Why DID hugo forge his LOTTERY ticket!!

The greatest DETECTIVE was Agatha Crystals Miss Mapple but I think I must BE close to challenging HIM!! My Frame by frame DETECTIVE skills have discovered that HUGO cheated and forged THE lottery ticket that WON him the money!! YOu can clearly SEE that the 2 tickets ARE different!! My detective SKILLS are getting better every DAY!! ABC will be mad at ME!!


  1. Misfit you are a genius! ABC can only get mad at themselves for making that mistake and letting this air! But how could he forge it? Even though the tickets are different one is real and they both have the same numbers! He does not have any reason to forge his ticket!

  2. Great find! But could this just be a big mistake? Did ABC accedently use different props?

  3. it's obvious that the dumbass who runs this site is making up gay shit theories on purpose.


  4. He had the ticket pre drawing. As Stephanie said, he'd have no reason to forge it. We saw him looking at it and passing out in shock when the numbers were picked.

  5. The lotter WAS video!! His fainting WAS all an ACT!!

  6. Who cares? Both tickets have the same numbers. The one he bought had the winning numbers on it too. So he obviously didn't forge it, because he had the winning numbers from the start. It is probably just a 2-sided ticket, and he was looking at the other side. But he had the right numbers to start so (read my lips) IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!!!

  7. its ALL fault of Mr ALVIN Handsome and the 1 footed gay ALIEN overlords controlling ALL the DHRAMA and Fake Jerry Gale's bear pet, thats WHY SAller killed it.

  8. dude, of all the stupid asses on the internet you are the stupidest...not only are your theories flawed but you don't even have the intelligence to accurately reference a fictional character...it is agatha christie...get off the web and go back to high school...

  9. I know I'm just nit picking, but it's actually Agatha Christie's Miss Marple, and she was female.
    Check before you compare your bullshit to literature. It offends me.

  10. Nice find misfit. Poirot would be jealous of you.

  11. Wow. A continuity error. What a great find.

  12. You are my hero and I am jelous of your detective skills. I wish I didn't have a job, wife and kids so I to could check each frame of Lost and find these great clues. You are truely lucky about not having a social life. And we reap the rewards.


  13. Is English your primary language?...
    ABC should hire you as their continuity person. There is a staff member that is supposed to check those things and that is their only function. I just think that it was their mistake and they should hire you instead. Then we will really get the scoop!

  14. One's first response would probably be "continuity error"... But this is LOST!
    So I don't know.

    Has anything been CONFIRMED as a "continuity error"?

    I still don't understand, but don't forget there are "theories" that there are somehow 2 different timelines being presented in LOST. (Can anyone expand on this theory?)

    That might account for these 2 different views of the "same" ticket.

    Questions?/Comments? * This Has Been e-mail From:
    "Dr. Mark" Hill * The Doctor Of Pop Culture /*/ drmark7@juno.com

  15. hahaha misfit you are one funny lady. Congrats on your marvellous detective work!!

  16. themisfitishere,

    Who was the fainting an act for, why would it be necessary?

  17. so is his mum from DHARMA? is he trying to deceive her so he can go to the island? remember, he was in sonto Rassa, the mental institute. maybe he knows stuff like vinzend the dog?

  18. Naw, I think it was to convince yer Mom. She was prolly already mad at him for wanting to be on top, and he didn't need her to know about the conspiracy as well.

    Besides, it would have taken time for her to talk to him about the lottery ticket, and she had to get down dem back alleys to scrounge some snuff from dem bums.

  19. It IS the Santa ROSA Mental Health Institute!! You really Need TO check your sppelling!!

  20. hahaha!

    Good one Misfit!

  21. what the heck! You're so retarded ... it's just a freakin' mistake. Your theories are certainly wrong, so why would anybody be mad at you? I'd rather say they laugh about you, but nevermind!

    Keep living in your imaginary world and post all that shit ... at least I can have a good laugh then ;)

  22. what the heck are YOU doing? There has certainly been made a mistake, so the tickets ARE the same.

