Why ARE the others hiding rifles, WALKING sticks and handbags in the ROCKS!!

One of MY favourite detectives is Dr Mark Slain FROM Diagnostic Murderers!! I think even Dick Van Dirk would BE please with this one!! From MY studies of FRAMES at SUPER DOPER zoom levels I have found out more CLUES!! It appears that those CRAZY and probably smelly OTHERS have been hiding items iN the rocks!! As you can see HERE they have HIDDEN a grey handbag A strippy WALKING stick and a RIFLE!! This IS a MAJOR find and ONE that will help me SOLVE lost once and for ALL!!


  1. THAT is weird!! Great FIND!!

  2. wow misfit you must have born with eagle eyes to be able to notice these things!

    I bet the handbag belongs to Ms.
    Klue. She probably dropped it while going to the Ladies Room Bush one day!

  3. Very stylish stuff they have..

  4. Dick van dyke and Mark sloane

  5. it must be the walking stick from UNBREAKABLE!!

  6. well if it is a gun the stock is turned the wrong way it should be up and down not side to side, because you can see what would be the back of the trigger pointing down so that would mean the stock would have to be facing up and down and not side to side

  7. if u take a good look you can tell its a rope

  8. MiSfIt is KING!!!!!!1111one!!!

  9. Looks like House's cane :P

  10. OBLIVIOUSLY, the Others are VERY fashionable. I AM SURE that they receive (or get) the ISLAND Vogue so they can coordinate their FASHIONS.

  11. sorry, but that is old news.

  12. Is it old news????Ive never seen it posted on any lost message board or site.

  13. It looks like an axe handle to me. Probably just a prop that was on site and should have been put away. Nothing imo

  14. What a great eye you have, Agatha!

  15. It's SLOANE, DIAGNOSIS AND DYKE not half the shit you've written misfit!!

  16. You seriously cannot see the gun????? Maybe you need to get your eyes checked out.

  17. That cane only proves one thing. Dr. House is on the island!! Is he working for Dharma?


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