Biggest KLUGH to date!! The Photo OF 1000 words!!

After another NON-STOP 72 HR DETECTING and RESEARCH session I found the FOLLOWING electronic PICTURE hidden on one of Goggle MASSIVE search servers!! This Picture I think SPEAKS for itself and I would not be SURPRISED if I had the the LAWERS after me again!! Click on IT to make it zoom Massivley BIGGER!! I think THIS photo proves 104.5% OF all MY facts on this PAGE!! I hope you ENJOY working out the CLUES on the PAGE!!


  1. misfit youre a robot you never stop

  2. Dude. Big Tim from the UK here. Don't watch the show but you rock. Pure comedy GENIUS. The Yanks don't get you, which makes you my HERO. Seriously, you are funny and deserve a Knighthood. I'll have a word with Liz. Rock on.

  3. ThIs is one OF your best finds. Please can I have AN autographed photo OF you for my dart board?

  4. is this a picture of your desk... look a baby photo of themisfitjunior... hahahaha


  5. KLUGH ??? Dude did you even go to school when you were younger.. TWAT.. Good find though (NOT)

  6. Look mate, it's a picture of one of the writer's desk. It has handwritten notes and playing cards and money. You would not find money on the island. Someone has obviously taken a photo of one of the writer's desks and posted it on the internet. It is NOT a still from an episode. Sorry to rain on your parade.

  7. Whoooh! That's one photo the makers of Lost won't appreciate you publishing! It has all the answer's in to all the questions! Great find!!!

    *Why did the other's steal Walt?*

    **So he could teach them to play poker, haha!**

  8. He means Klugh as in Miss Klugh. The character that appears in the show that this blog is about.

    It's what's known as a pun.


  9. He means Klugh as in Miss Klugh. The character that appears in the show that this blog is about.

    It's what's known as a pun.

    You Tit!

  10. He means Klugh as in Miss Klugh. The character that appears in the show that this blog is about.

    It's what's known as a pun.

    You Tit!

  11. He means Klugh as in Miss Klugh. The character that appears in the show that this blog is about.

    It's what's known as a pun.

    You Tit!

  12. He means Klugh as in Miss Klugh. The character that appears in the show that this blog is about.

    It's what's known as a pun.

    You Tit!

  13. He said "Klugh" because of the black woman who spoke to Michael.


  14. Anonymous - call yourself a lost fan - Miss Bea Klugh is one of the others (the one that held Walt) The title is a play on words.

    Pity about the picture though, It was admitted as a season one hoax...

    But then again maybe....


  15. Perhaps you should say that again bobsetch ... that's how many tits you're up to now?

  16. How could that be a Season 1 hoax? We did not know about Dharma in season 1

  17. Gonzo here, misFit. In case you didn't see my post on IMDb:

    Nice find MISFIT. Where did you find it?

    It looks like each side of the Dharma logo represnts possible stations. Each side of the logo has two letters Could it be that all of our main characters are being watched by Dharma?

    JL-John Locke
    CS-Jack's dad? I'm not sure his first name
    J.S.-Jack Shepard
    HR-Hugo "Hurley" Reyes
    CP-Charlie Pace
    ??-Hidden by post it note; looks like a D or P. Could be "D" for Danielle which the note could mean that Alex.
    CL-Claire Littleton--the arrow points to the middle we see
    WL-Walt Lloyd
    ?-Claire' baby but they don't know the name.
    SR-Shannon Rutherford?
    JS K-Jin & Sun Kwon

    My thoughts on the paper hanging next to it:


    According to the first definition fo "changeling" is

    A child secretly exchanged for another

    There's been a lot of talk about clones.

    "Nature not compressable(?) with Aristotelian genera & species"
    According to Aristotelian means

    1. A follower of Aristotle or his teachings.
    2. A person whose thinking and methods tend to be empirical, scientific, or commonsensical.

    genera means

    1. Biology. A taxonomic category ranking below a family and above a species and generally consisting of a group of species exhibiting similar characteristics. In taxonomic nomenclature the genus name is used, either alone or followed by a Latin adjective or epithet, to form the name of a species. See table at taxonomy.
    2. Logic. A class of objects divided into subordinate species having certain common attributes.
    3. A class, group, or kind with common attributes.

