More PROOF that kate is in ON it and was BORN on the island!!

As you ALL know by now I have proved with electronic PHOTOS that Kate has worked FOR Dharma as WELL as being born on the ISLAND!! I decided to KEEP adding the PROOF more and more by REVIEWING the PILOT episode of Lost!! The producers once SAID that the viewers missed something fairly obvious in THE pilot!! But the producers did not take the WORLDS bestest LOSTIGATOR into consideration!! In the pilor there IS a scene where Jack AND Kate are discussing the TAIL and the front of the plane!! Kate says that SHE saw smoke through the VALLEY!! How does she KNOW there's a valley!! They only just crashed on the ISLAND!! The PUZZLE is slowy coming together EVERY day and this has put me at a World-BREAKING 99.702% LOST completion level!!


  1. great work you rascal, it makes me love niggercock

  2. yeah how does kate know there is a valley when its hard to see from the viewers point of view

  3. You think to highly of yourself... You are taking this whole thing too serious.

  4. your the lostigator alright your freakin lost it

  5. Keep up the good work! I love reading about your progress and look forward to reading your blog everyday, seriously, no kidding, no hidden sarcasm or anything.

  6. Mike, do you think the smoke monster is Kate's island pet?

  7. 'You're a total nut job' - how did u figure that out, eh? You're making this all up as u go along. If u think ur so clever 'who are Danielle's crew and what was their purpose on their expedition?'

  8. I also enjoy your blog tremendously Mike. YOU are on the right track! Keep up the OUTSTANDING work!!!

  9. 'You're a total nut job' - how did u figure that out, eh? You're making this all up as u go along. If u think ur so clever 'who are Danielle's crew and what was their purpose on their expedition?'

  10. Mike, What do you think the NUMBERs from Lost mean? I would like to have you solve that one!

  11. Thank you EVERYONE for the kind words and comments!! I will always continue MY quest!! I have SOLVED most of the numbers in a PREVIOUS post!!

  12. If you have ever seen a valley, I think you would know the correct term to call it. Hey, look, we are on high ground, then the land dips, then it gets high on the other side. I guess it's a valley.

  13. Oh my gosh you're dumb... A valley is just a name for a certain type of land. Wow. You're all, ooh i'm smart.

  14. How can she see the valley? Lets see...Planes have windows...There are these inventions called windows that are on planes. You use your eyes and look out of them. You might see the ocean, a tree, maybe even a VALLEY!!! You are the biggest douche rocket EVER!!


  16. I dont HAVE any cornfields near me!! I do not KNOW what you are implying!!

  17. good spelling retard, bestest, amazing, and good find thought

  18. Good work man. You have the best Lost blog.

  19. ""How can she see the valley? Lets see...Planes have windows...There are these inventions called windows that are on planes. You use your eyes and look out of them. You might see the ocean, a tree, maybe even a VALLEY!!! You are the biggest douche rocket EVER!! "" u obviously need to listen a bit more when u watch lost i'll just leave it at that

  20. are you crazy?
    she said "the valley" she was born on the island?
    and...what about if she said "in the wood"? how could she know most of the island is a wood?
    you're crazy...after a plane crash you are allowed also to say "i saw some smoke in your head misfit"'s not so strange

  21. YOu are like, the bestest on the net! ABC must be panicking in their boots.

    awesome find!

  22. Anonymous said

    "How can she see the valley? Lets see...Planes have windows...There are these inventions called windows that are on planes. You use your eyes and look out of them. You might see the ocean, a tree, maybe even a VALLEY!!! You are the biggest douche rocket EVER!!"

    Oh of course, I always look out a window to study the ground when I am hurtling towards the ground in the damaged fuselage of a doomed airliner. Not to mention at the fact that unless Kate was either in the cockpit or in possession of X-ray vision (is that how she'll chose between Sawyer and Jack!) then she couldn't possibly see the island from the plane. Have you ever flown anonymous?

