Arial photographic PHOTO of the Hansol Foundation!!

Here iS another photo FROM my good friend Mike Barnes who TOOK these when he was on HOLIDAY when the Lost set came to him!! He took these AND sent them TO me!! More PRoOF that the evil Hasan Foundation Is run by the evil DENTIST Bernard and his crazy WIFE Rosey!! Sometimes PUBLISHING monumental posts like THIS makes me feel like the famous Deep Throat who uncovered and leaked the Waterpark Scandel THAT put Richard Knixon into Alcatraz!!


  1. mIsFiT...thats fantastic.

    Yes !!! Yes !!! Yes !!!

    Can´t wait to see more pics.

    Please mIsFiT ... we want more fantastic pics....


  2. great job. misfit., but do you get paid for this, or do it just for fun?

  3. No I do not get PAID!! I just love to DETECT things and to find the FACTS and solve puzzles!!

  4. You are a moron. Richard NIXON did not go to Alcatraz, it was the WaterGATE scandle not the WaterPark, and these photos are fake. I can't belive people fall for this crap.

  5. mike... give us all a break plz!! do u realy think that abc have confrences about u??? and that ur realy 99.9 or whatever close to solving lost with all theese photoshop and un relevent photos!?!?!?!?!? half of what u post is ok but the other half is just pieces of shit put together! aliens and shit like that plz give us a break!!I EXPECT U TO ANSWER ME ON THIS!!!!!!!!

  6. Yes I think ABC are very worried ABOUT my facts and detective WORK!! I suspect that they HAVE daily MEETINGS about me to discuss how they can stop ME posting the TRUTH!!

  7. looks like a seawge plant if you ask me

  8. Hey mIsFiT...i´m still waiting for more pics...

    Come us some more NEW pics...

    Great job....


  9. i don´t believe you anything...
    but i like to read your articles cause it is very entertaining =)

    keep on going like this but i will not believe you because i have my own view on LOST...


  10. misfist u rocks... but ur a really a crazymothafucker =)

  11. The days are short
    And the nights are long
    Without Season 3 I cant go on
    But Misfits here
    And although not queer
    I feel love for him
    and the work he's done

    all the best your good friend

  12. with that poem, u sure your not queer?

  13. This is the funniest blog I've read in ages...

    Great work Misfit, keep it up!


  14. Someone said

    "with that poem, u sure your not queer?"

    With an attitude like that are you sure you are not an intolerant homophobe who can't spell?

  15. misfit how can u be 99. something % on solvong lost when they have not yet decided on how many lost series there is going to be and they are just starting the showing of season 3 ur an idiot i actually think make things up in ur stupid head and post it on here and u believe urself they are actually true u r sooooo sad and abc are not afraid of u they are probs just laughing at u thinking u are solving lost wen u arent. plus u post things on here sying they are from a reliable source how do u no these are not just people sending u daft things and saying they are from lost and stupid u believes it and puts them on. ur a right tit

  16. Mild Frank, that was very nice poem!

    I must say to the person who thinks these structures look like a sewage plant, LOL :-)) what kind of sewage plant in your world would be that pristine? You should see the stink factory here in my town - that is, if you could get CLOSE enough to see it. The fermentation action emits a thick purple fog for miles & miles around.

    I'll go with my first thought on what these hovels could be...I think they're jails because the door looks to have bars & there's a fence going around the outside like they're in a compound of sorts. Maybe the Hansol ppl do their sleep deprivation experiments in them or conduct experiments on the polar bears! ? I hope Damian Cuse is finishing up the final script featuring them so we can soon learn more.

    Thanks Misfit & thanks to all your friends who send you these sorts of exclusive photos!

  17. Misfoot, you are TRULY the Fox Moldy and Deena Scully of the MODERN age. WE know that THE TOOTH is out there.

  18. This is just awful anymore......Comedy requires subtext and subtly….of which you have neither…..

    This just isn’t a funny site at all. You’re trying WAYYYY to hard…..

  19. anonymous said...

    This is just awful anymore......

    Great use of the English language. If you don't like the site, then why are you here and why are you even bothering commenting. Just leave as a lot of use love this site. It's not our fault that you are too stupid to get it.

  20. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!i may just NOT watch season 3, as i know EVERYTHING thanks to you MISFOOT!!!!!


    that old BERNARD sure is cRaAaAaAaAaAaAzy!!!!

