Why WAS Miss KLUGH in the SMOKE!! Related TO MR Echo!!

Everything IS rapidly falling into PLACE in preparation OF my complete solving of the Engima THAT is Lost!! Miss Dea Klugh (Get it!! MISSED THE CLUE!!) Is in the SMOKE monster and THAT proves that she is RELATED to Mr Eco and that IT is his EX-Wife!! Mr Eco iS going to be VERY upset when he finds OUT that SHE left him for that Bearded and HAIRY Otherc Tim(aka ZEKE)!! I have now gone from 99.4389% to SOLVING lost up to an Incredible AND very impressive 99.5163%!!

Thank you TO dorkufo for the PHOTOs!!


  1. Her acting is more wooden than Mr Eko's Jesus stick

  2. Once again Misfit your observation powers astound me! Yes it IS Ms. Klugh in the smoke! Even though the pictures show that they're not wearing the same clothes, they both have the same eyebrows & lips! Perhaps Mr. Eko knew her from his past or Smoky was showing Mr. Eko a vision of his future!! He'll meet Ms. Klugh next season & they'll fall in love & he will abandon the priesthood for her! How romannnnnnnntic !!! (sigh)

  3. Dooooooood. I'm so happy I could kiss you. These freaks just don't get you, which is why you are superior in every way. Get with it boys and girls and realise what you're dealing with here... TG, UK.

  4. The woman in the smoke is a woman from the flashback of Eko in Nigeria when he was a little boy. Just rewatch that episode and you can see her standing.

  5. The woman in the smoke is the woman in the flashback of Eko when he was a little boy. But I appriciate your searching.

  6. The woman in the smoke is a woman that is shown in the flashback of EKO when he was a LITTLE boy. But I appriciate your searching skills.

  7. ...nice one !!! It could even be correct !!! (but I dont thing so...)
    ...but still, I'm sick...I dont even remember my x-wife...

  8. Brilliant discovery.. you truly are a misfit among men

  9. Dear Anonymous, I'm sorry to tell you but I DO GET Misfit! I've always gotten him right from the very beginning when I first discovered his blog. He's a genius, his humor is nothing short of sublime & he brightens my day immensely. As most people need slapstick in their faces in order to "get it" they will never understand Misfit & will belittle him until the teeny wee gray matter they were born with inside of their skulls melts. So please don't throw me into the pot with those freaks you're talkin' about who are clueless. B.E.E.-USA

  10. well said, jennifer, well said.

  11. poster jennifer gale: you have no clue...this has nothing to do with humor or wit...this is mentally challenged middle school behavior at best...

    misfit: once again your stupid lies and inability to even check episode credits proves you to be an irresponsible idiot...i don't know what y64 are trying to accomplish here but yo4 are slightly sadder than the people who really treat this seriously...

  12. jefflebowski you really should learn to spell before having a go at others. God if this blog bothers you so much why do you come here and read it you prick. God some people are so up there own asses. Why dont you fuck off and write your own blog you twat.

  13. easy lads...
    misfit, your blogs keep me amused. keep up the spelling errors and ESPECIALLY the percentage left till you 'solve' lost. Classic

  14. Easy lads...
    Misfit, your blogs amuse me. Keep up the mis-spellings of peoples names and ESPECIALLY the percentage left until you "solve" lost. Classic.

  15. Dr. Eggo has an ex-wife? I think its the EVIL Irish Desmond who has put a spanner in the works.


    Lord Buckingham, Earl of Slough

  16. misfit sometimes i right nice things,sometimes they not be but i definnetly think this time you are on to a winner.
    I also think the one you said about the island pictures in mr. piak's office and in the mental hospital mans office in hurleys episode. WELL DONE!!!

  17. Its true because on the British channel 4, the man who plays Mr Eko was on the show Richard and Judy and he said that the woman was a past love interest and that was all he was saying.

  18. i cant believe you actually spelled a name right for once

  19. jefflebowski said...
    poster jennifer gale: you have no clue...this has nothing to do with humor or wit...this is mentally challenged middle school behavior at best...

    jefflebaby, this blog has EVERYTHING to to with humor or wit, most namely putting the starched-brained Lost purists in their proper places as they are just as "mentally challenged" as you claim Misfit to be. As you apparantly hold a Ph.D, how much time do YOU waste sitting around on your pudgy gluteous maximus "seriously" theorizing a TV show?

    You need to lighten up & learn the essence of British wit. Many of America's TV comedies are based on British TV comedies so the Brits must be well onto something that we Americans need to learn.

