Are the OTHERS trying to bury the Hatch again!!

Well my FRAME by frame analysis of the SHOW is really paying off NOW and I think it IS safe to assume that I have become the number 1 LOST detective in THE universe and PROBABLY further!! Even Humpray Bogar playing SUPER sleuth Phil Marlon in the great and WORLD famous movie 'The Big Snooze' would be proud OF me!! I think I have uncovered SOMETHING very sinister going on with those Pesky Others!! It appears from the computer based Screenshots below that THEY are trying to bury the HATCH again!! The photographic photos PROVE that the hatch is BECOMING more and more buried!! I think this NOW puts me about 98.9873% closer to SOLVING lost!!


  1. It's not the same hatch. Locke only dug up the Swan, and Eko never went down a rope into the Swan. That's the Pearl.

    Do you ever pay attention to the actual story?

  2. Not since Arthur Conan the Barbarian Doyle's INFAMOUS Shemlock Holmes has their been a detective like the Misfit. Misfit belongs on this list ...

  3. To the idiot above,that is not the Pearl, that is the Swan. It is the scene from the Season 2 finale in which the only way in for Eko was to go down the old hatch.

    Do you even watch the show Anonymous?

  4. ALSO the hatch NOW seems MUCH smaller!!

  5. Looks to be just another production error. You're going to turn into the laughing stock of the Lost community. Retard.

  6. It is the swan hatch, but the pic with the trench around it is before they blew the door. maybe the dynamite shook the earth back round the hatch, leaving only the top exposed. i don't think this is a major plot point. maybe just a continuity error, not worth bothering about.

  7. The hatch has also gotten smaller. Its all just a production error. Unlucky misfit. Good luck on the TailSection though.

  8. Guys, its the same hatch, the Swan hatch. Its just a perspective trick... From that angle, it appears that the hatch has dirt on its sides, but the dirt is way below... Just a perspective mislead from the picture...

  9. you know its a good find, Stop being so fucking rude.

  10. Perspective.... you must be blind, the earth is right up to the sides. Get some glasses

  11. Where exactly are you getting these pictures? If this is an analysis of footage from an episode of the show, then it's completely illogical; right up to the finale we know people have full access to the Swan hatch, there's no reason for it to be buried.

    From what I've seen in your other work, you've got a worse case of paranoia than those lunatics who think the Moon landing was staged and that we should all wear tinfoil hats.

  12. i think maybe the producers are making mistakes...and no u not even close to being an O.K. detective

  13. Mr Misfit, do you subscribe to the theory that it is all JETHRO TULL?

  14. Alot of time has passed between the pics with Danielle and the one with Eko the dirt could have piled back up. Did you ever think of that Mr. Detective. ThEmIsFiTiShEre or whatever your stupid name is you prolly don't even watch the show. "I am the greatest lost detective ever." I could out do you on lost any day.

  15. its obvious to me that they are on a different island and when they go into swan they come out of ducky

  16. its obvious to me that they are on a different island and when they go into swan they come out of ducky

  17. no.9 here misfit a quick question-when you reach 100% of solving lost will it be at the end of series 6 when its already solved or quite soon?

  18. I expect it TO be quite SOON!! There are just a few peieces OF the Puzzled to go!!

  19. some of these guys just don't get it, and their attitude is getting worse everyday.
    stop posting jerks - and tell your moms how clever you are...

    don't let these fools ruin your day, misfit...

  20. no.9 hope it works for you misfit good luck

  21. Thank you leonard shelby I try to ignore the bad WORDS people say about me!! It will not stop ME researching things!!

  22. ok pal cut the stupid act you've just proved to me that its all an con, you should go in the Big Brother house with all the other actors, 'the big snooze' ha ha one to many convenient mistakes - idiot get a girlfriend

  23. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Please, *PLEASE* improve the written quality of your posts before wirting anther one. It is incredibly annoying. We don't want to hear all this shit about how you're "THE best L0ST DETECTIV eva!!!11!".

    Just constructive critisim pal... please don't flame me.


  26. oh wow bob nudd great fan of yours absolutly unbelieveble i love your work {alot more than the fat geek}

  27. It's just an error on the director/production part.

    I seriously doubt the creators intended for you to come up with all this wacky ideas!

  28. You know, they might've just filled in the dirt themselves over time. They were in there for a while.

  29. Whoever said it's just because of the perspective seems to be right. If you look really closely, you can tell that the dirt is far below.

  30. if you think about it: no one has come through that entrance of the hatch since the beginning of the season. and God knows how many times it has rained since then, so is it so inconceivable to believe that maybe the dirt surrounding the hatch later in the season could just be run-off?

