Is Richard Walkin CHARLIES real Father!!

I have BEEN look at EVERY episode of lost again AT 317% Magnification to SEE if I could spot some MORE clues!! I was Help by my friend LVT again who was able to send me THESE great screenshots as I could NOT get clear ones!!I think these PHOTOS prove beyond a shadow OF a doubt that the Parapsychologist,Richie Walkin, that clair went to VISIT is Charlies REAL father in the episode "To Be Raised BY AN Other"!! You can clearly SEE that these are the same ROOMS that were in Charies EPISODE "Water and Fires" and have the SAME wallpaper!! ALL the peices of MY solution are SLOWLY coming together rather NICELY!! I will update my % bar soon WITH the latest completion FIGURES!! I think THIS is what Edgar Allen Pole MUST have felt like after finish his STORY The Tell Tell Hearts!!


  1. wow i wonder why they covered up front, maybe it had something to do with the inciDENT.

  2. Well maybe, just maybe, that they had 2 use the same set saves them making a new 1.... its almost like magic really

  3. Usually I think yer crazy, but this is a really nice find!!!!

    But Charlie's home is just a *DREAM* mIsFiT!
    It's possible that:
    1) He visited the psychic in Australia in the past, and now has incorporated two experiences into the same dream-- if so, look to see this visit in a flashback!
    2) The psychic is so powerful that he is exerting his influence to the Island into Charlie's dream, that's why Charlie looked so confused in the dream-- if so, look to see this room in the dreams of other people on the island!

    It's either one or the other!!! Can't wait for Season 3 to find out!

  4. misfits u rule,but maybe thi is the juzst same set arranged for 2 different flashback...
    ABC probably was not prepared for thousant of crazy guys like us that love watch episode 10000 times to find clue =)

  5. whats this gotta do wit ur completion status?????????NOTHIN

  6. Now that I KNOW whose charlies FATHER is I have completed another MASSIVE peice of the puzzle which WILL allow me INCREASE the % on my status bar!!

  7. brill find i think the producers have just used the same set tho

  8. or maybe.....its just the same set?

  9. No way, it HAS to be on purpose!
    Come on, they even used the ***same*** camera angle!

    mIsFiT > all

  10. maybe they dint have money and used the same set but know who is charlie's father doesnt solve lost!!

  11. I think it's just clone/mutant deja vu in a kind of arse about face mode.....well done misfit.....may the farce be with you!!!!!

  12. dude nice find but its the Tell TALE heart... not tell tell hearts

  13. MisFit Heil!
    MisFit Heil!
    MisFit Heil!

    He will SOLVE Lost before anyone ELSE does, so stop BADMOUTHING him and making him feel BAD. Really now, why must YOU do this?

    I was a HATER MisFit, now I've SEEN the light and am a HUGE supporter. I will be at the FRONT of your battle LINES when you order us to INVADE Mexico for you TO take over and have an OFFICIAL headquarters.

  14. Hey misfit...Great Find. I never caught that at all and I visit all the Lost websites. And no, the producers wouldnt use the same set to save money...It was intentional.


  15. Mexico! haha!

    England sucks because it only gives lost twice a week and during big exams...and that is why I missed like 4 weeks of Lost.

    ...and that is why my Lost buddy (I call him my "Lostie") has had an argument with me.

    ...And that is why I can go back to the WONDEROUS ThEmIsFiTiShErE, the god OF ALL LOSTIES, and recap. :)

    ...and that is why the filming of those TWO scenes are CONTINUITY errors.

    ...and perhaps that is why I'm FINDING MiSfItS way of typing ADDICTIVE!

  16. It's just a mistake! um your wrong their the onces to solve Lost frist will be the guys who write it

    (just being a smarta$$)

  17. Nice find, misfit. Thanks for working to add new content to the site. Really makes visiting your site fun and provides a daily laugh.

  18. It's not a SET (soundstage), it's a LOCATION.

    They have a hit show, they don't need to save money, and even if they wanted to, they wouldn't save money anyways going to shoot on location!

    It was on PURPOSE.

  19. Quick, find something else MiSfIt! I NEED a LOST fix!

  20. now what the heck are u gonna do with the info of knowing charlies dad?.?.?.?.?.it doesnt mean A THING

  21. I wondered if you knew LOST was a TV Show, not real life, not real time. So it happens that they use same rooms with another decoration, it's less expensive you know!

  22.'s just for production purpose that they used the same room..pathetic!!

  23. Even LOST has a budget and i'm sure they re-use sets to cut down on the $$

    You are right they are the same room, BUT i think you are VERY WRONG about him being Charlies father, other than the same room being used you have no other proof.

  24. how does that make sense when charlies from enland and claire was in australia unless hes a nutcase who travels round puttin the same wallpaper everywhere. have you ever thought that somewhere else in the world somebody has the exact same colour room as you these things are mass produced you know. they were just using the same location because i doubt theres that many places they can use

  25. Wow misfit you have no idea what u r talkin about 1. there are no ufo's 2. You're about as close to figuring out lost as I am to becoming president and 3. You are not world known and most of ur theories are way outta wack

  26. dude, your STYLE of writing random WORDS in capital LETTERS is wack. it really HURTS my brain to read you SITE!!!!!!!!! i think i will stop READING it.

  27. Even if it is the same set, there is no $ savings, because it was shot on location (not soundstage). It would cost the same to do it somewhere else.

    In other words: they did it on purpose.

    Great find!

  28. Just Like to make a point here.... as on your latest post u have said to someone about the site lost virtual tour, which u stated that about Jin being on the island before, because u saw an island looking like the same.... and this post is about this guy being "Charlies Dad" so from my detective work i have discovered that this was EXACTLY the same set.... now agatha "crystals" will be proud..... the set is a place called Manoa Vally Inn, check the site out u c*ck and get ure facts straight before posting complete SH*T!!!!

    Thankyou...Come Again

  29. Are you sure? I heard that Christopher Walkin was Charlie's real father!

  30. It's just the same set... Well can you com ehere I just want to kill you for everything you are saying... YOU A RE JUST A BIG BUTCH OF CRAP


  32. your crazy...they use the same set but chnage it around


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