SPOILERERS!!!! Ive just BEEN sent a banned LOST Promo VIDEO!!

This HAS just been emailed TO me by someone calling themselves "DeepTHROAT"!! This is apparantly some FOOTAGE of season 3 which WAS not meant to BE shown in public!! UNTIL NOW!! Here you WILL Penny Windmore in her SEARCH for her irish Boyfriend DESMOND!!


  1. Very interesting. But I didn't get any sound.

  2. There IS no sound!! That is HOW it was delievered TO me!! SORRY!!

  3. This is great! It appears to be genuine and has a neat "do not distribute" watermark. Thanks for keeping your blog updated with new material--I check it every day and it's the highlight of my mornings!

    Litenting to "Night of the Living Dead" by The Misfits right now in your honor ;-)

  4. Any guesses as to whom the character is putting on the helmet and riding the motorcycle?

  5. Thanks FOR the nice words!! Most people SAY bad words about me but I am strong and IGNORE them!! They cannot stop THE truth!!

  6. Yeah, well most people wouldn't know a good time if it jumped up and bit 'em...

  7. if this is legit,
    more real content please, and less bullshit

  8. why i can't i open it? is there a program you need?

  9. Is there any way you can e-mail it to me in a .wmv format or something similar? It won't load on my computer at work for some reason...thanks!


  10. It is JUST a Yourtub video!! It should PLAY in any good browser!! I use Firefax from Moziller!!

  11. man she just walks around the arctic (or whatever it may be) and then she finds the island. It's getting freakier every season :P

  12. Sorry BUT it is A 75 MEGAbite file!! That is TOO big for my email system!!

  13. Excellent work, once again, Misfit!

    -- Skippy

  14. The woman in the motorcycle helmet is taken from a Zovirax advert but it is played backwards.

    Sorry to spoil this but I have a good eye for adverts

    Good video though ;)

  15. Anonymous said...

    Is there any way you can e-mail it to me in a .wmv format or something similar? It won't load on my computer at work for some reason...thanks!

    You are probably blocked by a firewall or security screening restriction to keep worker bees from goofing off at YouTube all day... :-)

  16. not much of a spolier if its on YOUTUBE anyone could get it

  17. not much of a spolier if its on YOUTUBE anyone could get it

    That makes no sense? If you look it was the Misfit who uploaded it to YouTube. Some people are just so stupid

  18. ABCMOLE what are going on about? There are 1000's of video's on YouTube that break copyright law. You must be a bit of a YouTube noob.

  19. if it was banned you wouldnt be able to see it on YouTube

  20. Funny how the faces are never shown....just with googles and helmets so we can't identify them...

  21. Wow these noobs really don't know how youtube works. Do you all think that you tube screens every video that is upload ... ROFL.. Noobs

  22. Funny how the exact faces are never shown, just faces with goggles and helmets..that way we can't identify who the people are...

  23. Desmond is Scottish, you and me are both scottish how can u not figure this out lol

  24. If you freeze at the very end of the clip you can clearly see that it is her and she had to get there somehow, which kind of validates the rest of the scenes i suppose..

  25. Sorry Misfit

    You've lost my trust you keep deleting the posts I make that reveal any sources for your posts.

    I like what your doing, but your claim that you publish all the comments is simply not true.

    The great thing about Lost is the open community it has spawned but you are stiffling that.

    Satire and spoofs are essential to a healthy world

    Keep up the good work

    Namste and bye

  26. FAKE!!!! Take this thing down!! You aren't posting my comments because you want to keep on deceiving everyone and make yourself look like an insider! Its FAKE!!!!!

  27. thats helicopter was in a day after tomorrow

  28. HAHAHA this has got to be a joke right?
    1. clip of the helicopters can be found in the day after tomorw just before the helicopters get frozen instantly!
    2 the bit wer they are walking round the mountain, that is from lord of the rings fellowship where they are climbing the mountain!
    3. the motorbike bit is from an advert as stated before!

    misfit can you please reply to this telling me that i am wrong, coz then i canlaugh harder coz this promo is a bunch of shit!
    this comment best be posted!!

  29. this is thw worst blog ive ever seen

  30. did anyone else notice the resemblence between the guy who rung penny up and jack

  31. The BIG TRUETH is 'the day after tomorrow' is among branch stories of "LOsT"!

  32. woow that looks so cool and this place that is snowy is it antartica ?

  33. if only said...
    did anyone else notice the resemblence between the guy who rung penny up and jack

    Saturday, September 02, 2006 3:54:00 AM

    i must say your very smart and quick! lol

  34. misfit have you ever heard of winZip or RarZip?

  35. This is a stupid, unfunny. blog...... your atempt at "comedy" is poor and lacking any percivable depth.

    Totaly lame...

  36. Haha! What a joke.

    1. Half of the footage was from the last episode anyway
    2. Footage was from Day after tomorrow and Lord of the Ring: FOTR

  37. Anonymous said...
    Haha! What a joke.

    1. Half of the footage was from the last episode anyway
    2. Footage was from Day after tomorrow and Lord of the Ring: FOTR

    thats wat i said up a bit! it just radnom clips from adverts and movies, lol, ur trying to foold us misfit, but were not as dumb and gulable as you!

  38. the scene of the cars driving next to the statue of the horse was filmed in Mexico City. Jack (I forgot the actor's name) was filimg a movie here this past summer. