Claires BOYFRIEND back in Season 3 to get custody!!

Well the peices ARE slowly falling together AS I edge ever closer to the TOTAL solving of LOST!! With the NEW season 3 poster that has COME out it is clear that Claires EX-Boyfriend, Tim, has come to FIGHT for custody of Baby Erin!! I suspect THAT his dad the FAKE Henry Gale (AKA Thomas Radzinski) has emailed HIM to tell him that Erin is a very SPECIAL baby girl with MAGIC and supernatural powers!! I wonder who WILL decide the custody BATTLE!!


  1. Isn't it Aaron and he's a boy?

  2. isn't it Aaron and he's a boy?

  3. Isn't it Aaron and he's a boy?

  4. No! It's ERIN and he's a girl, you idiota! arriba arriba

  5. Clue: when you are posting a comment & you hit the submit button watch the little hourglass or the rotating color dots on your browser that tells you that the Internet is digesting your request. Just because you may not get an instant response is NOT the signal for you to hit the submit button again & again & again ad nauseum.
    Come on & get with the program you heavy fingered impatient dorkusses.

  6. its aaron u idiots and its a boy! and no offence but it just looks like youve made this picture using 'paint', soz but thats what i think. but ye its defently a boy called aaron you dumbass's

  7. Brilliant Misfit! Absolute Genius. What a good woman you are!

  8. andele andele beaner, its a gal u morron! great job again mrs saucy pants

  9. If you are so smart...His Name is Tom not Tim. Do some research you douche!

  10. dude you can tell you have edited that picture because the picture of claire's boyfriend doesnt have any tape around it and you have henry gale in the picture twice

  11. YEs i know I editied it!! That was the POINT!! To show YOU how much they look alike!!

  12. 4 once this is a gd point, if u look @ da pic btween sayid and sun, it dus look like TOM clairs ex.
    if u look on the lostpedia page for season 3, it has an un edited pic

  13. After reading most of your theories and posts on this website I wonder, do you actually watch Lost? I mean, how in hell can you think "Erin" is a girl, that claire ex is called Tim, and so many more!! Every post you have on here is wrong! Maybe instead of coming up with ridiculous theories, you should actually watch it and take in detail, such as people names! Maybe then you can "solve" Lost.

  14. ummm u didnt edit it to show how they look alike misfit, ur tryin to make it look lyk a season 3 poster, hence y u used the term 'season three poster'. n do u actauyly watch lost, u make up all these strange theories but u missout the obvious stuff, if u look back at ur past theories u have made a mistake on all the theories by gettin the characters names wrong, doesnt take a genius to get a name right.

  15. To the idiot above me, this is the season 3 poster you stupid moron. The misfit has just added the picture of Tom to show the comparasion. God I love it when idiots get shown up.

  16. OMG.
    You guys need to go swallow snives.
    At least the misfit is PRETENDING to be stupid.
    Too bad you guys can't see that you douchebags.

  17. Its Aaron who is a boy whos fathers name is Tom, not Tim. Where do you get your information? I'm pretty sure a retarded two year old has better theories than you have

  18. you are a fucking stupid,ok?
    that guy is herry!!!

  19. did you ever think that your posts might be received a lot better if you weren't SO IN F****** LOVE WITH YOURSELF.....I have read a lot of the things you post..can't help but see them on the ABC board but if you would stop shoving down everyone's throat how great you are you might be better received

  20. Misfit..well..i agree with some of the comments here! I think u should watch Lost first before making ur ridiculous theories. I've been reading ur blogs and I can say that u have a very wide's crazy that it is sooo freakin senseless. Come on..Aaron,a boy..then u'll say Erin, a girl???what the?? Then I remember u said in one of ur blogs that Goodwin is returning and there are ghosts in the set???Maybe u should buy the season 2 dvd and watch the "Behind the Scenes".
    Seriously man...just make sure u have the sufficient info before posting some blogs. In this way, u'll avoid a lot of criticisms from the die-hard Lost fans(sometimes i think they know better than you). Im sorry man but arrange ur work before calling urself the greatest discoverer of Lost secrets!

  21. ok how is Claires Boyfreind supose to get Aaron back?
    frist off they were not married theirfore he has no rights to what she does with the child.

  22. its Henry Gail! is it not?

  23. ok i see whats happening . but why wud fake henry tell his son that he has a girl and she is called "erin" maybe the others missinterprated the sex of the baby and the pronounciation and spelling of the name too

  24. Do we really know the sex of Claire's baby, we only have her word for it! Anyway Aaron can't be claire's baby it's far too old to be a newborn, unless it has super-fast growing powers like Isabell in the 4400.

    Maybe Erin is Aaron's bad twin ;)

  25. i have a theory about season 3 i have heard that locke and sayid try to make a team to get back jack kate and sawyer but.... didnt sawyer hide the guns? so what are they goin to do what do you think misfit i hope to have a reply from RYAN UK

  26. wat makes u so sure hes coming 4 arron? it seems like ur just bullshiting again, one of my theiories is that there is a time difference and tim is actually tom but the losties wasnt effected by this due to .......

  27. Hello RYANUK!! But I think THE guns are back Now!! LOOK at my spoilers post to FIND out what happens in SEASON 3

  28. Congrats misfit all of your season 3 spoilers are coming true. You are showing up a lot of people who did not believe you. Keep going.

