MASSIVE clue!! MARVIN candle cloning WENT wrong!!

I think I have finally PROVED that the marvin CANDLE clone went wrong!! You can clearly SEE here from these COMPARISIONS that they are DIFFERENT!! One was from the FILM they found and the OTHER is from the MISSING segfment!! Obviously THIS is from another film!! Remeber that DHARMA is an anagram for HAD ARM


  1. nope, it's a production error.

  2. exactly, if you dont mind i want to add that some of your posts here are really interesting because of the pictures and all this stuff. but sometimes i just can shake my head.... clones and all this stuff. man... face the truth, it is just a production bug..

  3. No way man! They haven't been able to clone the scar on his forehead too well either. On one it's an inny on the other it's an outy. Also one of them has their nose pireced! Stupid cloning machine...

  4. well done. but I don't think mean is a clone. mean that that is not the real part that belong to the tape. it was recorded in a diferent time.

    what is this chapter by the way. I can't find it

  5. this is added after the "incident" ocurr. I think they put it in the video later and then someone removed it.

    Maybe there is a conspiration along the Others.

  6. Marvin's hairdo is different too

  7. It's definately a clone. It's not the same guy, just look at the eyebrows!

  8. it is a production error >.<

  9. what are we comparing here? I only see one pic of Marvin.

  10. ThE MiSFit hAs dOne iT AgaIN
    PuRe gEniUs!

  11. Misfith,
    whats with you?
    People seem to send you emails.
    People ask you questions.

    and you never seem to answer any.
    Why is that?Whats the use of your blog?If you dont want us to interact then dont give us clues or hints.
    Keep this to yourself then cos i dont see the purpose if we have no way to interact with you.
    No replying your emails,no answers to many questions others ask you here.
    I can now understand why others say you "LOST'" it.
    You dont seem to be capable of answering anything cos you are to much drawn in you imaginary world of the show.

    As for ABC beying on your really think you are worth all that dont you.

    This way you dont make much friends,you just leave peeps in the dark.

    Get your ass behind the putter and go out and enjoy the real world(wich really exist)

  12. I cannot POSSIBLY answer all my emails!! I get over 200 a day!! I try to answer AS many as I can!!

  13. i love your blog and all the clues you discovered. dont know why people hate you.

    keep discovering. !

  14. quent, people hate the Misfit because most, if not all, of his theories are pure BS.

  15. well, i guess each of us has our own personal views, but misfit's theorys which some i believe are quite true.

  16. your taking too faster.

    type in theislandiswaiting in the barcode

    you dont even understand


    take care...of yourself

  17. please look up the definition of "continuity" and then you might comprehend a continuity error.

  18. michael sets them up!!!!

    he lies about the others and...nevermind wait and see.




    p.s. if you dont a have a cell phone with text messaging enabled you wont be able to get LOST.

  19. "Phase 3 Disclosure: The Dharma Initiative is not a secret international research project. You see, the island is part of another "dimension", I guess you'd call it, and is sort of "in between" the universes that are made of light matter and dark matter. We call it "Dharma". It's part of a whole planet that is pretty much available for colonization. It could also be used as a future conduit for inter-dimensional/intergalactic travel. The only problem is that we can't exist there naturally. The island only materializes when there's a solar eclipse. During that time the unique electromagnetic frequency added to the gravitational distortion allows both it and us to exist within the same space. But that "effect only lasts for 108 minutes, and then the island disappears from our world, taking any inanimate matter with it that's left behind.

    If you were standing on the island after the primary eclipse period ended and the 108 minutes were up, you'd feel a great big suck of air and then "PLOP!" you'd fall right back into the ocean. Naked.

    We are trying to change that. Actually, Majestic 13 developed a machine years ago that allows us to exist there. It's weird, but once us and the island "disappear" into the Dharma dimension, we have days and nights just like the earth one. But we can't travel more than 42 kilometers outside the machine's effective range.

    The plan is to develop a way to genetically engineer animals with the right quantum frequency so they can exist in Dharma on their own. That's what the project is all about, and until now it's been classified.

    The fictional tv series "Lost" is part of the worldwide disclosure plan."

  20. for this theory to be plausible, it would mean that the clone replaced candle in mid-speech, as the changes in candle's appearance (the tie, coat, lighting, etc.) appear after a cut away to locke, AFTER the projector starts showing the sliced-in footage.

    And if you start going on about dimensional blinks during the taping of the video, then i'll jump through the internet and eat your face

  21. I would RATHER that you didnt EAT my face!!

  22. i cant believe it but tricky you sound like a moron. clones are part of lost like it or not. i have a feeling alot of fans are not going to like where the story is going and others will continue to love it like myself.

    when people find out things like the island only appears when theres an eclispe, or why theres no birds on the island right now.

    hey misfit whats up with the mural changing?


