Does the ROLLEX watch have an INVISIBILITY cloak!!

As I am NOW becoming the FOREMOST Authority on all THINGS Lost as WELL as UFOs, ALIENS, Spontaneous COMBUSTION etc I feel it is MY duty to mankind TO report my LATEST and IMHO Greatest find to date!! It appears that THE rollex WATCH that Mike was WEARING which orinally belonged to Gins father, Mr.Pike, WAS extra SPECIAL!! As you can see from MY detailed research BELOW before the FIGHT with GIN and Mike took place Mike had the magic watch on!! During the FIGHT the watch made ITSELF invisible to AVOID be damaged by the crazy FISTS of FURY of Gin!! Then WHEN the fight is over THE watch feels SAFE and turns off the INVISIBLE cloaking device!! This NOW puts me even closer to SOLVING lost!! And I will UPDATE my LOST completion bar chart WHEN the computer has FINISHED calculating the results!!


  1. Wow, this is different. I think you went a little overboard this time

  2. hey this looks kinda real.. can see clearly that the watch kinda 'disappeared'. ur finally posting somthing more senseful. but how does the magic watch help u in sloving lost? and it sounds stupid to link lost with a stupid magic watch. shud be a continuity error.. and i tink the producers didnt want to damage the expensive watch and decided to put it on when there's no fighting. might be carlton cuse's, or damon's. haha.

  3. nice spot there misfit....maybe it uses some kind of Romulan Cloaking Device and perhaps there is a link between the romulans and the mysterious alvin hanso with the dhurma electomagnetism providing the power source!!!

  4. First, Mr.Pike is Suns father, you're making a lot of mistakes or someone who is so intensily busy with lost (cfr Flight 815, instead of flight 816!)...
    Second, this is clearly a production error of abc...
    You really are seeing ghosts, I'm sorry for you, but I find it very funny!

  5. its an error by the production team/costume designers etc.

    i cannot honestly see why a watch would want to make itself invisible.

    misfit please stop posting useless things, your blog used to be good!

  6. by the way his name is Jin not Gin.

  7. Shall I say "it's a continuity error" or should I say "wow! well done! You rock!"
    I dunno.
    "Misfit rox sox!"
    Linked you to my website, because I like your link.
    "The Misfit is here and has solved lost"

  8. I don't normally disagree with you mIsFiT, but this time you are totally WRONG.
    It TELEPORTED to a safe location (probally to HIM) and teleported BACK when it was safe.

  9. are u insaine, watches just dont turn off and on like magic, mabey it fell off, ok, and swyer probly found it and gave it 2 him.

  10. I could give you REAL info on what it is like to be taken by aliens and what they look like and everything if you REALLY want to know...NO LIE...NO JOKE....


    Love your thoughts on the Romulen

  12. Dude, no offense but why are you so fucking stupid? It was an error, not a fucking disappearing watch.

  13. ok do you know where Blackdog uk is at??
    come on man

  14. Misfit... Why do you look like a giant dork?

  15. The PICTURES work for me!! Maybe your computer NEEDS replacing!!

  16. I have now gone from 3.1415926535 89793238462643383279% to SOLVING the PI-number!!

  17. Dudes, people take things to seriously here! He is only having a laugh, with things like Flight 816 and so on. He is doing a great job in finding mistakes in the show and poking fun at them so just calm down.

  18. My computer doesn't need replacing. The pictures work now.

  19. Oh ok!! It must have BEEN user error then!!

  20. production error there is no perfect production you cant say that you almost solve lost by an production error oh and i am 99.8541215414514% to solve why you are so stupid!!!!!

  21. It was no user error, it was your site that didn't work.

  22. "Fist of fury"--you're one damn funny limey, misfit. Jin-Soo Kwan will go "Hong Kong" at some point and unleash the FISTS OF FURY. Call Hollywood, they might want the production rights on that one. FISTS OF FURY: MASTER OF THE ROLEX.

  23. OMG! you probably just discovered a blooper..

  24. The thing i wonder about the most is are you high when you write this shit?

  25. wow, that discovery is so amazing, it almost makes me want to fuck you!

  26. That's it. You solved it. The watch is what ties everything together. I bet they talk about it in season 3.

  27. do you not just think they filmed the scences at diffrent times and just forgot to put the watch on?

  28. get a life man nearly everything you find is a production error, i mean a CLOAK watch, are you fucking mental

  29. Just a mistake during act

  30. EVer thought that maybe it was a mistake by the crew? Things like that happen all the time when they have to shoot a specific scene multiple times. He could have accidently taken it off for one scene, and put it on for another. You are a stupid idiot.

  31. stunt dubble wasent whereing one

  32. LOL dude you never think that was a mistake?!you starting to get pshyco!u got some cool stuff but please be more carefull when you post messages..

  33. nice one there. i really didn't notice that.


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