Completion INDICATOR

I NOW have a NICE looking completion indicator THAT will show you GRAPHICALLY how close I am to SOLVING lost!! This will BE updated after each FACT is uncovered by ME!!


  1. Cool, What happens when it reaches 100%

  2. LOST will be solved!! But I suspect ABC will try to stop me GETTING to 100%

  3. You really should add that to the control panel on the left side of your blog. That way it will always be visible.

  4. i admire your love for lost but give it up theres no mass construct the season 2 finale showed you that lost=
    shit not a philosphy that will change any thing producer david" iv'e ruined the show" lindlof said him self fans should not get to excited its not that complicated you see they got to romantic so it all fell apart i mean come on" how did you find me" "i have alot of money desmond" lost is turning into dynasty like the tail section said the honeymoon is over

  5. i admire your love for lost but give it up theres no mass construct the season 2 finale showed you that lost=
    shit not a philosphy that will change any thing producer david" iv'e ruined the show" lindlof said him self fans should not get to excited its not that complicated you see they got to romantic so it all fell apart i mean come on" how did you find me" "i have alot of money desmond" lost is turning into dynasty like the tail section said the honeymoon is over

  6. I'm way ahead OF you at 99.51729358% ... you haven't even solved THE mystery OF what Vincent EATS yet.

  7. sorry misfit but u know fuk all, plus for an annoying reason u keep spelling everything wrong, and not to mention most prediactions were wrong too!

  8. sorry misfit but u know fuk all, plus for an annoying reason u keep spelling everything wrong, and not to mention most prediactions were wrong too!

  9. I think ALL of my predictations HAVE been proved to BE true!! I was the FIRST person to report that Michael would KILL both Hannah-Lucia Cortex and Libby!!

  10. When you'll get the 100%, please, use the fail-safe!

    You're crazy, man :P

  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, MISFIT, ABC laughs at you, Abc thinks YOU are an IDIOT, whahahahhahahahahahhahahahah

    Show us the "BIG" theory then, if you are at 99.4% you sure got something to show

    oh no, it must be one of those DAMMED ufo's, whahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahaha

    you are the biggest nerd i have ever seen on the net, lol you think abc tries to stop you?

    lol they published the stuff, and they would thought there would be 1 idiot who might TRIE to solve the stuff, so why should they trie to stop you man

    i say it again, ABC laughs at you and they think YOU are an idoit

    now i want you to respond on this post, freak!

  12. your a wanker
    Get a life
    Get laid
    and stop making lost a joke with all your shit

  13. I dont THINK they are laughing!! I suspect THAT before season 3 START they will have a meeting about ME and my FINDS!! They may have to change the STORY slightly to keep me OFF the trail!!

  14. Sorry dude the only meetings they are having arnt about you at all, their about the show and what they want to happen, and if you can read minds than maybe you could solve lost but thats not about to happen.
    and ya they are laughing at you they think this site is pretty funny


  15. Ive never seen someone that annoying. You simply suck.

    But are at 99.5163% at solving. But in minus!

    Do world a favour. STFU and get a life!!

  16. Ive never seen someone that annoying. You simply suck.

    But are at 99.5163% at solving. But in minus!

    Do world a favour. STFU and get a life!!

  17. gr8 site but i dont think u are that close to solving lost if u were that close u probaly would have a gr8 theory by now

  18. You are a true geezer, MiSFoot!

  19. You have bearly solved anything, all of your investigations are a joke(more like .5163% of solving lost, plus it's ana lucia not5 hannah lucia).

  20. fucking twat faced bastard

  21. You can’t solve something that hasn’t been written yet. End of Story, and that is a FACT.

    Lost is not some great math can’t "solve" it. You can only figure out things from week to week based on the story they give to you in bite sized chunks. The writers don’t even know how the season is going to end yet so how can you? You can’t….nuff said.

    I know your site is a spoof site and it’s meant as a comedy bit...but’s just not funny...