    "Free Mechanism!"
    Hmm, not sure about that one.

    "Indefinite/Infinate Change"
    Could it be that they don't know when they will end the observations?

    "Locke's work shows us."
    Obviously, Locke is their main subject.

    Random things that seem odd:
    Plastic army man
    Playing cards-Technically, someone has a straight (A-5) there is also a 6 and 8.
    Pic of Jack's dad
    Pic of a baby-This can't be Claire's or could it? How long was Claire gone while giving birth? It's possible the pic could have been taken while in the other hatch.
    Army tags-What if Kelvin isn't dead the tags are his and the army man doesn't represent him but reminds him of his former life.
    Letters from Dharma-Going w/that Kelvin did work for them.
    1 bullet
    Broken rocks

  18. Thank you SO much for the BIG long reply!!It is VERY impressive. CS is jacks Dad Christina!!

  19. did you know that by putting YOUR name on other ppls photos is a crime

  20. To the person above-it is not illegal to put your name on top of a photo as long as there is copyright image. You should get your facts straight before posting about things which you know very little about.

  21. Look at the keys of te Type-Writer,There are no letters printed on them,just like the phone with no numbrs that was used to call penny....Hmmmm?

  22. Well it looks like the doc has nothing to say.Love it when the 12yr old kids think they know something, are proven wrong, and then never bother replying or admitting they are wrong.

    Better read up a little more on the law Doc.



    Okay, the dharma symbol is the ba-gua symbol, right? well check this out. I researched the ba-gua symbol and each of the specific 8 sections represents something else, with the center bringing them all together.

    Here is what they represent, look at how each name goes along with what each one represents:

    NORTH: FAME (charlie pace)
    EAST: CHILDREN (claire)
    SOUTHEAST: HELPFULP PEOPLE (not sure if shannon falls into this or not)
    SOUTH: J.S. (jack) K (kate?) maybe kate IS AN OTHER! HER CAREER IS WITH DHARMA!
    WEST: FAMILY/HEALTH (jack and his dad. family. both doctors)
    NORTHWEST: WEALTH (hugo reyes. millionaire.)

    then the ying yang is in the middle, which represents balance. so somehow the kids are what brings all of this together?????

    GREAT FIND AGAIN! I hope my info is helpful.

    You the maaannn.

  24. HI, how long did it take u to set all of that up on a desk?? all of those things can easily get hold of, playing cards, toy soilder, rocks, i mean come put some effort into it. cards are set up with the number ace n 5 (15), 8, etc. U reali think som1 wud do tht to their desk, u r a moron. I have an idea, ill take a picture of something to make every1 on this website think im smart. Woo hoo declare me a genius.

  25. This isn't exclusive misfit. I saw this before Christmas. Still, congratulations, it must be hard finding new important information after you have already 'exclusively revealed' everything!

  26. to jackbauer what I posted was not put up not sure why
    and I am not 12 yrs old have not been in a very long time
    I had put that the site that I frist saw that on the photo had a copyright water mark and it doesnt take much to remove it if you know how to use photoshop and it is illegal. next time check your law books better yet I'll let you use mine.
    post this please
    and thank you
    you do good work with photoshop misfit

  27. Quit stealing old posts from DarkUfo, this was discussed at least a year ago!

  28. Explain to me how this picture explains anything relevant to LOST what so ever? Claiming to have found something and then explaining nothing only makes you look ignorant.
    I know
    I know
    This is a comedy blog. Don’t take it seriously, it’s just a TV show.

    But seriously, its one thing to make a point for a comedic effect, but lately you’re not even trying anymore and its just comes off as lame.

    Its not like this site is that funny anyway.