  31. Nice work.

    Seeems to me the anonymous comments are from the same person. How lame. Have some balls to post with a name at least. Or better yet, why bother posting at all?

  32. Nice work.

    Seeems to me the anonymous comments are from the same person. How lame. Have some balls to post with a name at least. Or better yet, why bother posting at all?

  33. Nice work.

    Seeems to me the anonymous comments are from the same person. How lame. Have some balls to post with a name at least. Or better yet, why bother posting at all?

  34. have never seen so many humourless geeks....Its probably an effect of the electromagnetism making the hatch dissolve the rock below it and sink hence the earth falls in round it...keep up the good work misfit from the dolmen-guy in ireland

  35. You Don't think it could be possible that the lost people refilled it up, so they won't have to keep climbing up on it to get in?

    This post is stupid, as is most of them.

  36. Misfit has a lot of fans guys

  37. this guy is a moaners are intellectual pygmies whose deepest thoughts wouldnt wet his ankles!!! Good Stuff misfit

  38. Misfit I particularly enjoy watching the tedious Lost purists getting rattled by your excellent blog. Your detractors only come here to look at your fantastic screen caps in which you discover the most amazing finds. They are super jealous of you so thats why they sputter as they do.

  39. Hey misfit.

    This is probably the best LOST theory blog I've ever read - I love your insight. However I also read The Tail Section regularly and was wondering whether you could possibly post new stuff on the Tail Section instead of just reposting stuff from your own blog? It can be disappointing going to the Tail Section expecting Misfit GREATNESS and seeing something you've already read.

    I'm just nitpicking here; love your site!

  40. Pull your head out of your ass. Your so up yourself. Wanker.

  41. yeah...or maybe there is a road going to be built there and burying the hatch is part of the constraction project...are you PEOPLE nuts ? what does it matter anyway ...

  42. yeah... or maybe there is a road going to be built there and burying the hach is part of the constraction project...are you people nuts ? what does it matter anyway...

  43. I think it may be error also.
    There have been several errors.

    I'm not that other Anonymous asshole btw: just a fan giving an opinion.

  44. the hatch is the pearl station people coz desmond kills the operater of the pearl station the hatch (swan) was dug all the round and the pic of eko climing down the hatch the door is different plus the hatch hasnt been dug around the swan door the glass panal was in the middle not in the corner like this one.

    ThEmIsFiTjUnIoRiShErE what you have done is mind blowing thanx

  45. Who cares which hatch it is. pearl swan or turkey. the way you tightassed speedos carry on about a tv show is proof of just how dinky your lives are. Lost is nothing but an X-files waiting to happen.

  46. I like your site Misfit and find your posts/photos insightful and many times humorous.

    Keep up the good work and don't let the rude peeps bug you.

    Remember: "Rudeness is a weak man's imitation of strength."

  47. misfit u obviously have no life at all. i dont mean to be rude.....well i actually i do. u are so stupid when it comes to theories. if u actually watched the show and payed attention u would know that that which was the swan and which was the pearl u idiot. i always come to ur site cause it makes me keep it going because i like reading a lot of bull and its funny

  48. misfit u obviously have no life at all. i dont mean to be rude.....well i actually i do. u are so stupid when it comes to theories. if u actually watched the show and payed attention u would know that that which was the swan and which was the pearl u idiot. i always come to ur site cause it makes me keep it going because i like reading a lot of bull and its funny

  49. misfit u obviously have no life at all. i dont mean to be rude.....well i actually i do. u are so stupid when it comes to theories. if u actually watched the show and payed attention u would know that that which was the swan and which was the pearl u idiot. i always come to ur site cause it makes me keep it going because i like reading a lot of bull and its funny

  50. Misfit has no life???? Comign from the guy who piosted the same thing 3 times.

  51. he lives in a hospital for gods sake and spends all hours of his day creating theories of lost - you really think someone who had a life would do that????!!!!

  52. i must say watching all of you "Anonymous's" fight and be critical assholes is very, very funny. Yes, Misfit doesn't get amny things right, but he doesn't get that many wrong either. Just leave him alone because he will be laughing in your face wen he actually solves the whole mystery behind "lost" and you will be crying because you made fun of him beforehand.

  53. MISFut is the gradest Defective EVER!!! He knows that is THAT CRAZY Irish Desmond what is CAUSING all teh troubvle.

  54. you are not getting even close to solving lost....try again....contant me when you realise you are...wrong...