  24. Damn, you're a moron!

    It's not a clone. It's just a slightly different light angle. I wouldn't even say it rises to the level of a "production error", as some have called it. The man just turned his head slightly. Get a grip, misfit.


  25. keep up the good work misfit. if there not clones then im sure this was taped at two different times but from what i know about lost is not to count anything out. we'll find out more about this tape in the future but for now i dont think they made an error after all the time they put into the show. hell the smoke appears twice in the first episode and most people didnt know that for awhile so who knows.

    cool site

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. watch the episode =/// you'll see what i'm talking about

    of course, i do still hold out hope that you're all kidding and this is one big, hilarious joke, but in case there are ppl out there who believe that there is a clone in the video, listen up:

    PLZ watch the episode again. the changes misfit refers to happen IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SPLICED FOOTAGE. When the new footage cuts in, Candle is the same as before, but after a cut away to Locke a few seconds later he changes in the ways misfit's pictures highlight. I agree the footage was removed on purpose, but i refuse to believe that the D.I. or anyone else can grow a clone fast enough to make this plausible. Seriously, they must have cranked out a 40-something candle in five years.

    actually, i'd LIKE to HEAR your ExplANATION for THAT it WOULD be hILAriOUS

  28. when something is cloned it grows extremely fast to catch up to the age of whatever it cloned.

  29. trickee you must of been a fun guy in the x-files forums. its tv NOT real life, anything can happen on the island.

  30. Nice to see your "research" has gotten less ridiculous as time goes on. Very entertaining. Keep up the good work.

  31. Misfist, stop with all these awfull theories, they're silly and not even the people of LOST would ever come up with something so retarted.If your in a hospital, why are you even allowed to use a computer?? How can you even have one anyway??!

  32. It's certainly not a lighting difference. I'm wondering if parts of the video were taped at different times though...either in production or in "lost-real" life. Sure, the lighting is different, but he's also clearly wearing a different labcoat as seen by the lapel. Also, watch his tie as the photo changes...different albeit similar ties...if they are the same tie, at minimum it's tied differently. I do think it's the same man, but not moments apart. Good detective work. I think many of your theories are hokey but this picture comparison is great.

  33. his tie is also tied different

  34. productions bug

    nuff said

  35. Well done misfit! While I have to admit I was a bit sceptical about some of your earler "revelations", this was very well spotted. I agree with those people that say it's a different facial expression and light angle, but there's no doubt his hair-do is different. I'm not a fan of the clone theory tho, I think armando hit the nail on the head when he said this is a separate segment of video recorded at a later date, intended to replace some information that the others didn't want any new inhabitants of the island to see. That's why there are still little gaps even after the two films have been pasted together!

  36. Slightly different camera angle, different lighting (hence the different scar/eyebrows) also he is wearing a different jacket. Look at the lapels, the original reel one has large lapels, the missing piece one has small lapels. It was either production error, or it was a different chunk of film meant to screw people up.

  37. Slightly different camera angle, different lighting (hence the different scar/eyebrows) also he is wearing a different jacket. Look at the lapels, the original reel one has large lapels, the missing piece one has small lapels. It was either production error, or it was a different chunk of film meant to screw people up.

  38. You really are a complete langer.

    Its a camera angle, nothing more.

    Clutching at scoops big time, failing everytime.

    Scoop: i got a great scoop rehash something that was public knowledge.

  39. The writters have already said DHARMA is an acronym not an anigram more proof this is BS

  40. I don't think it's clonning gone rong. probably was recorded after the incident

  41. I'm with you on this one too!

    My latest thoughts about Lost is that the fake beard belongs to Degroots clone so he make shit that the real Degroot will pay for. Soon the "Losties" will kill an innocent "Mr. Friendly" in a guerilla-war.

    There are definitly some cloning going on here...:-)

  42. where the hell did all this talk of clones come from... jesus christ this is getting worse than the stupid star wars clone shit

  43. AHAHAHA the HAD ARM comment had me chuckling for quite a while

    thanks for that :-)

  44. "Remeber that DHARMA is an anagram for HAD ARM"

    umm once again incorrect sir or madam as the case may be..

    Dharma = Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications

  45. That IS an ACRONIM you should learn THE difference!! HAD ARM is an anagram!!

  46. It is oblvious that Doctor Crandel has become more stylish with the use of many hare products that naturally emerge from the ISLAND. He may have purchased them on his ride on the APOLLO Feery!

  47. this is a very old "clue".
    I've seen this in many forums long before yesterday...

  48. yeah theyre def different...
    watch the eyes!!!!
    theyre totally different

  49. Interesting theory, do like it but dont believe it. Just a different facial expression and just his hair's combed differently!

  50. Has anyone noticed that Marvin Candle could be an anagram for "NARC, DAMN EVIL", or "NARC MAN DEVIL"? I think there is a correlation between Locke's pot farm and Dr. Candle that the producers/ writers want us to know about. Dr. Candle must have been the guy that ratted everybody out.


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