Missed CLUE at the PEARL Station!! FIJI Island LOCATION

Whilst MOST of you were looking at the DVD that was found in the PEARL Station I was looking for REAL clues and like THE real explorer Marcus POLO I found IT!! The stuff THAT was found on the table there WAS actually a MAP to their location!! The people IN the station were planning their ESCAPE from the boring task of PUTTING things in shoots and watching PEOPLE doing the washing up in the SWAN station!! I have analysed over 8,374 MAPS of the world and HAVE found the patten BELOW matches to the stuff on the table 100% EXACTLY!! tHERE is no need to thank ME!!


  1. ok before anyone corrects misfit on his obvious mistakes, think about something. has it ever occured to anyone that he is doing it on purpose? i mean sherluck? dvd/ hannah lucia? hes stuck in a bloody hospital for goodness sakes. so before you critizise him, just think about what he is really doing cuz he is so bored in the magic hospital called saint rosa....

  2. Wow i know you will be grilled on this one. I myself enjoy your detective work and please keep it up. your site lighten up my days. Keep it up and don't let anyone tell you other wise.


  3. you should learn a little more geography, it's useful and it doesn't hurt at all.

  4. I have to say that is the BEST theory to day. I cannot stop laughing at this one.

  5. hm ... nice idea , but i dont see any similarity between those 2 pictures =|

  6. Are you kidding me? Your theories are nothing more than a good laugh now and again! I really hope nobody on here believes a word you write.

  7. oh dont worry no ones gonna be thankin you for this one

  8. Great observation as usual misfit, keep up the fantastic work and prove those lame doubters wrong. Misfit FTW!

  9. If you want REAL info on lost and the various mysteries check out this site.

    Lost Mysteries

  10. Hey thats pretty good,Keep it up manm

  11. The two "maps" are nothing alike!! I don't see what you are talking about, the crap on the table looks nothing like the map

  12. YES! This is exactly WHAT I thought too! Do you think THE cigarette REPRESENTS an island with a smoking VOLCANO?

    I bet the NATIVES all have LUNG cancer too.

  13. See now this is an ok theory, just the map part. Not about the escape.
    It is still not correct but still an ok one.

    And the part about looking over 8000 maps, yeah bullshit.

    tHERE is no need to thank ME!!
    I would get over posting that all the time if I were you. But if I were you then I would need to shoot myself.

  14. marcus polo. i love it.

  15. There is no need to thank me!

  16. Once again you did it. While the Lost people are being thrown off track by decpetive stuff, you keep on looking for the REAL clues. Very much people don'T get great devective work when they see it.

  17. I want to have your baby

  18. Dear Mr Misfit,

    I have found a Dharma Initative logo on the popular T.V show Prison Break!


    All of the tables are Dharma logos! What do you make of this?

  19. new on website...go to mental health..inquire..type in light sequence again...see letter..paly game...watch the colors of the symbols

  20. shoots should be spelled chutes.

    thank you.

  21. Looks more like drugs to me more than a map that they were planning to get off the island with.

  22. No. The crumpled cigarette is clearly too far north to be Vanua Levu. It might possibly be New Caledonia's Novelle Caldonie, but the scale is clearly not correct for Fiji.

  23. Creative! Keep up the good work!

  24. You're an idiot.
    Why would I thank you?

  25. i mean looking over a few thousand maps ist not just a waste of time, but plain stupid. we know where the flight 815 went, and so there are not many maps that need to be checked. so... that part was really stupid.

    but the idea about the shit on the table beeing a map, showing islands is nice. the picture proves it is wrong, but it was a nice idea.

  26. Nice try moron! The crap on the table looks nothing like the map! You know what's most amusing in this site? SPELLING MISTAKES AND RANDOM WORDS IN CAPS! Keep up your deFective work! And don't worry nobody will be thanking you for that!

  27. of cus nobody wants to thank you for bullshit.

  28. o m g i can see it. The island markers are not to scale, and once you realize that, it fits pretty well. DAMNNNN.

    thank you misfit!!!!!11111


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