    If you believe that all of your predictions have been proven to be true, then please do a side by side comparison of your theories and then how your theories have been proven to be true PLUS the facts that supports your theories to be true. (BTW Proof is not what you think. Your opinion does not constitute proof.)

  22. hello there dip shit this is a stupid waste of time and space on the net!deeeeeeeeer

  23. why is it that on that little ticker on the side of your page is says.."misfit is here and has solved lost" you have not solved lost .. ok bye

  24. why is almost everything you have aload of crap? like having aliens you are a nerd who needs to get a life and quick how really sad you are and you take a mistake to be something really big and rousseau being "him" maybe if they were called "her" idiot get a life because u suck lol

  25. why is almost everything you have aload of crap? like having aliens you are a nerd who needs to get a life and quick how really sad you are and you take a mistake to be something really big and rousseau being "him" maybe if they were called "her" idiot get a life because u suck lol

  26. ur a fuckin nerd hardly anything u say is trueits a load of crap oh aliens on the island and a dharma sign on the plane which has already been said not to be true dumbass and kate shooting sawyer why dont you get a girlfriend even no ur god dam ugly im sure u can find sum1 just as ugly or at least try

  27. omg ur such a fucking nerd get a life u ugly fag abc moles wota loada crap no one would ever have a meeting about u m8 not worth the time what are u retarded? attention seeking prick

  28. misfit seriously, your just making people hate you by making up all this shit. do everyone a favor and only report what is actually true! people might respect you more then?!

  29. Hey. That's very cool.
    I haven't been here for ages! Nice to see you still solving LOST.
    You're going to do it! Believe me!
    Good luck.
    You rock, misfit!

  30. Hannah-Lucia Cortex

    Its Anna-Lucia Cortez u penis breath

  31. Mr. Echo? Haha, retard.

  32. misfit, you stay the best. i hope abc will not try to find you and hurt you, because without you lost wouldn't be funny anymore.

  33. Keep up the good work Misfit. It must be difficult being so close to solving it as you have made all these anonymous people very jealous!

  34. Ppfftt, you don't solve anything.

    ALSO it looks LIKE Kate is SHOT DEAD
    I took that from an older blog post you made... and you were wrong. You are a very arrogant person.

  35. My COMPLETION indigat0r is HIGHER than urs!!!

  36. your stupid dickhead if you cant even write well all the fuckin names of the characters, you cant solve LOST your blog is a fucking insult to all lost fans all your stupid theories are senseless you even steal some pictures like that one of the black smoke and say that you discover that please for the name of god stop it!!!!!! you fool!!!!!!!! oh and i allmost forgot to tell you that the lost writter laughs a lot reading your stupid blog seriosly and the stupid thing that you said about that they have to change the story dont fuck your finds are senseless i mean you are blind i cant forgot that thing that you say about kelvin inman that he has 5 clones because desmond saw a lot of kelvins but that was because the crash your mottafucker hope you shut the fuck up for good!!!!!

  37. miguelon you are one very sad and distrubed person.You need to get a life. If someones blog angers you so much you have real issues.

  38. when was kate shot misfit???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  39. You NEED to look for a photo OF kate being shot BY the others IN the season FINAL episode!!

  40. She wasn't shot dead so you are wrong. Its easy to reach 100% when you never started at 0.

  41. no i watched the episode where they were all "shot" by darts which knocked them out, but that was everyone not just kate!!!!!

  42. can you write something on claire having to raise aaron by herself or something bad will happen. that was in the episode "raised by another". I would like for you to use your skills because I am stumped. And what about the whispers and how they are produced and what they say. That would be interesting. Keep up the good work,

  43. I never SAID she was shot DEAD!! I said it LOOKS like she was shot dead!! Please read MY comments more CAREFULLY!!

  44. Seriously.. u have probs. BIG probs. "I suspect ABC will try to stop me GETTING to 100%"
    You are seeking attention! I think u are stupid that believes you have solved lost. Half of your theories are bullshit! STOP, PLEASE!!!!!

