The LOCKE Clone also has Dislexea!!

In a PREVIOUS (here) post I proved that THOSE pesky Others cannot WRITE or read very well and THAT the Sickness is a bad CASE of Dislexea!! Well NOW I can announce to the LOST World that the Locke CLONE that was SENT to destroy THE hatch also has the Sickness and Dyslexima!! If you look AT the crossword HE was attempting TO solved in Episode 9 Collided YOU can clearly SEE that he has no IDEA how to spell words and JUST makes up some crazy NEW words!!

THis makes me feel as CLEVER as THE famous Norwegian explorer Marcus Polio when HE discoverd China, JAPAN and Nigeria!!


  1. It's Marco Polo you idiot!

  2. That's just cheating. And the sad thing? He's only cheating himself. I wonder if that's why he's a baldy. "I bet you my hair that I can do this crossword in 5 minutes"

    Five minutes later.

    "John, that's just a black and white grid full of random words you've made up."

    "No it isn't..."

    "Yes it is John. Now hand me those hair clippers."


    This explains why Hurly's hair is longer. Everytime someone cheats at a crossword, Hurly's hair grows.

    Personally, everytime someone punches a mammal, I gets my hair longer.

    Man, I'm a clever tomato.

  3. Gil‧ga‧mesh 
    –noun. a legendary Sumerian king, the hero of Sumerian and Babylonian epics.

    do reaserch before posting maybe? Locke is a smart man, just because you don't know every word in the world dosen't make it made-up

  4. Yes I know THAT Gilgamesh is spelt CORRECTLY it was the other words that come from IT that are spelt correctly!!

    That IS why they are IN yellow!! I tried to make IT as simple as possible for YOU to understand BUT I guess thats why I am the best LOSTIGATOR!!

  5. Er...No, Cillia is a type of human cell and i don't think it matters how the other words are spelled, its called acting. If the viewer is only going to see the page for a split second it dosen't matter what it says as long as it wsays something. They didn't know nerds would watch the season frame by frame. Next time, consider acting before posting oh great lostigator. *rolls eyes sarcastically* RINSED!

  6. ThEmIsFiT - u r a jeneious.

  7. Gilgamesh is the 5th king of uruk..

  8. Its only a fake. It looks like you have made the picture with photoshop. I hope when Season 3 starts you become more seriously.

  9. To the idiot called "Impergator2k". You are obviously not a very big Lost fan if you think that the misfit faked that. You can find that crossword on any of the major lost sites.

    I love showing Noobies up like you.


  11. stupid idiot...
    you should go to school...
    His name is Marco Polo and he's italian, not from norway...
    you're so tupid and fake...

  12. stupid idiot...
    you should go to school...
    His name is Marco Polo and he's italian, not from norway...
    you're so stupid and fake...

  13. At least the misfit can operate a "Publish your comment" button unlike the idiot above.

  14. this is the dumbest lost page i have ever seen.

    misfit u r an idiot, ur "predictions" r laff out loud ridiculous

    u keep going on about fact yet u dont evan know that is is anna not hanna, clairs baby boy is called aaron and is not a baby girl callen erin.

    they were on flight 815 not 816,

    kate and mr friendly (it has been confirmed that is not his name, u must have missed that) are not getting married they are just walking next to each other

    ur lost connections section is just stupid

    the part about the others hipnotising a horse, i u daft its clearly just a guy who was on set as a horse tamer

    bernard is not hanso.

    the reason desmond has "2 girlfriends" is clearly because they hadnt cast the girlfriend yet to play her for the season finale.

    just because a camera angle only shows 3 fingers does not mean they are an alien.

  15. this is the dumbest lost page i have ever seen.

    misfit u r an idiot, ur "predictions" r laff out loud ridiculous

    u keep going on about fact yet u dont evan know that is is anna not hanna, clairs baby boy is called aaron and is not a baby girl callen erin.

    they were on flight 815 not 816,

    kate and mr friendly (it has been confirmed that is not his name, u must have missed that) are not getting married they are just walking next to each other

    ur lost connections section is just stupid

    the part about the others hipnotising a horse, i u daft its clearly just a guy who was on set as a horse tamer

    bernard is not hanso.

    the reason desmond has "2 girlfriends" is clearly because they hadnt cast the girlfriend yet to play her for the season finale.

    just because a camera angle only shows 3 fingers does not mean they are an alien.

