I will ATTEMPT to solve everything!!

After MY success as the greatest LOST researcher in THE world and beyond I thought IT was only fair to mankind that I solve other Mysteries!! In this NEW blog I will attempt to answer EVERY SINGLE UNKNOWN MYSTERY!! I think IT is only fair on the WORLDs population THAT I put my superior Detecting brian to good use and SOLVE these riddles once AND for all!! It is LIKE having Miss Mappel, Columbon and Dr Mark Slain from Diagnostic Murderers ALL in one room solving STUFF!!

Click here to SEE the new BLOG!!

So FAR I have SOLVED - The MAry Celeste, Alien Astronauts, Alien Descendants,Mothman, The Face oN MARS, Lock Nest Monster,Are ALIENS real?,Spontanious Human Combustion, Chupacabra, What HAPPENED at Roswell!!, The MONUMENTS of mars, The Moon Landings,THe NASCAR lines, and the REAL Location of ATLANTIS!!


  1. btw if you say your name it sounds like my crotch lol

  2. Can find a medicine against cancer? :)

  3. i will try to solve what stuff you are on too, marijuana is bad, m'kay

  4. Misfit, you really should find a cure for cancer! You would make millions, and would be worshiped around the world! (not that you aren't already being worshiped)

  5. all your blog are belong to them

  6. p.s. you really have an excellent sense of humor - I've been laughing all night long reading your stuff.

    Did you see the clue in this comment?

  7. loCok agLain - seUe it yet?E

  8. Its distrubing that you are borderline retarded and can still manage to create two blogs.

  9. Give us tits instead of shit!

  10. you fool! You should better give us tetten!!!

  11. DAMN, All I can SAY is that it is ABOUT time. Can you please figure out where Stone Henge came from too please in your spare TIME? Thanks, A FAN

  12. Anonymous said...

    DAMN, All I can SAY is that it is ABOUT time. Can you please figure out where Stone Henge came from too please in your spare TIME? Thanks, A FAN

    That IS already on the list!! Look at the WELCOME message on the other BLOG!!

  13. Damn, the man from Melle here, we want great joekels on the site!! Keep up!

  14. Tetten, joekels, yuka's, it doesn't matter anymore! Vrouwen van 18-23 jaar mogen me altijd beffen (bellen, emailen, faxen) greetz!

  15. 2 ThEmIsFiTiShErE: You are the THE BIGEST DICK I'VE EVER SEEN. "ABC sends me hidden messages in the show" go to the psychiatry!! You aren't normal. You don't have woman, do you? 'Cuz if you have, you aren't wasting your time like that. That may do just some type of idiot.

  16. 2 ThEmIsFiTiShErE: You are the THE BIGEST DICK I'VE EVER SEEN. "ABC sends me hidden messages in the show" go to the psychiatry!! You aren't normal. You don't have woman, do you? 'Cuz if you have, you aren't wasting your time like that. That may do just some type of idiot.

  17. Somethings are better not known.
    This is the only warning you will receive. ;)

  18. haha, seems to me there are some Belgium people on here.


  19. ah, der zitten hier blijkbaar wat Belgen ook op.


  20. ah, der zitten hier blijkbaar wa belgen ook


  21. Do you honestly think you could "solve" Lost?

    I mean the second season has just finished....there are at least another four seasons.....so unless you know what the writers are going to write..I doubt you ever will.

    Oh plus....nothing you have written is in anyway close to "solving" Lost.

  22. Anonymous said...

    Do you honestly think you could "solve" Lost?

    Yes I do!! If you LOOK at my competetion CHART you will see HOW close I already AM!!

  23. hey misfit ur realy paranoid if u think that abc are trying to stop u!!! do u know how many of u r in this world?!?!?! making ther own website and trying to solve stuff what makes u think they will be after u?!?!?! and plus i read one of ur things and it said ufo(unidentied flying ovel)!!!! its not ovel its object!!!!!!!!!! i hope u get to write me back on this

  24. hey misfit!!!! i was reading ur profile and i saw u like the movie Donnie Darko tooo!!!!!!! thats so cool not a lot of ppl like it or know about it!!!

  25. ABC lawyers have ALREADY contacted me ABOUT some photos and I have removed some SEASON 4 ones!!

    Donnie DARKO is a great film!!

  26. prove it, misfit. Let's see the letter from ABC.

  27. They TOLD me that I must not republish IT as i would get into TROUBLE!!

  28. I note that you are also a Kate Bush fan Misfit, now there's someone who could destroy Alvin 'Chipmonk' Hanso and his army or Dharmeks, especially in full on Babooska mode ;)

    Been a fan myself since '78, not sure about Ariel though, genius sure but a bit of a mindF**K.

    Hey now theres a thought, We here nothing from Kate Bush for 12 years, nothing between the Red Shoes and Ariel. Could Kate Austin relly be be Kate Bush on the run from the Media.....

    Ha Ha Dark Angel is a further 3.14159265358979323846% closer to solving lost....

  29. Yeah Donnie Darko is pretty cool - perhaps the engine that falls through Donnie House is really the engine from Flight 816!

    Although clearly not the engine that Barry Toop; the author of that famous book on string theory - Bad Twine was sucked into


  30. I dont THINK it is the same engine!! But I will do some INVESTIGATION!!

  31. that's not how cease and desist letters work, misfit. you're smarter than this. don't screw with the public.

  32. "2 ThEmIsFiTiShErE: You are the THE BIGEST DICK I'VE EVER SEEN. 'ABC sends me hidden messages in the show' go to the psychiatry!! You aren't normal. You don't have woman, do you? 'Cuz if you have, you aren't wasting your time like that. That may do just some type of idiot."

    I AM his WOMAN and he DOES have the biggest DICK I'v ever SEEN!!! I LOVE MIKE ROTCH!!! Anita Biccoc

  33. yeah ive seen the pictures of season 4 it is a 1 milimeter penis saing themisfit on it

  34. jese no matter why this site sucks

  35. themisfit is so gay hes penis is 1 milimeter he is so gay


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