    AN interesting site you got there though. Don't listen to all the IDIOTs out there and keep up your good work :)

    P.S.: I tried to emphasize the important words ... I just say Hanna-Lucia, Dr. Alvar Hanso and Agatha Crystal ;)

  23. Misfit said - "It IS the Santa ROSA Mental Health Institute!! You really Need TO check your sppelling!!"

    you are a fucking hypocrite misfit. its unbelievable how many spelling mistakes you make and then you tell others they make mistakes what a fucking joke. you really are a misfit

  24. He just got this from Lost Mysteries. Since I made a comment about it yesterday and then he made this "finding" today. I just wasn't stupid enough to say that it has a story behind it.


  25. look at his name, hes a fucking nerd who cant even spell words, even I can spell words better then him and im dutch, hes English lol

  26. Wow people... It's obvious most of you don't understand the art of SARCASM.

    Misfit: Thanks for the laughs and sometimes insightful finds. I always love checking your website. Keep posting and forget the LOST purists who can't take a joke.

  27. Did anybody stop to think that maybe one of these is the front of the ticket and the other is the back?

  28. >>John Locke said...
    it's obvious that the dumbass who runs this site is making up gay shit theories on purpose. IT'S NOT FUNNY! IT'S JUST RETARDED!
    Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:30:36 PM >>

    Its obvious that the real John Locke would not have said this. He wouldn't use words like gay shit, dumbass & retarded. The real John Locke shows more class than this phony John Locke does.

    So Phony John, it would behoove you to get a clue - to recognize satire and learn to appreciate it. You might just start enjoying life a little more.

  29. You seem to think Kate was born on the island, yet you have her in your lost connections and survivor threads, so you are shooting yourself in the foot here mate.


  30. She was born ON the island along WITH her boyfriend TOM!! She still SURVIVED the plane crash SO she is a SURVIVOR and has connectins!!

  31. For those critiquing poor old Misfit, I suggest you read John Lennon's In His Own Write or A Spaniard in the Works.

  32. Is he making it up? YES, but as for funny? It's the responses that are the most fun of all. You guys just don't get it... but keep NOT getting it please.
    ThEmIsFiTiShErE is awesome.

  33. hey i've met misfit before! yeah he said he was a homosexual.

  34. None of these posts are even funny, stupid people.

  35. Thank you!! I know they are NOT funny!! I take my research VERY seriously!!

  36. To: ThEmIsFiTiShErE

    As always AWESOME!!!!

    To: Most posters on this site

    Why get offened when this whole blog is for fun? How can you not understand what ThEmIsFiT is doing?
    Why take the time to post rubbish and and name call then tell him to get life?
    Understand what you are looking at.

  37. I meant your posts, not peoples comments.

  38. absolutely top notch entry Misfit!! I'm already looking forward to your next find

  39. Ha Ha - great - every post you manage to wind these kids up - you mis-spell intentionally and they fall for it everytime.

    I recognise the Doric sense of humour (sorry to confuse you no-Jocks out there).

    It's very hard not to feed trolls but some of these poster think irony is what railroads are bilt of

    ha ha


  40. You sometimes find good stuff but you screw it up by making up retarded theories. A ticket that looks different is a continuation error, not Hurley forging a ticket. And please, if you do in fact watch lost, you must have dyslexia because you can't have that many typoes. It's ALVAR HANSO. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. AND HE'S NOT BERNARD. AND ROSE ISN'T WALTS MOTHER JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE SOME PSYCHO DREAM ABOUT IT.

  41. It's obvious that they've used two props for it, but it is clearly the same printed ticket, they have just lost colour in the second one to show that it is older during this period in time. (Biodegrading)

  42. EvilBEN!! How can they be the SAME! look at the gap between the WRITING at the top and the NUMBERS!!

  43. it's the same, they only look different because of lighting and angles.