  21. well dect the right spelling of the Hanso group.

    Good spelling

  22. The Wrestling Dog

    One upon a tom in a far off distant land far across the sea miles away from anyway over the hills as the crow barks 39 peoble lived miles away from anywhere on a little island on a distant land.

    When harvest time came along all the people celebrated with a mighty feast and dancing and that. It was Perry's (for Perry was the Loud Mayor) job to provide (and Perry's great pleasure I might add) a new and exciting (and it usually was) thrill and spectacular performer (sometimes a dwarf was used), this year Perry had surpassed himselve by getting a Wrestling Dog! But who would fight this wondrous beast? I wouldn't for a kick off.

    MisFOOT, John LEMON wrote this WHILST he was in the BEETLES. YOu are he REINCARNATED, regardless of what LIAM GALLAGHER SAYS.

  23. You need to POST the picture of the OTHERS Bad TWINS that I emailed you!

  24. Mike I think you are doing a real good job here...please join us over at Lost Experience Clues we would love your detective work and insight....

    Peace & Namaste!

  25. Oh my god misfit, youve done it again!!
    it maybe a genuine photo, but youve yet again come up with a shit expanation about them!!!
    keep up the bad work!!!
    thanxs q.

  26. dark angel said

    Someone said "

    "with that poem, u sure your not queer?"

    With an attitude like that are you sure you are not an intolerant homophobe who can't spell?"

    how the f**k am i a homophobe, ma boss at work is gay u freak, n i ent scared of him so fuk off u dnt even no me. N u sayin tht i cnt spell, its jus easier to type shorter, u still no wat i ment, n im sure every1 else did to.
    theres other things i can spel aswell 'SO SHUT UP YOU DICKHEAD'

  27. I have great picture of "GET A LIFE" foundation. You NEED to check them out. ASAP!!!

  28. Someone got upset and said

    how the f**k am i a homophobe, ma boss at work is gay u freak, n i ent scared of him so fuk off u dnt even no me. N u sayin tht i cnt spell, its jus easier to type shorter, u still no wat i ment, n im sure every1 else did to.
    theres other things i can spel aswell 'SO SHUT UP YOU DICKHEAD'

    Your boss is gay and that proves what? - your post certainly shows that you are extremely rude. With the level of literacy and manners you display here I am surprised you are old enough to work! If you want to go and shout insults why not go out and do it to someones face. Why spoil it here for the rest of us, why not try being nice to people.

    As for your insults I really don't care what you think of me, I have a great life with a wonderful family, great friends and a sucessful career and here on line there are some really great folk. Thrasher76 a man almost as great as the Misfit mentioned the Lost Experience Blog(where I reside under a different name), - it's great there - you know why because people don't trade petty insults, they talk.

    OK rant over - whoever you are I am sorry if I touched a raw nerve - Chill and Namaste

  29. How does this prove that Bernard and Rose (who you say will die this season) are involved with Hanso? (NO N in Hanso)

  30. How does this prove that Bernard and Rose (who you claim will die) are involved in Hanso?... or as you refer to it 'HansoN'.

  31. a sewage PLANT
    themismfithearsawho (if that is IN FACT your real NAME) i think YOU are just ABOUT 90.149814% closer to SOLVING that dastardly HASSAN cooperation.

  32. How does this prove that Bernard and Rose (who you claim will die) are involved in Hanso?... or as you refer to it 'HansoN'.

    just because rose WILL die, does NOT mean HANSEL will!!!

  33. Your spelling mistakes are now getting dumb. At first it was funny, but now you've crossed the stupidity point.

  34. are you all crazy?? i really think that this is a cool blog.. but rose and bernard? that bernard is alvar hanso?? why do u say all that.. with wath proofs.. plz answer! and its Hanso no Hanson.. and flight 815 no 816! check that out men! plz answer why do u believe all that weird staff..! aliens? mm no.. !

  35. Thank you FOR the offer but I dont know you WELL enough to marry you!! Sorry!!

  36. But with your amazing detective skills, it wouldnt take you long :D

  37. lol " Waterpark "

    keep going dude

  38. great site Misfit.

    Americans really dont get our sarcastic humour. Classic Pythonesque wit misfit. Keep it up. Together we will bring down Alvin Hanson


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