Lockes son was IN Geronimo JAckson!!

The LOSTIGATOR does it again with his razor SHARP eyes!! Here we can can Locke and his SON Rupert Locke in a Geronimo Jackson T-SHIRT!! This further confirms MY facts about the Locke CLONE!! I think this should PUT me up witht he great THINKERS of our time like Haristotles and Confusion!!


  1. pieter, geobsedeerd door tetten???

  2. when were we told locke had a son???

  3. Interesting connection...isn't that one of the albums that Hurley is looking at in season 2 when he's in the hatch with Charlie? Maybe he's just a fan, but it's still a nice connection. Now if we can figure out the timeline...

  4. Yes HURLEY and charlie were LOOKING at it in the Hatch!!

  5. as for that being his son your wrong its a hitchhicker he picks up

    promo photos are out

  6. OMG, where did this come from? Is it actually from a Lost episode?

  7. Ys it is FROM Episode 2 which is called Future INSTRUCTIONS!!

  8. first of all lock never had a son second of all the man who you think is locks son is just waring a jerimo jacksan t shirt becasue hes a fan use your brain misfit wait you dont have a brain ands its more like thefagishere gaybo

  9. Misfit ... it's Further Instructions you dumb fucking prick. So much for you being a know it all super lost fan who notices everything, huh?

    Your site is a fucking joke and so are you, your spelling and the morons who believe every single made up bullshit thread you post here.

  10. Your site is a fucking joke and so are you, your spelling and the morons who believe every single made up bullshit thread you post here.

    fuck off elsewhere then prick!

  11. did you not say that you were in the hospital that you had health problem , still you went to hawai...hummmm , and wath about all the typo all the dyslexia,do you see wath you have become !!! youre phto is now next to word retarded!!! in WIKI.

    with my new software i looked at youre blog you know wath i found ?

    that 75% of youre fan , blogers, anonymous etc.. are typed by...YOU

    thats right, you write to yourself.. hahahahaha dyslexia, paranoia, schizofreinia, multiple personalities and of course don't forget all the stuff you stole from other sites claiming it as youre own... shame

    oh! and jenny drop a few pounds maybe somebody in the "real world" will notice you.

  12. ti si kretencina bolesnog razuma da bog da crkao

  13. Misfit, your name is LOCKE (but substitute a DI for the LO, and erase the E). At last, your true identity is revealed!


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