WAS Desmond smuggling cryptonight !!

Look back AT the frames from the SEASON finale I believe I have hit upon SOMETHIGN!! Looking at the electronic photo BELOW I have found a strange GREEN glow!! It is is IDENTICAL to the glow that TIGHT wearing SUPERMAN Clark Tent feared so much!! I think that DESMOND was smuggling cryptonite and THAT is what is behind the WALL and what caused the MAGNETIC anomoly that Desmonds girlfriend Polly WAS tracking in the Igloo!! I have measured THE green hue/tint and THEY are identical!!


  1. Wow, great work misfit
    You really do so much research for us, we can't thank you enough!

  2. You really have problems man, REALLY
    get professionl help as fast as posible

  3. Dude, you're awesome. I always look forward to your insights!

  4. Dude, you're awesome. I always look forward to your insights!

  5. Supergirl, must be "HIM"

  6. HAHAHA i got the ultimate secret of misfit the greatest nerd ever lived, he post's Anonymous posts himself about that he is great and cool, who can ever take this one seriouse

    Get a life misfit, and dont post post about that you are awesome, becouse it wont help you

  7. I think misfit is awesome and i'm not the misfit, if you want proof of this log onto the imdb.com forums.

    Another great find mr misfit, sterling work once again.

  8. I think he is awsome, He added me as one of his firends today on myspace


  9. What you talkin about willis

  10. i like to poo poo in my pants poo poo in my pants

  11. i like to poo poo in my pants poo poo in my pants

  12. God damn your stupid.

    Even though Kryptonite isn't real, it doesn't have any magnetic properties.

  13. You theories are stupid.

    I hate you so much.

  14. Hello Sir,
    I am here on behalf of Discount Burgers INC. I heard you were interested in purchasing a large quantity of burgers from us. That is terrific. First thing we are going to need to do is to find the plan that is best for you. If you travel alot, we have free roaming, and nights and weekends. That's just one example of how our burger sales program can be tailored to fit your needs! Isn't it exciting? After we have you set up on a plan that is BEST for you, we're going to need to do some tests, which would require your presence at one of our 815 convenient locations all over the globe. You want these burgers. These tests are harmless and would only take a couple hours. They include blood, urine, and skin tests. Buy these burgers.

    So please. BUY THESE BURGERS!

    - Dawn Dingy Dawk Bawk
    C.F.O. of poop burgers inc.


    P.S. You want these burgers.

  15. maybe he is Lex Luther in disguise!?!?! lol

  16. Anon said "You theories are stupid.

    I hate you so much.

    Then don't come to this site you stupid prick.

  17. These people who think you are stupid don't know how stupid they are themselves.

    Come on, doesn't the name "Mike Rotch" give it away for you guys? It's called humour!

  18. TheWarrior, go fuck your mother.

  19. Clark Tent. That's Super-dooper Man's alter-ego, right?

  20. another one of those Anoyamouses said...
    >>If you want real Lost information you should go to these sites.<<

    blah de blah etc etc blah de blah blah blah

    well seeing that we, who appreciate Misfit's satirical sense of mystery, deductions and GENUINE FINDS - AND are all the biggest LOST fans in the world anyhoo, we ALREADY KNOW about all those links. Duh. there's just so many musings and freakin anal-purist theories floating around the web that one can stomach & coming to read Misfit's blog is somewhat like eating a Maalox tablet - it sure does makes MY stummy feel better!

    I'm yet another of the many who thinks Misfit is awesome.

    I pity the people who just don't



  21. Hey, i like your blog but today i think you'd better to have a break!

  22. maybe he put the crypto in this red canister?

  23. THeory hieroglyph

    misfit do you think that when the red white black glyphs on the countdown timer come up it really just reads


    it looks like it in a subtle way

  24. At least get people's names correct before you start spouting stupid ideas. Desmond's girlfriend is called PENNY not POLLY and it's Clark KENT not TENT!

  25. My Theory is that it's a GPS system with a glowing LCD screen.

  26. My Theory is that it's a GPS system with a glowing LCD screen.

  27. Was Desmond secretly smuggling your momma? or was she even him? or when did we get to know how superman got on the island?

  28. hOrrOr that was fcking terrible.

  29. Great find Misfit...some of your posts are spot on and some are so farfetched but its nearly 2am and I cant sleep and you just gave me a lovly great chuckle. So thanks

  30. desmond was in a movie i saw last night...with demi moore..."Half Light"...he was the bad guy

  31. hi misfit i'mm loving the good finds you make but some of them like this 1 is a bit well.... just stupid

  32. hi misfit ur site is gr8 but some of the things like this just spoil it

  33. As I said before Misfit, you really have returned to TOP form. This will show any that EVER doubted you.

  34. I think it might be one of those Halloween "glowsticks" What do you think?

  35. I don't THINK it was HALLOWEEN when he crashed on THE island!!

  36. That makes no sense! Its a frickin computer giving off a green glow! So What! Also Superman is clark Kent NOT Clark Tent

  37. I wait for the moment in which Superman get to take part of these series....I want Superman to rescue all our friends LOST!!

  38. dude u are a real retard. u are crazy. this is lost not superman.

  39. IDIOT POWER are you contagious ?

  40. if i give you 20 dollars can you get a life??

  41. you are a genius. I never would have thought that Superman would come to the island, but now that I hear it, it makes perfect sense. It's even allowed me to draw the conclusion that spiderman will come because Locke must be afraid of spiders and Wonder Woman has to be there because she's as sexy as Kate. Genius.

  42. Oh my god your right!!!11!111! that much mean that dharma is trying to take down superman! AND THAT MUST MEAN CRAZY BERNARD IS LEX LUTHER IN DISCUISE!

    great find retard

  43. damn, i totaly got it! mr eko is superman! sayid is batman!. and guess what : charlie is ..spiederman!

    as i checked every frame i saw chuck norris ! :O

    joth - n is his brother!

    dude, you suck!

  44. as i checked frame by frame i found out several facts - i hope abc wont kill me twice...

    1.mr eko is superman...
    2. saxyer is gay and is dressed as catwomen when it gets darker..
    3. sayid is wolverine
    4. charlie is spiderman

    dude, you suck


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