The OTHERS are listening in on KATE

As I have suspected FOR a while THE sneaky Others have BEEN keeping up with the DAY to day lives of the Survivors!! HEre YOU can clearly see THEM using a not very steathly Microphone to listen in ON Kate and her brother Steve!! I was a little SURPRISED that Kate did not spot this microphone as I don't THINK they did a good JOB of concealing it!!


  1. ahaahahah this is the best thing that u have found out :D

  2. dude, that's from the production team! If you're serious about this, you really are crazy!

  3. you just photoshopped that thing. I didn't notice it on the TV.

    but hey, it's cool your having fun with this nerdy stuff.

  4. no anonymous, you are crazy. why would the editors leave in a microphone from the production team? lay off the crack

  5. you just photoshopped that thing. I didn't notice it on the TV.

    This is to Max. If you beleive these are photoshopped then you truely are an idiot. These are real images. Nice find misfit ignore the noobs.

  6. even so if it were real. so what, it's a production error. it just seems to me that a national tv show wouldn't make such an error...

    but hey, if you think it's relevant and it has something to do with the others, then who's the noob...

  7. you can't possibly be serious. this obviously is a production error(if it's a real one). seems pretty crazy a national tv show doesn't check their episodes before they air it...

    it absolutely hasn't anything to do with the others :roll:

  8. It's kind OF called "ON-set-crew".

    psh. oh well.

  9. What is wrong with you? this is a tv show, they use microphones to film it.

  10. This is quite a siginificant find in the run up to the third season. Is this from your mole?

  11. i noticed that too, but didn't want to say anything because everyone would think i am an idiot

  12. u idiots it is a behing the scene

  13. again its a crew member u thick fuck

  14. uh dude that is just part of the house.

  15. thats from the crew team, its just a shot thats moved out more, why would they be listing to her and her bro, thas just dumb

  16. its the crews mic cuz its a pic thats more out so they see the mic

  17. jedimaster....LMAO.

    "Just part of the house"

    maybe it's b/c i got zero sleep last night from working on a paper, but you have me laughing my ass off!!!!!!

  18. LMAO Jedimaster.

    Maybe it's cuz i had zero sleep from writing a paper last night...

    but you have me laughing my ass off!
    "That is just part of the house."
    Ohhhhh.... funny.

  19. can't you see it's hurly practicing his golf swing off camera.

  20. can't you see it's hurly practicing his golf swing off camera.

  21. Great find!!!
    The production team uses Mark V microphones and you can clearly see that is a Mark II model.

  22. hes fucking kidding give him a break

  23. why only the anonymous users say good things about themisfitishere maybe is him and come on this doesnt mean anything this image is a fake!!

  24. dude ... its a microphone used by the filming crew

  25. thank you for posting this information misfit. there are no depths to which THE OTHERS will stoop in order to stop our courageous heroes

  26. that is just a mike you stoooopid moreon!!!!

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrhhhhhhh!!! get a life get a life get a liiiiiiiife!

  27. It's probably just a behind the scenes photo you phuckhead. You are such a dickhead. Half the things you are saying are not believable. You are just a stupid computer nerd with nothing to do.

  28. Why does no one here have a sense of humor? The post is not meant to be taken literally, it's a joke - duh.

  29. Who's Steve? That's Kate's Dad

  30. oh my good. you have been serious damaged somewhere man!

  31. MiSfiT, thats just a boom mic used by the crew to capture the onset foley and audio, its not the others secret microphone listening in on kate.......

    P.S. learn to spell


  32. rofl love it :D
    and the retards pointing out your 'mistakes' make it all the funnier :]

  33. It's not a good find! It's not photoshopped! It's a behind-the-scenes photo! Misfit probebly stole the pic from darkufo or something god! youre all so stupid!

  34. WOW i cant believe i MISSED that you truly are a GENIUS but it might not be DARMA it could be the OTHERS. IGNORE all of theses LOSERS who think you are STUPID they must be working with ABC trying to make you STOP posting these GREAT finds.


  35. loloool

    seriously, its kinda hard for me to belive that the most of the people who posted comments all over this awesome blog, actually think that ThEmIsFiTiShErE means what he writes lol cant you people have a laugh? maybe you are too dumb to figure this out lolol


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