  55. Ha hahah hahahah ahahahahahahah

  56. Does it rain on the island?
    What happens when rain hits mud on a slant?
    IT FALLS!!! Obviously it is a prodcution error, but to coverthem all they have to say is that it rained, the raid made the mud fall into the hole....the hole went...the hatch is back to land level.

  57. I find it funny that the people who are mocking others for not having lives are, themselves, posting and reading this, be polite, if you dont like what we're saying then dont come to this website, an obvious answer to many of lifes ansewrs, quit raining on our parade.
    my theory? could they just be re-burying it because they want to keep it hidden from the others just in case they come back, or theres any other suprises that they need to hide from

  58. Good stuff!

    Like I said before just have fun with the lost show. No need to be rude! IF you dont like it don't read it that's it. But if you come to this site and read all the stuff than being rude should be the last thing you will do! Go on Misfit! Peace! Bertug

  59. like others have said, good stuff! :)

  60. you are all a bunch of losers getting so involved in a television show that you would argue over dirt. If you want to get obsessed in something go buy a Playboy or Hustler. Jesus I bet you guys have never even seen a naked woman. ITS A TV SHOW!!! The producers suck with all the delays in production, the constant reruns make me sick and they are so close to "jumping the shark" it is pathetic! Well now I'm going to have sex with my wife! P.S. this is not the other anonymous queer I just was trying to get info if the series will ever premiere season 3 and this is what I find

  61. Hi, New anon here
    just felt like saying we need a few more shots because that could be a perspective problem
    personally i think it was natural because of the rain or the characters did it

  62. Or the Losties may have just reburried the hatch because having a giant hole with a big metal tube sticking out of it was a safety hazard.

  63. Well for one...these pictures are at different angles so you cannot tell if the depth of the other side.
    2. its a tropical island, which gets alot of rain, rain brings soil down from highter spots to fill in deep holes. Simple erosion from rain could make the whole around the hatch re fill quite quickly.

  64. too bad this is lie again..
    but dunno why, it's hilarious, i like to come visit every once in a while and laugh my ass off, and sometimes, recall the tv series in a good way as well.

    anyway, keep doing what you like to do.. it's all good.

  65. I love your site...but I really don't think it s fair for you to turn the Tailsection into another of your jokes...and yeah...its just perception look carefully and the ground is lower.

  66. its easy to rant a million words and then say it was your theory ,

    slowdown man ,



  67. ctid1977 said...
    Mr Misfit, do you subscribe to the theory that it is all JETHRO TULL?

    (Gasp) Of course! That's it! You've solved LOST! Not since Archimedes ran through the streets of ancient Greece screaming EUREKA has another human been this excited to make a discovery! It all ties into the the harmonic music of frontman Ian Anderson. MISFIT you must moderate these comments better before the entire mystery is divulged.

  68. Seriously, you're a fucking idiot.

  69. Ok, so here's the thing...
    First: Why bash someone for trying to play detective, which is what we are ALL trying to do EVERY episode!

    Second: It DOES NOT make you seem very intelligent when you are cursing someone out and mis-spell curse words(Misfit; never have a battle of wits with an unarmed participant, it's not worth the effort).

    Third: If you do not like what Misfit is posting, why take the time to log on and type out all those big words that you obviously do not understand. Since you insist on returning to this site, over and over again, That can only lead one to believe that you are curious to know what information he has discovered.

    Finally: I think that it is wonderful that my husband and his fellow Soldiers fight, and die for a country that believes in freedom of speech, and beliefs so we can have THESE a$$ clowns who are consistently telling someone to "shut up" and "quit posting about TV Shows" voice their opinion. I am really glad to know that thousands have died to let YOU have the right to be a moron!!! Thanks for not disappointing.

    By the way, Misfit, I think that it is great that you have an idea of what is going on, and I WILL check back to see what you have found.

  70. you dig a big hole and see how long it takes to fill back up.. its probably just wind blowing surface dust back into the hole thats all.

  71. I don't think THAT the island is WINDY enough to blow ALL that dirt into such a BIG hole!!

  72. Just a quick question based on this.

    If you were the others and you wanted to fill up this whole and recover the hatch for whatever purpose How long do you think it would take to do that? They seem like a motivated bunch and were this their purpose then why take so long to do it? I would maybe buy into something other than a production error if echo was seen brushing dirt aside as he came out of the hole. The way it's presented here in these screencaps? No way IMO.

  73. Maybe the dirt sunk in when there was the big explosion

  74. get a life misfit! why dont you just sit back and enjoy lost rather than watching each episode frame by frame? silly bastard

  75. the rain washed the dirt into the hole


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