  16. Good job. Locke's never been the same since he went mad in vietnam.

  17. Dammit Misfit, why do you do these things? You are just Stupid as hell!

  18. To the very kind person who insult me, why are you callen me like this and have not the courage to show us your real name. You dont know me. I´m a big fan of LOST but i hate people which are betraying us (the real fans) with such stupid theories. In fewer times, at the beginning of this blog i loved to read every spoiler news about the seasons. But since a few months he is writing absurdering things. I hope this ends until the new season starts.

  19. themisfitishere is clevererer than most of the Fraggles put together.

    He's so close to solving all of the Lost series but I come here anyway hoping to one day help make him find a discoverey which will tilt the world all over and upwards. All four of them.

    The actor that plays The Black Smoke has been in a lot of things but in Germany, Barney Rubble has a high pitched giggly laugh but he should actually have a low pitched huh huh huh laugh. Imagine that!

  20. I'm pretending to become an Onymousse but I know it's me so don't say anything to the Kennedys.

  21. Ur saying that the losties carnt spell. Take a long look in the mirror and add yourself to the carn't spell list.

  22. In the Epic of Gilgamesh it is said that Gilgamesh ordered the creation of the legendary walls of Uruk. In historical times, Sargon of Akkad claimed to have destroyed these walls to prove his military power. Many scholars feel that the Epic of Gilgamesh is related to the Biblical story of the flood mentioned in Genesis.

    Fragments of an epic text found in Me-Turan (modern Tell Haddad) relate that Gilgamesh was buried under the waters of a river at the end of his life. The people of Uruk diverted the flow of the Euphrates River crossing Uruk for the purpose of burying the dead king within the riverbed. In April 1903?, a German expedition discovered what is thought to be the entire city of Uruk - including, where the Euphrates once flowed, the last resting place of its King Gilgamesh.

    Despite the lack of direct evidence, most scholars do not object to consideration of Gilgamesh as a historical figure, particularly after inscriptions were found confirming the historical existence of other figures associated with him: kings Enmebaragesi and Aga of Kish. If Gilgamesh was a historical king, he probably reigned in about the 26th century BC. Some of the earliest Sumerian texts spell his name as Bilgamesh.

    In most texts, Gilgamesh is written with the determinative for divine beings (DINGIR) - but there is no evidence for a contemporary cult, and the Sumerian Gilgamesh myths suggest the deification was a later development (unlike the case of the Akkadian god-kings). Historical or not, Gilgamesh became a legendary protagonist in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

  23. Anonymous said...

    At least the misfit can operate a "Publish your comment"

    ya he can cause when someone puts something up he dont want any one to know about he deletes it

  24. I still don't understand how people can hate ThEmIsfiTiShErE! his stuff is bril! AND I am thinking that none of the flamers know how to post because ALL of their posts are double posts....

  25. I thought that in the epic Gilgamesh, he goes on a quest with his best friend...and only one survives. At one time, Losties were speculating that this forshadowed future events with Locke and Eko..and that Eko would die.

  26. Personally, I related it more to Locke/Boone and the hatch using the same logic in your post.

    Of course, it could be foreshadowing Locke's new quest in Season 3...

    Some way or another it's obviously supposed to relate to Locke.

    Regardless, great work as always misfit. :)

  27. Why are you so mad at misfit he is a spoof, thats why he was added to the tailsection. look him up on lostopedia. I find him funny.

  28. gilgamesh is a real word i learned about it in 7th grade when we were studying rome

  29. I love your work. Keep it up. The haters are just jealous that they don't have your genious.

    You always give me a good laugh!

  30. ThEmIsFiTiShErE said...
    Yes I know THAT Gilgamesh is spelt CORRECTLY it was the other words that come from IT that are spelt correctly!!

    That IS why they are IN yellow!! I tried to make IT as simple as possible for YOU to understand BUT I guess thats why I am the best LOSTIGATOR!!

    Sunday, September 17, 2006 9:24:00 AM

    LMAO, you tell em Lostigator, that guy got pwned!!!

  31. Anonymous said...
    stupid idiot...
    you should go to school...
    His name is Marco Polo and he's italian, not from norway...
    you're so tupid and fake...

    Sunday, September 17, 2006 12:28:00 PM

    Its Spelled stuped not tuped Jackass.

  32. Hehe LoSt is cool put pictures up!!!!!!!!!!!I'm so sexy!!!!(OO)


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