  44. Ummm... they are 2 different designs. Both are the winning ticket just 2 different designs.

  45. Great comment, Chris - Posters think IRONY is what railroads are built of! Misfit is sure a barrel of laughs! I wish he would comment more - some of these people are ruthless!


  46. why would he act out his faint?

    why would he forge a lottery tickets if he has the same numbers on both?

    and if he did forge them, why did they both obviously not the same?

  47. why would he act out his faint?
    He HAD to convince HIS mother!!

    why would he forge a lottery tickets if he has the same numbers on both?
    He HAD them made AFTER the numbers had been DRAWN!!

    and if he did forge them, why did they both obviously not the same?
    He MADE 2 becuase HIS first one was had A mistake!!

  48. Oh, and another thing for you trolls - you know who you are. If you don't like what the Misfit posts, don't come here. But I know, you can't wait to see what he will say next so you can bash him. Keep up the good work, Misfit!

  49. Come on dude, get real. Why would he have a lottery ticket there, and forge a copy later?

  50. They were BOTH forgeries!! The 1st ONE was not good enough SO he made another!!

  51. Ok, get over it. A continuity error is all.

  52. Interesting fansite. My first time here.
    But the lotto ticket is way old news.
    Has anything you've "predicted" or "spoiled" ever come true on the show?
    Keep up with this site, it's good for a giggle.

  53. Interesting site here. However, the lotto ticket thing is way old news. Production error, it's already been confirmed by the folks that actually write this show.
    Keep up the work, though, it's all good for a giggle.

  54. I don't know how so many of you could have missed this one. The photo of the 2 lottery tickets has been floating around the Net for more than a year now. The Misifit hasn't had an original thought or find presented any where on this site. Everything here is stolen from other LOST sites, except for his insane theories. And I thought it was frightening to be in my head. Investigation, say he. Piracy, says I!

    But his ignorance is quite funny. Makes me feel a bit better about myself. The next time someone insults me intellect, I'll just point them to The Misfit and say "see, I'm not so bad." Unless, of course, This whole site is a set up to throw us off course.

  55. shit you are an as it is not agatha crystal hahahhahaysgfkhawghkfdgslvahghkfd

  56. TI si retard ovo je samo jebena filmska greska

  57. The different tickets must be deliberate. To make the ticket they would have designed it on computer and saved the file, as everyone does. To make another ticket for later shows they would have just opened the old file and printed off an identical ticket. There's no way they would have made such a sloppy mistake without a reason.

  58. oh wow u are such a great detective!! get a life bitch.

  59. i thought that this website only posted stuff based on fact. Your theries suck! I used to like this website till you joined!

  60. Wow, what an inspiring detective you are! Come on dude. There is a difference between prop mistakes and true CLEVER finds, and I think if you are the sherlock holmes that you claim to be, then you would surely know the difference. It takes common sense and a good bit of logic and sifting through tons of detail to make sense of some of this. Don't get all psyched about dumb shite and put exclamations everyone like you know something we don't know, cause you just keep wasting everyone's time. Are you going to be putting ads up soon to generate revenue for your poor health condition next? I actually don't buy that story. Nice one, just like the rest. You're a bullshit artist.

  61. hurley is afraid of change tho. Why forge a ticket and win money if he knows this is going to happen

  62. Look, I know why it is different, you guys most probably haven't won the lottery, lol.
    When you win the lottery you go to the shop and they take your ticket and exchange it for a temporary ticket so you have the proof of the win.
    They also do not have terms and conditions on the card because you already know it by now (duh, you already exchanged it).
    I won lottery just over three years ago, lol, I only won $2,500 though, not millions like Hurley.

  63. you donkey brain! when you win money with a tiket they take the winning tiket off you and give you a short copy of it to prove that youve won this way they know they have took the money off you so get your facts right!

  64. DUDE! listen!! when you win money with a lottery tiket they take the winning tiket off you and give you a short copy so this way they know that they have took the winning tiket off you so then they know they have given you the money too


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