I think I found the plane that DROPPED the dharma Food DROP!!

Yes MORE top notch sleuthing HAS led me to make this world EXCLUSIVE discovery!! It probably the 3rd BIGGEST find ever on lost!! Whilst We are are all looking at Charlies sister and CLAIRE saying to him that "Aaron is in Cerebal Danger" over and OVER that in the background we SEE a PLANE sneaking past!! They are dropping the FOOD and the new washing machines!!

Thank you TO the Lost Mysteries for the MOVING electronic photo!!


  1. Misfit, these are getting worse and worse...

  2. gee I think it looks more like the smoke monster or the smoke from the Others' fire! Maybe I'm not looking where you're looking Misfit?

  3. midifit, ur fuckin gay u stupid ass ugly shit. i hope you die fucker


  4. i hope you die you ugly piece a shit


  5. dude... you really must have good eyes...

  6. dude... you must really have good eyes...

  7. What they say. Look before you leap.
    Coming from the left at the tree-line.
    But I don't think its the food drop.

  8. you photoshopped that in there

  9. Thats the beachcraft. You can hear it crash. Stop lying to everyone.

  10. i don t know if u want to be funny, but it s useless! u re boring!
    u know... why people are angry? Just because ur blog is one of the best! and u put stupid things, they re disappointed, u know...
    so stop

  11. I remeber that episode- it was the Nigerian drug plane as it was Charlie's dream (confirmed in a podcast I think). I know this is old news but I wish some people would give themisfit a break: half the people that have commmented didn't even see the plane (watch the episode its there you pricks)

  12. it could be something to do with lost or just fuck all and u've already put it on here

  13. Great find!! I think THAT'S also the plane WHERE Henry Goal crashed ON the island with!!

  14. Type "charlie plane" on google and observe.

  15. WOW! You are a GREAT detective second only to the super sleuth Shemlock John Holmes and his assistant Dr. WADson. Elementary, my dear MISFIT, elementary! Keep UP the great work.

  16. HAS anyone seen Brenard (eg Alvus Handshake) in THAT episode? Clearly, he has come upon the 33rd HUMAN EMOTION, drunk. I contend that ALVUS was piloting the airplane and COULD not land because he was soused!

  17. DarkUFO found this awhile ago

  18. misfit, my super sleuthing SKILLS are superior to YOURS! i have realised THAT the insane GERMAN lady, damien russell, is infact KATE!! this IS a WORLDwide exclusive! i SUSPECT xyz will PAY me a VISIT in my SHACK very soontime!

  19. LOL!!
    this site makes my laugh everytime i visit it, it's so stupid but so funny at the same time!

  20. That's the drug plane Eko's brother flew in. Christ, this news is old. People found this out moments after the scene was shown.

  21. Which episode was this? I would like to see it.

  22. come on man, stop being a dumbass

  23. MisFit, that was a hallucination. But knowing you, you probably believe your crack-induced trips.

  24. It,s the plane that crash and i don,t know how you do to see so much insignifiant thing. return to your assylum. Your a crap.

  25. that was very wrong idea because if u go into episode guide on lost youll see that in trivia or in notes i think that that was the drug plane that boone fell and yemi was in

  26. Misit, that was confirmed to be Oceanic '816' (815). It can only be seen in the HD version. I have it on my laptop, it wasn't photoshopped, but it was part of Charlie's hallucination and it is Oceanic 815.

  27. Misfit, you are amzing. most other ppl didnt even see it. u are awesome.

  28. Thank you for the kind COMMENTS everyone!!

  29. i CAN NOT SEE THE PLANE!!!!! wer iz it??

  30. nononono. That's the drug smugglers Beechcraft where Ekos brother was. it cant be the food dropping plane. ('cause nobody heard it) It can't be oceanic. (modern planes dont have that kind of sound)

  31. Charlies mum! you think you have lost 99% solved and get you cant notise charlie calling him mum "mum"

  32. i dont know if its me and u can call me a fuckin idiot all u want but i look in the trees and u can c sumthin movin mayb the others!!!

  33. he didnt photoshop it.. its from the show.. but it isn't DHARMA.. its something to do with charlie and the god stuff..


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