The CRAZY cube that has APPEARED!! New WASHING machine?

What is THIS crazy cube that HAS appeared on the ISLAND!! My research has LED me to BELIEVE it is a new WASHING machine!!

Thanks to the TAILSECTION for the photos


  1. i think its desmond's replacement. haha

  2. In the last pic, look at the corner of the cube.. it looks like it's a cube of concrete

  3. omg! i think you are right!! i think one totally washed up on shore since they are so buoyant and the island is obviously close enough to civilization for it to come floating over!!!

  4. i think, it´s a bush (arbusto?)

  5. I don't understand, how have u got these pictures????

  6. I don't understand, how have u got these pictures????

  7. the background doesnt match in the sceen shot and the close up pic you have....

  8. OBVIOUSLY it's a PIECE of conCRETE meant to SPARK an ARTISTIC vein in Locke, GIVING him a REASON to be ON the island AGAIN, since his FAITH is DEcreasing!!
    He is supposed TO sculpt it INTO a STATUE of HIS FATHER!!
    Or not.

    Seriously, what research has led you to believe it's a washing machine?

  9. It's a bush. They do exist you know? Or do they..........

  10. I think it's a something like a transformer box, a historical marker, or something on Hawaii's beach that couldn't be moved so they had to cover it up with foliage as to not ruin the set/scene(s).

    Regardless, cool find nonetheless. Keep it up mIsFiT!

  11. Hey babe, I cannot tell what that is but it do not look like a washer machine

  12. it is a concrete block that was already on the beach in real life has been camouflaged by production to prevent it ruining the shot. possibly released as a red herring.

  13. there are simply filming on a beach in hawai, instead of having the concrete bloc removed, they paid a prop artist to disguise the thing

  14. Looks like a rock.

    Washing machines don't wash up on beaches.

    Ha. Wash.

    It's funny!

  15. CLERALY it is a BOX of red herrings for Jacques and Kate's romantic ronde-voos!

  16. Not a washing machine. It looks similar to a 'pill box' allies used during WWII - maybe thats why its disguised to be used as a sentry point, or an access point.

    Or it could be something the crew wanted to hide...

  17. I'm sure it wasnt only the allies used such boxes... - my bad!

  18. Must be a part from the ancient statue. Maybe they had four toes and one cubic ball...

  19. Cubic... Ball? You mean like.. with one dot on one side, two on another, 3, 4, 5 then 6?


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