  20. D0h, its one of the statue's with Heroin in them from the plane


  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. I am an American and I do get Britsh wit and comedy being a fan of the like of Benny Hill, Mr. Bean and Monty Python
    this is not anything like those great masters at all

    post it ok
    thanksit ok

  23. You must have some stochastic modeling worthy of patent for such a precise confidence interval. The sheer amount of time required to make the observations needed for this level of accuracy just shows how dedicated our misfit is to sovling this mystery. Just don't give away ALL of the mysteries though, m'kay? You should warn us BEFORE you post such powerful spoilers.

  24. abc mole, are you like the misfits nemesis or something, I'm surprised that a guy who does as much good as misfit doesnt have a nemesis

  25. i am impresed with this buti can't seem to find her in the smoke
    my computer must be bad

  26. Attention misfit:

    You aren’t 99.5163% on your way to anything, unless you count demonstrating to the world that you’re a full blown douche-bag as an accomplishment. In that case congratulations! Mission accomplished!

    Now for your next mission please act out the scene where the computer in the hatch gets smashed into bits. You will need to use your DETECTIVE abilities to see that Locke actually takes a big dump on the computer after it is smashed. If you get really close to your TV with it paused at just the right moment you’ll see Locke’s ass! Now lick the screen, feel how your tongue tingles? You’ve discovered the magic being transmitted only to you from the writers of Lost! I am sure a great DETCTIVE such as your self has already made it this far! Now smash your own computer to pieces, don’t unplug it you don’t have time for that, just smash it and defecate all over the place.

    Once you have completed your new mission you won’t receive instructions from the Internet for quite some time. Just be patient, and wait for us to contact you.

  27. The Shadow Knows
    The misfits nemesis I like the sound of that but no I'm not I'm just anouther hard working guy from ABC thats all

  28. Hey Misfit you want a nemesis?
    better get off line now and back to work for anouther 3 hours

  29. Again, I implore you, all of you, to read Lennon's "A Spaniard in the Works" or "In his own Write" so that you might better understand all of this.

    True, MISFIT may not rise to John's level (and who does?), but maybe at least Julian.

    HRH Lord Buckingham, Earl of Slough

  30. Amazing Find MiSfIt!!!!!!!

  31. Another AMAZING find MiSfIt!

  32. i finally get it.

    you are hillarious.

  33. i get it. you are hillarious.

  34. WOW, I thought that but was scared of suggesting it. Awesome.

  35. I don't get it, why are all your blog posts wrong?

  36. Misfit actually stole this from the british television chat show Richard and Judy, where the actors who play, Jin, Hurley and Mr Eko were on the show talking about the program and their characters.

    As confirmed by the man who plays Mr Eko that is his lover not MS KLUGH.

    Anyone who does not believe me please feel free to contact channel 4 about it!

  37. keepin it real (right): so now the scottish are brits? for all of my memory i can't think of one thing that has come out of scottland that has been incorporated into american pop culture...i appreciate the contributions of british tv on american tv and, having lived in england appreciate the english wit and humor...none of which is contained here...

  38. I don't understand where these images came from, I certainly didnt see them in the smoke.

    Is it me or is it real?

  39. Nice job again,
    keep going on man :)

  40. u took this from darkufo... u r a loser misfit... u got the nerve to call darkufo a dork... u r such an asshole... fuck u go to hell bitch... mother fucker... that's right i'll curse u with all the words piece of shit... i'm done

  41. How can he have "stolen" it from darkufo when he cleary cites darkufo in the credits.Some people are just so stupid.

  42. you're stupid u ass hole... maybe u r the misfit that typed that "stolen" can't u read that punk put "dorkufo"

  43. Wow! She does!!! Looks like Mr Eko's been dreaming of her...*whistles*

  44. This is total bullshit man! How the fuck can you believe a guy called Mike Rotch! (my crotch you fucking cock-spankers) The fingerless people are clearly holding things or hiding their fingers with other fingers! you're all fools of the largest variety...

  45. Your a fucing idiot that not even the same person the woman in the smoke was the person eko bought the statues from now stop talking shit.

  46. what the hell is a "fucing" u fucking idiot u talk like shit...
    bonjour misfit, u know who this is


  47. Misfit u have real problems because u are an arsehole who things that he has solve 95 percent of lost..................... yeah right dream on dick face geek who still lives with his mum

  48. Freak twat arsehole dumb twat from aberdeen


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