MORE evidence that THERE are 2 PENNY Twins

Just when I thought THAT even I could NOT detect any more CLUES from Season 2 I have MANAGED to do it AGAIN!! These PHOTOs proves my earlier FACT that Crazy irish Desmond had 2 GIRFRIENDS (Click HERE for PREVIOUS POST!!)!! The LETTER below show AND prove that there WERE 2 separate letters BOTH written BY the PENNY twins!! This HAS now put me amongst the GREAT men of Discovery of our time like Issac Newtom when HE discovered falling apples as well AS Gravity!!


  1. Desmond is SCOTTISH not IRISH..I should know...I AM Irish!

    Nice find on the letter though.

  2. Yeah just like NewtoM with m... you idiot you are obsessed with f***ing clons.. get a life you moron..

  3. What is a "clons"!! You need to GET a spell check I think!!

  4. FANTASTIC find! BUT why WOULD they write EXACTLY the same LETTER and hide it in the same PLACE???

    LOST is freaking ME out.

  5. FANTASTIC find! BUT why WOULD they write EXACTLY the same LETTER and hide it in the same PLACE???

    Because they ARE Clones!! They THINK very alike!!

  6. Hello Misfit, They may not be telling the truth, but the shows producers have said the word clone will not come into lost at all. Keep up the good work though fella.

  7. I think it´s a blooper !!!

    Nothing else !!!!

  8. Now, that is very interesting...

  9. marvelous work misfit!!! Its now obvious that these cloned replicants are part of the drama conspiracy to unhinge poor crazy irish des!!!

  10. mistakes during filming do not mean there are clones. This is almost as frighteningly inane as your "the moon landings were fake" post.

  11. How can this be a mistake. Why would they make 2 different letters?

  12. Misfit is just a guy who finds continuity errors in the show.... no more no less... I can honestly see why the way he puts forth these errors as "clues" with the combination of his satirical writing style could be a bit bothersome... but if you dont like it dont come here... misfit is not a sleuth, he's not going to solve lost, but he could make us laugh... take it for what it is...

  13. Misfit is just a guy who finds continuity errors in the show.... no more no less... I can honestly see why the way he puts forth these errors as "clues" with the combination of his satirical writing style could be a bit bothersome... but if you dont like it dont come here... misfit is not a sleuth, he's not going to solve lost, but he could make us laugh... take it for what it is...

  14. the writes of lost have said their are no Clones on the show and their wont be

  15. no need to thank you because we dont want to, they made a second letter for a close up. you are not that close to solving lost. judging on all ur posts i'd say u hav 4.55% solved lost, nowhere near 90%. You are not that amazing u 40-yr-old virgin. get some and move on with ur life

  16. If they are twins why the hell do they have the same name? and dont u dare say parental conicidence

  17. Misfit ignore all the haters. They are just jealous because you find things that they never would. You have a lot of fans out here, never forget that.

  18. Ever kissed a girl, son?

  19. Newton discovered falling apples? Holy cow, I didn't know that!!!!

  20. misfit your a twat telling the anon to get a spell check
    you should use yours once in a while

  21. misfit your a twat
    you should use your spell check once in a while

    p.s your blog should be
    ThE mIsFiT iS Queer

  22. my crotch - what a discovery!

  23. GREAT find!!!

    You forgot to note that the Penny twins are FRATERNAL twins, since they so obviously look different in the photo. Or they are clones, but one had plastic surgery.

  24. anonymouse - YOUR crotch is NOT a discovery
    MISFIT - beware CLONS are very REAL
    they LIVE in UFOS and BUILD fake MOONS.

  25. oh yeah spell check for sure and you write like grabriel garcia marquez.... IDIOT!!! and the damn letters say the same thing anyways.
    And when you became like isaac newton not newtom asshole maybe its because it will be the end of the world asshole!!

  26. people like you make me want to throw rocks at old people because they raise their children to grow up to be mentally defective.

    stop FALLING asleep on your KEYBOARD you feebleminded CHILD and go GET a life

  27. miguelon just shut up and accept the truth, it's right here in front of you and MISFIT found it for us.

    We ought to be thanking him, and I do.

  28. nice job misfit! once again you came up with a GENUINE find (or cgi error...) great job!

  29. ya and you pulled a fast one uncool
    you like to cover ur butt than act like you dont know a thing

    and you need to get a spell check yourself than you cna tell others that

  30. You failed. Like you fail at life.

  31. thnks for keeping it real Misfit!

  32. If desmond has sex with pennys clone..... would that be cheating?

  33. Continuity error. No one was hired when first pic was taken, and the woman had other obligations when asked to be involved. Sonya Walger is the actress. She is in place of photo.

  34. YO MOMMA said..."people like you make me want to throw rocks at old people because they raise their children to grow up to be mentally defective."

    hahahahahahahahaha ROFLMAO.
    Old people. geez what age are you anyway Yo Momma? 6 or 7? 10 at the most? Surely not older than 7th grade status - 12?.

    Some old people give birth when they're teenagers. (yeah way way too many give birth when they're teenagers.) Better watch out cuz one day you too will be one of those old people & you better be damn sure you raise more quality humans.

    yo mamma.


  35. didn't you know penny is really a robot not a clone, get it right my crotch!

  36. you can just stfu. saying u shuld get a spell check i think. please wtf. is "a new DRAMA logo"


  37. you are seriously an asshol* yeah seriously I agree with that did you ever kissed a girl? you loser.

  38. i shut up when he shut the fuck up and why dont you have the cojones to put you damn namE?

  39. miguelon said...

    i shut up when he shut the fuck up and why dont you have the cojones to put you damn namE?

    Wow great English. Don't you have anything better to do than to post vile comments ona blog you don't like. You must led a terrific life.

  40. how is it diffrent then, like how do u know it just says some words nothing bout wut her last name is u god damn retard!

  41. alex the gangsta said...

    how is it diffrent then, like how do u know it just says some words nothing bout wut her last name is u god damn retard!

    If you actually watched the show you would know her surname was Widmore.

  42. man shut up, i do watch it and ya i know here names i that..... soo how dose it mean there is 2 yes there are 2 diffrent ppl in the pic, but it says dont ever give up, des, thats here writing to him, at the end it says Pen as in penny not widmore so ur still stupied

  43. It was the ISLAND who rearranged the words in the letter, to improve the statement.
    So one more power the island HAS.

  44. u are more lost than any of the people on that island lay off the fucking crack pipe!!

  45. You are discovering cool things... too bad that you try to explain everything from a point of view of a retard... well, anyway you make me laugh, keep going that way. By the way Isaac Newton wasn't a geek that had no life

  46. you're from aberdeen how can you not identify a scottish accent?

    btw you say that good detectives never sleep, well i think you should cuz some of the things you are coming up with are terrible, and obviously made up. you look like you're getting desparate for finds!! you'll end up ruining that good reputation you used to have!!

  47. he's not irish you fool! that accent of his is scottish!! idot!

  48. anonymous said...
    If they are twins why the hell do they have the same name? and dont u dare say parental conicidence

    WhY ArE aLL OF GeORgE fORMaNS sOns nAmeD GeoRgE?

  49. To Anonymuos: you have so many posts here. If you don't like this site ,then go somewhere else.
    PS I think you should go to a psychiatryst, beccuas you sound like you have split personalities to. I shuld know , I'v bin going to one for 37 years.


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