    Hands up who here has ever piloted a plane. Hands up who has ever been in a plane crash. Oh that would be me (and not a plane I was flying ;),

  23. Yes, never really trusted Kate. Even if you forget the fact she blew up her dad, get her best friend killed and used those poor inocent bank robbers to further her neferious plans.

  24. Ever seen a grown man naked? Seriously though...ever been inside a Turkish prison? OK...ok, really now.

    Do you know what it means when Scraps rubs up and down on your leg? Hmmmm.....well do you?

  25. Ever had a weird infatuation of 'Airplane', bowen? I DID YOUR MUM.

  26. Bowen said...

    "Ever seen a grown man naked? Seriously though...ever been inside a Turkish prison? OK...ok, really now.

    Do you know what it means when Scraps rubs up and down on your leg? Hmmmm.....well do you? "

    I had a friend who spent time in a prison in Bharain (he punched one of the religious police whilst drunk)and I knew a guy from Texas that ended up in a Venezualan jail - not nice...

    Oh and I have a bitch so no leg rubbing :p

  27. >>Oh of course, I always look out a window to study the ground when I am hurtling towards the ground in the damaged fuselage of a doomed airliner.<<

    Dark Angel, roflmao. Yeah, me too. I want to know just where I'll splatter.

  28. Kate knew there was a valley, maybe because there were TWO GIANT MOUNTAIN RANGES? Misfit, i think you're closer to 48.239% of the way to solving lost, you're nowhere close.

  29. Haters envy you. You ARE solving lost AND they can't. Keep going...

  30. Yes Misfit is correct. Kate WAS born on the island & she traversed it on her black horse. Thats how she knew about the valley. We just yet haven't seen how she got off the island to do those dastardly deeds. Maybe in a future flashback that truth will be revealed & all you naysayers will have to eat crow. I'll be here to hand out the ketchup

  31. ABC is the net that LOST is on but they are not the people who put it out

  32. You know. Alot of your Theories are crackpot, and it's sometimes hard to understand your spelling and grammar. But sometimes your theories are actually plausible. This is one of those theories.

  33. I Know something that misfits mole dont it has to do with a flashback

  34. valley=an elongated region or strip of land that is lower than surrounding areas; most often made by the erosive action of a river or glacier!!!!!!!!!!! this might help clear a few thing up

  35. I think I shall go and pick strawberries...then feed them to my pet lama...

  36. Anonymous said...

    valley=an elongated region or strip of land that is lower than surrounding areas; most often made by the erosive action of a river or glacier!!!!!!!!!!! this might help clear a few thing up

    Um, yes thank you I think we knew that. However as the Island appears to both tropical and volcanic I think glacial action is somewhat unlikely - easy way to tell; valleys caused by errosion tend to be v shaped whilst those formed by glaciation are u shaped.

  37. Misfit, put something new on or i will cum all over your face instead of my usual eating it.

  38. Misft,

    You Rascal! It has now been 16 hrs, 12 minutes, and 45 seconds since your last update. This is unacceptable. Find your mole and squeeze him for info. I am a patient person, but now i must go masterbate. See what you have done...

  39. This Blog is lame and unfunny.

  40. Sheer genius, mate! I've once again been blown away by your astute arguments and findings.

    If Kate is in on the whole thing, as I believe now she truly is, then that surely explains the oddities in her behavior that I've been picking up on since Day 1, and don't call me surely.

    I'm personally at about 75.67% of solving Lost, yet I once again bow down at the feet of the greatest Lostigator the world has ever and may ever seen.

    Thank you, misfit, thank you! Truly a miraculous find, indeed.

    --- Skippy

  41. Thank YOU skippy!! 75.67% is VERY respectiable!! It is MORE than most people!!

  42. Everyone can the valley anyway, WTF

  43. how does she know there is a valley?? the exact same way WE know there is a valley. theres mountains on each side with a bloody big gap in the middle. its not hard to work this out, it doesn't mean she was born on the island.
    you really do talk crap 'desperado'!!


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