Something MAJOR happening tomorrow!!

Tomorrow I will RELEASE world exlcusive PICTURES from Season 3!! This WILL be the 1st time they will HAVE been seen on the internet!!


  1. Rofl, i cant w8 for those fake pictures

  2. ohhhh you BETTER not let US down mIsFiT!!

  3. why not today?...haven't finished photoshopping them yet?

  4. Someone said

    "i hope u die"

    Well, the probability is pretty high. As far as I am aware The Misfit is not imortal, so unless Mike Rotch is really a pseudoname for Conner Mcloud I would expect that old Mr Death is on the cards at some point!

    (although hopefully not for quite some considerable time)

  5. ok my crotch if u think u can solve things that havent been writen yet then tell me what im gonna tell u now u piece of shit!!!! ur a loser get a life

  6. cant wait for the pics misfit, you have some awesome stuff, however only in season, since the end the season 2 you have been struggling a bit.

  7. can't wait, good job misfit

  8. so if u can solve things before they are wrote down then tell me what im gonna tell u now u shithead get a life

  9. check out this link to hanso and his cronies

  10. Angry, WASPish Americans; deprived forever from the fulfilling orgasms that come so easily from an uncut manhood.

  11. My names mike and i eat shit

  12. mIsFiT i hope you DONT die, unfortunatly, IF this is a GOOD spoiler, abc MAY come and get YOU!!!! good LUCK mIsFiT!!

  13. mIsFiT i hope you DONT die, unfortunatly, IF this is a GOOD spoiler, abc MAY come and get YOU!!!! good LUCK mIsFiT!!

  14. big deal!
    if I wanted to lose my job I could tell you and show you all kinds of things going on with LOST right now but I'm not that big of a dope to risk my job

  15. So where is those pics now ?

  16. If i see some characters in costume then u will be one of the greatest bloggers in the world, if its just sets like the last couple i wont return to the site (just kidding, of course i will be back)

  17. dude, bring it on!!! i need a laugh


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