  45. why dont u find some way of tanslating wot jin says maybe some of it is interesting???

  46. Anything to get around the fact that you failed.

  47. Misfit.

    Your page is gaining a following. A huge following. MAny people come here everyday to see your updates.

    But I have some sad news that involves you and your site.

    Gregory Meshian, 17 of Oakland California, took his own life Saturday morning at around 11:45. Apparently he was waiting for hte next misfit update, but it just didn't come. The last update he saw was your indicator update, and come on, that's no real update.

    Apparently the kid got picked on at school for being a nerd, and your strength and courage, inspite of all the folks who make fun of you, kept him going. Friday he just had a horrible day and was let down with your latest update. When no new post came on saturday, well, Gregory decided there was nothing left for him in this world.

    RIP GREGORY! You are in our prayers.

    And misfit. Update your fucking page with real updates, so we dont have any of this suicide bullshit again.

  48. March 20, 2006
    DESMOND and KELVIN were clones!! HAHAHAHA no prove their
    March 19, 2006
    Mysterious WRITINGS on daves HAND not sure how anyone can get writing out of dirt
    March 16, 2006
    Two MORE will die!! this was known long before it was even posted
    I knew it like 3 months before it was on the web,
    March 11, 2006
    More important INFORMATION!! It was KATES's pregnancy test!! their is no proff of that
    Thursday, March 09, 2006
    Noah's ARK == EKO's ARK!! now we all know that was wrong it was to be a church
    March 07, 2006
    Why is MR eko making a MUSICAL flute!! ???? must be HR Puffinstuff that would make
    Witchiepoo an other and Boss witch "him"
    March 07, 2006 again this is wrong see above
    I have CALCULATED what mister Echo is building!!
    I have BEEN examining the many BITs of wood that mister ECHO is chopping down
    with HIS axe and I can reveal that HE is building a TRBUCHET!!
    March 07, 2006
    Yet more SLEEPY people on the ISLAND!! trying to make something out of nothing
    March 05, 2006
    SPOILERS! Do you want SOME more inside information!!
    Mr EKO will face the MONSTER again but will not be SO lucky this TIME this never happen
    - Locke and Eko see a vision of YEMI on the island!! ya right


  49. You guys who flame him religiously each time he updates his blog are morons. Don't you get the point of this blog? He's trying to start drama and everytime some moron comes here and gets all ANGRY with him it gives him a reason to laugh at you.

    Misfit is a character, a gimmick. You guys are giving him just what he wants, drama.

  50. Are you going to wake up and realise that Lost has at least another three seasons to go???

    So unless you know what the writers are going to think up of....which I seriously doubt you are not even 3% close to "solving" Lost.

  51. Perhaps he's a character. but even if he's laughing now about the flames towards them, you have to admit he spends a lot of time on trying to find these small irrelevant things, like that walking stick between the rocks etc. So he must have been analysing some things about Lost.

    So that still means he's a big nerd anyway who spends half his time in front of his computer.

    no matter how, the joke will always be on him

  52. hey Misfit,

    why are you posting every comment on here if half of it are flames towards you?
    seems to me saber is right, and you like the extra attention...

  53. So how does this thing work? How is it measured?
    No offence, but isnt it just based on how close you think you are?

  54. this is the dumbest lost page i have ever seen.

    misfit u r an idiot, ur "predictions" r laff out loud ridiculous

    u keep going on about fact yet u dont evan know that is is anna not hanna, clairs baby boy is called aaron and is not a baby girl callen erin.

    they were on flight 815 not 816,

    kate and mr friendly (it has been confirmed that is not his name, u must have missed that) are not getting married they are just walking next to each other

    ur lost connections section is just stupid

    the part about the others hipnotising a horse, i u daft its clearly just a guy who was on set as a horse tamer

    bernard is not hanso.

    the reason desmond has "2 girlfriends" is clearly because they hadnt cast the girlfriend yet to play her for the season finale.

    just because a camera angle only shows 3 fingers does not mean they are an alien.


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