Another SEASON 3 premiere photo!! Jacks IS a FATHER!!

I can REVEAL that jack is a father!! You can see him IN this SHOOT from Season 3 PREMIERE with his Kid and his wife Sally!!


  1. " Clandestine cameramen captured this scene the other day from the set of "LOST" in Hawaii. It appears that Jack snatches a youngster up at a playground and performs the Heimlich maneuver. "


  2. Oh no no no, don't smoke with my heart! It could be a niece. Or you could be a tree frog!

  3. LOL its a paparazzi pic. its Matt's REAL daughter Kyle Fox. its Matt playing with his kids behind the scenes of lost. in Hawaii

  4. Or Mr. Conspiracy he could just be helping a lady's child. Did you forget he's a friggin' doctor.

  5. ONCE again you COME through for US mIsFiT!!!!!

  6. Matthew Fox is a father. no jack.

  7. that's just a picture of matthew fox not jack.

  8. Its not his kid- hes helping a random choking kid with the Heimlich maneuver

  9. qual father qual carapuça!!!
    nao vez que o homem ta a salvar a criancinha?!?

  10. Jack's ex- wife's name was SARAH not Sally

  11. NO I personally believe THAT Jack was secretly a CHILD predator and that HE is abducting that POOR innocent GIRL.

  12. This is a real spoiler as confirmed by Lost-Forum adn teh Fuselage. Congratulations Misfit, nice find.

  13. i stand corrected about its being matthew fox not jack. i saw other photos from this. its actually jack helping the girl and its on a set.

  14. I didn't know Jack is a doctor. Thanks !

  15. Jenni said...
    "Marry me Mike"

    Back off Jenni, HE'S MINE!!!!!

  16. I think misfit you are one of the stupidest and most ridiculous persons in the whole world.I've read all of your "theories" an ALL of them contain either fake photos or falsity.
    Most of them are childs of your imagination and you try to fool people like you're the smartest person in the world.
    GROW UP motherfucker...

  17. I think misfit you are one of the stupidest and most ridiculous persons in the whole world.I've read all of your "theories" an ALL of them contain either fake photos or falsity.
    Most of them are childs of your imagination and you try to fool people like you're the smartest person in the world.
    GROW UP motherfucker...

  18. Sheik said...

    GROW UP motherfucker...

    Actually Sheik I think it is you that need to grow up. I think you'll find that Misfit is quite liked here and your childish and purile insults are not welcome.


    Although quite a few of us have had a laugh at your complete failure to understand this site. Try looking up irony, satire and spoof in a dictionary!

  19. I realize this is misfits site...normally I dont go into someone else's domain and bitch.. but DAMN! It shouldn't be linked at other sites, if misfit doesn't want people here who think he/she is F*cked in the head. I'm commenting on the total stupidity and ignorance this site surrounds it self with. Totally insane "theories" and off the wall comments IN BROKEN ENGLISH with names of characters totally wrong, spelling errors and such obtuse mixing of reality and TV! At least I know in the future, that anything with mIsFiT's name on it.. is worth ignoring!


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