand the conversation
    clearly it was a Portugues from portugal accent.

  37. I'm Hungarian. The crazy ice scientist don't Hungarian. :)
    Én Magyar vagyok. Az őrült jég kutatók nem Magyarok. :)

    Hungarian lessons over. :)
    Magyar lecke vége. :)

  38. It was my understanding that in Hollow Earth Theory, the sun is up 24 hours a day, yet on the island it is dark at night.

  39. magyarosagh?

    it was portugese...and why are people calling a Scot a stupid American? Wooooooooow, way to sound intelligent; "That's not Hungarian! That's Portugese! How DARE you not know our language on stereotype and judge our people, you must be from AMERICA! only AMERICANS STEREOTYPE PEOPLE!"

    In conclusion: you are idiots.

  40. Yeah, it's definately not Hungarian. I'd recognize my own language.
    But I really wonder where this idea came from (that it's Hungarian). It was just a guess I guess. Well, don't guess, dude, or do just don't write it down like that. "Crazy language"...
    You guys right, it may sound like Portugese or something like that but my first thought was Russian. Weird scientists in the snowstormy weather, possibly somewhere on the edge of the world... That's so Russian. I mean it referst to that. And the language... I guess it may be Russian, too.

  41. i was just wondering if any of you fine readers have an opinion on whether the language is hungarian or portugese...

  42. How in the hell did you figure out that 4*8*15*16*23*42 = that?

  43. it may sound like Portugese or something like that but my first thought was Russian (...) I guess it may be Russian, too

    Dude...what else do you NEED to get that concept into your head? IT'S PORTUGUESE!!!

  44. your gramer is sucks... Poh!! An English guy who can not speak english...
    I think you are the dumpest person in UK.

  45. wow, i counted 4/5 hungarian guys writing here, and as another hungarian i'm very happy. mindenhol ott vagyunk aren't we?

  46. yeah how many times do ppl have to say its portuguese? Its portuguese! altough i'm portuguese sometimes its dificult to even understand because theire accent its terrible

  47. 4x8x15x16x23x42=7418880

  48. what a minute - doesn't it say 7418660 on that screen - huh???

  49. I´m Portuguese and they are talking brazilian because the acent was horrible.
    By the way, fãns portugueses vão a inscrevem-se é maior comunidade de Lost em Portugal.

  50. I see no numbers on the computer screen. He's just put the numbers on the photo.
    The numbers dont appear anywhere in that scence.

  51. I'm Portuguese! So I can definitely tell you that it is Portuguese with a Brazilian accent. Although I think the problem is that instead of getting Brazilian actors to play this part, they chose American actors who spoke a little bit of Portuguese and that's why the accent is so bad. it's supposed to be Portuguese from Brasil, but it sounds weird 'cause it's spoken by Americans...

  52. In the screen of the computer appears that numbers, look closer "desmond the legend".

  53. it says 7438880 it's a 3 not a 1!!

  54. i'm from portugal, portuguese and brasilian are not exactly the same, they were speaking brasilian, they spoke really bad, they couldn't pronounce the words properly but i guess that has nothing to do with the story...

  55. It is really interessting to see how it surprisingly has nothing to do with your hollow earth theory.

    But good find about those hungarian guys from the USA who try to speak portuguese...

  56. the numbers on screen look like 7438860 to me

  57. Oh my gosh! The screen had the numbers and then them equaling 7418880. That is all of the numbers multiplied together! How cool is that!

  58. Oh my goodness! On the screen of the computer it has all of the numbers than and equal sign, equaling 7418880. That is all of the numbers multiplied together! How cool is that!

  59. i dont see the numbers, i only see the other numbers not the lost numbers, unless u got like a magnafive glass and u have to much time on ur hands.

  60. Misfit i will probably never visit your site again due to the number of PREJUDICED people here. I am an american and while i dispise what my government is doing(if that is what you are basing it on) i live here and resent you all calling americans stupid!! You saying that shows that you or more of an idiot than most americans because we are not nearly so arrogant or self centered! All countries have some intelligent and some not so intelligent people, stop hating because hate is destroying the world!


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