What is THIS crazy device!!

These IMAGES were sent me and WERE taken by " Forever Young Images" for which I give FULL credit to!! I have no idea what it is!! My thoughts are that Desmond is MAKING some bombs!! Please leave a COMMENT if you have any ideas!!


  1. Message in a bottle!!!

    That was my first thought
    might be a dharma sex toy. JK>

    kinda looks like one of those old notebooks inside. the black and white cover>
    mayebe its some kind of orders or something

  2. shit. dharma pepper shakers..

  3. One of the lines at the bottom of the logo is actually a word, I think it says DHARMA

  4. http://persephone.thehansofoundation.org/


  5. could be the black smokes steel particles

  6. get a life!!! you must have absolutely no friends

  7. Get a life? you ACTUALLY had the time to post a bitch about it? NICE ONE.

  8. I think this is the carrier the Lost stars use to deposit their enormous paychecks directly from the set.

  9. maybe they're opening a bank with a drive thru window.

  10. umm looks like a flashlight u idiot

  11. I am beginning to THINK that maybe it is a CONTAINER that has trapped the BLACK smoke MONSTER!!

  12. Hey your site rules. That you annoy so many people just makes it better. Keep it up!

  13. Sex toy combo pepper shaker - where can I get one?

  14. The 3m duct tape is a little suspect.

  15. Looks like a Dharma Initiative vibrator to me.

  16. It's the 'Rabbit Foot'

  17. OMG! Ted Kaczynski works for Dharma!

  18. can YOU please stop TALKING like THIS. seriously let go of the caps.

  19. a bottle of water with some tape and a label

  20. It has something in it that does not take the shape of the container. Notice the space between the side of the contents and the side of the container, It can't be powder or liquid. Looks like a rolled up paper of some sort. The duct tape would not make an effective stopper for an explosive. It seems to be an attempt to waterproof the contents.

  21. lol the tape at the bottom says 3M.. as in a logo that isnt a dharma logo = fake

  22. After shave !!! Maybe they are giving you a hint or two (hehe) from a krazy blogger down under in new Zealand !!!

  23. HeY.. WheRe Did Ya Find My TheRmoS! DiD You StEal It?

    I hoPe YoU DidN't Drink All mY CoffEE!

    GivE It Back NOW!

  24. The duct tape at the bottom is a nice touch dummy. Everybody knows that you are fake and you are not really this dumb but you are making it too obvious.

  25. it looks like a pepper mill! or perhaps a dharma light saber

  26. It looks like a light saber

  27. I ThInK tHiS mUsT bE a MiNd CoNtRol DeVice aNd I sUspeCt thAt it MigHt bE conTrollIng YouR Mind !!! That WOULD exPlain How yoU KNOW aLL theSe thINgs abOut LOsT I thinK ABC ARE controlling YOUR mind AND that's WHY you are ABLE to give THESE 100% ACCURATE insights into WHAT is going on. I SUGGEST you WEAR a metal HELMET when looking AT the photo for PROTECTION.

  28. I think its an istruction set for something in the hatch, maybe some blueprints... and it was well hidden, til now..

  29. It looks like containers used for transporting uranium..or in this case radioactive ore; which is what we think the meteorite that hit Lostia is rich in.

  30. Maybe once the connection between unmarried women having sex and dying on the island is revealed, Dharma sex toys will become the preferred method for Lostie women to pleasure themselves?

  31. Its a goddamned pepper shaker.

  32. dude, where is the Forever Young Logo, it´s a fake ( and don´t change the picture)

  33. what the hell is "Forever young" ????
    it's an organization?

  34. It's MisFit's butt plug !!!

  35. 4= Beryllium (Be) -- Powdered beryllium is extremely toxic!
    8= Oxygen (O) -- If carbon is the foundation of life, oxygen is the fuel
    15= Phosphorus (P) -- Phosphorus is all about fire
    16= Sulfur (S) -- Sulfur is the element of war and is one of three ingredients in gunpowder
    23= Vanadium (V) -- Vanadium as an impurity gives the green color to many pretty gemstones (Green flash)
    42= Molybdenum (Mo) -- The melting point of molybdenum is a good 1000C higher than steel and used as laser (!) applications.

    That's possible ingredients of a bomb, eh?

  36. u kno those things at a store when they send a message through a tube, well it look almost exactly like it.(at the bank too).....U ruined lost for me asshole

  37. Me and my friend discussed this on AIM. It's obviously a thermos, but at first glance we all know what it looks like. I guess the others are kinky.

  38. You done it again Misfit
    It's the tube that whenever a observation notebook is filled, they are placed in a suction tube and sent off to what is only described as 'us'.

  39. Caron again here..Dont you all feel stupid now? This was the tube in Station 5..the Pearl. Nice fucken find Mike!

  40. it's the vacuum tubes they send the notebooks in you fucking assholes!!!

  41. Hahahaha! My incredibly overdeveloped intellect was right on target! The object was a pneumatic tube carrier! I still say the cast uses it to deposit their paychecks when it isn't used to transport the notebooks!

  42. it is a notebook, fools.

  43. Looks LIKE it was a HOLDER for the cunning notes THEY have been taking on people!!

  44. it's a message tube filled with miracle grow dirt! duh!!!!!

  45. We know WHAT it is now!! We saw it in LAST nights episod!!

  46. Yeah we know what it is now, and it's the complete opposite of one of your complete bullshit theories.. Bombs? Yeah Desomd runs off into the jungle and starts making bombs, argh, darn you Desmond you rascal!

    Or maybe it COULD of been a pepper shaker, Desmond is opening up Dharma-Donalds.

    Can I have a McDharma Happy Meal please?

    Fuck sake.. Misfit I want to speak to you on Yahoo Instant Messenger. Please message me on the sn CalsD3stiny


  47. It is a notebook and the thing they put the notebooks in and then the tube sucks them up

  48. its the continuum transfuctioner

  49. We get to SEE even more OF these in the season FINALE!!

  50. This is a pneumatic tube (I use them at work) -- messages go inside and are sucked up into the vacuum tube.

  51. It is A Notbook Filled with Information On the Other hatches

  52. it could be a lightsaber.. :D

  53. another example of how powerful the Hansen Founation really is ... this devise was made for the MIB and has something to do with your short term memory ... just let me put my shades on while you look at the pretty logo ... say "cheese"


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