  29. i think it looks more like a cleaned up fenry to be honst

  30. Oh,and I was just wondering who this guy in the poster is.But please,can you learn how to spell the names???
    The baby is Aaroon and his father is Tom!

  31. lol...The names you give them are hilarious, Misfit. Brilliant.

  32. An anonymous said on Thursday, August 24, 2006 2:11:00 AM
    just make sure u have the sufficient info before posting some blogs. In this way, u'll avoid a lot of criticisms from the die-hard Lost fans(sometimes i think they know better than you).

    Helloooooooo there Mr. 3 millionth Anonymous person,
    Sorry to be rude but I have to be a butt-in-skee right now cuz you need to know this factoid: WE, the Lost fans who regularly visit & make comments on Misfit's blog are ALSO DIEHARD Lost fans. Those (other die-hard)fans you're referring to are NO MORE knowledgeable than Misfit is. They just don't have a SENSE OF HUMOR!!!

    This blog is not your average run-of-mill Lost theory site. Why you all can't get that truth into your picayune brains is unfathomable to us DIEHARD Lost Fans who do.

    Its awfully pathetic that there are so many (seemingly smart) Lost anonymouse fans who just have to get their 2 cents in to reprimand & correct Misfit constantly or else dare to croak trying. Its a pity to see them act so bollixed, so flummoxed, so unzipped & so very very faked out.

    tch tch tch. :-(

  33. Cool photo ad poster. Who's that character in the pic below Sun's photo & above Eko's?

  34. u idiot, thats so obviously photo-shopped, "tim" (tom to you actual fans) isnt actualy in the real photo XxX

  35. HEY EVERY1!!!!!!! from now on -because of all his mistakes insted of theMISFITishere call him theMISTAKEishere!!!!!! or better yet my crotch see you in hell misfit (mistake)!!!!!!!!

  36. u idiot, thats so obviously photo-shopped, "tim" (tom to you actual fans) isnt actualy in the real photo XxX

    That is the whole point you idiot. He is showing how much alike Tom and Henry look alike.

    Sheesh some people are just dim.

  37. Horah Jennifer Gale - Well said

  38. That poster is about as real as Katie Price's chest.

  39. lol looks like we have some Americans in here.

    just a few...

    "Anonymous said...
    its aaron u idiots and its a boy! and no offence but it just looks like youve made this picture using 'paint', soz but thats what i think. but ye its defently a boy called aaron you dumbass's"

    "Anonymous said...
    If you are so smart...His Name is Tom not Tim. Do some research you douche!"

    "Anonymous said...
    After reading most of your theories and posts on this website I wonder, do you actually watch Lost? I mean, how in hell can you think "Erin" is a girl, that claire ex is called Tim, and so many more!! Every post you have on here is wrong! Maybe instead of coming up with ridiculous theories, you should actually watch it and take in detail, such as people names! Maybe then you can "solve" Lost."

    hehehe makes me laugh every time.

  40. It is a real poster, go check out

    Lost Poster

    It is a confirmed offical Lost Poster.

  41. wow i hate all of you! i mean the people correcting misfit. Yes aaron is a boy and yes he said it was a girl as a joke. but another thing! do we even know that his name isn't Erin? i know its probably not because of that bible moses thing with eko and its how normal people spell it. but claire has never written the baby's name down in the show.

  42. The comments are funnier than the actul blog! lol :)

  43. You all are idiots thats what I think.

  44. misfit do you have msn messenger because i would really like to talk to you more about lost an everything i hope for a reply RYAN UK

  45. misfit is one wacko....
    jennifer gale.. u are so defensive, r u in love with the misfit???

    As far as im concerned, none of the misfit's theories are reliable.
    This is all a bloddy joke like he is!

  46. This blog is stupid...and you lame ass eurotrash morons that think its "funny" can go eat a bag of dicks.

  47. me to misfit id like to go over afew things ASH UK oh yeh thats funny as fuck when you write bernard/hanso lol hahaha

  48. Hell yeah it's Aaron and yes he is a boy. Fassies

  49. Here's a theory for ya Misfit. On your season 3 spoilers post, you say that the moment that will blow our minds is that to the outside world, a week has past, and time on the island is faster than outside world. Maybe, Fake Henry IS Tom, Claire's ex. Think about it... Time goes faster on the island, so he aged fast compared to the outside world (maybe that's why the others want all the kids, because they age too fast) and if he went to the island just after Claire got preganant, then he's been there for 6-7 months, outisde world time. God knows how long that is in Island time. What do you think?

  50. Hi Misfit... good find!
    I heard a connection with Claires ex before - apparantly the murals in the hatch are very similar to the paintings he did when he lived with Claire!!

    Keep up the good work!

  51. What if Thomas IS the fake Hendry Gale?

  52. You people are such retards it makes me sick. You all have the IQ about the size of a two year old. Misfit's blog is a humour blog, you cunts.

    Honestly, you need to either grow up and die. About "Eating a bag of dicks", wow, that was mature. You stupid 13 year old, and you know what, I fucking well wont. Why? because listening to the advice of someone of such a low brain copacity would make me a dumbass, like you.

    If you don't like the blog, or find it funny, don't fucking post comments on it.


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