  29. Hey misfit, would u mind if i play miss marple for a sec?

    The picture is most certainly a fake created by misfit himself ... he basically wants us to believe his theories, so he set up this fake environment right in his cellar...

    and plz dude, stop writing comments as anonymous ... it's pretty obvious, that all of the comments, that actually contain research by s.o., are created by yourself...

  30. MiSfIt has done it again, shut up all doubters.

    MiSfIt FoReVeR!!!

  31. Keep up the good work misfit, top form.

  32. and how to you truly know 104% this is actually from LOST...dont believe everything you see

  33. the cards are good =the
    numbers well done misfit but quick question-you are over 100% complete so does that meen you have solved lost?

  34. Isn't Klugh pronounced like 'Kluck' not like'clue',THe GH is not silent,MISFIT you ARE an Iodiot,Yuo CANNOT spel or WRITE propurly,YOU ar A Iodiot

  35. the picture doesnt probe any of your theories

  36. Only I dont understand what the hell this picture mean?:S

  37. The playing cards represent the "Numbers" 4, 8, A5 (Ace = 1), A6, 23 and 42. Just so you know, heh.

  38. i dont get it will someone please explain

  39. I don't know why you put your water mark on it for, you don't own that picture.

  40. this pic is cool because of the baby picture in it....the face is pretty impressive for a baby

  41. You are a complete tool shed! Get your head out of your ass and try to find something new. This was posted by DarkUfo, you know the guy you lust to be, this photo is also a fake created by a fan of the show. So use your detective skills and find your "BRIAN" that is shoved up your ass

  42. this is off topic what ive got to say but its got me thinking when charlie was on the plane cindy and the other flight attendants chased him and he checked all the toilets and the only 1 that was open was the first class 1 then the plane crashed so how did charlie not end up in the fuselage with the pilot and the firstt class people

  43. You SHOULD notice tha

  44. You should NOTICE that there's A picture of JACK's dad lying on THERE!!

  45. you should know that your a dumbass

  46. YOUR days of stealing MY work are going to come to an END!!!

  47. that's not a type writer that's a computer dumbass

  48. First of all, one can tell this photographic-type rendering is a HOAX because (1) They don't USE American money on the Desmond Island; (B) The DESK is very dirty, and in fact, IS NOT clean; (1.2) No one would leave cards lying about and write notes to him/her/they self; (C) THE computerbox doesn't have TELLY attached to read it.

  49. YOUR days of stealing MY work are going to come to an END!!!

    Monday, July 10, 2006 10:35:03 PM

    Now, you know you're getting successful when people are imitating your work. Proof positive that you are one funny limey.

  50. just a few thing i think i should point out
    - ThEmIsFiT is god
    - you are all sad bastards
    - lost is amazing
    - its just a picture
    - there's no need for u all t get ur tissues out and hav a good cry just because you think the picture might be fake so what if its fake.
    - and for some of you that are to stupid to grasp the concept of a little play on words by a creative god (ThEmIsFiT), turn ur computer off make sure all ur windows are closed go up stairs to ur bedroom get under ur covers and cry ur self to sleep FOREVER.
    - and for BobSetch who ever you are we all kno u like to practice ur spelling but there's a time and a place for that and its not here not that im any1 to talk, im just a simple observer of this incredible site but next time just the once. thats me done now that im hated by all cya, u COCKS

  51. Ooh. I've seen this picture somewhere before. And it had all the initials on it and everything...where did I see it?

    It even had a clue-list...uh...
    O YEAH! I saw it somewhere on the channel 4 website...not that was the original.

    Bah! Who cares you're still my sunshine. :)

  52. Sorry peeps, this has already been revealed as a red herring....

  53. why the hell did you search this much, it was from the lost experience

  54. why the hell did you search this much, it was from the lost experience

  55. it's FAKE The guy have said to everyone

  56. im the new lostigator that is sawyers baby!!! this proves everything. actually it proves nothing but i deserve recognition in finding this. bqm


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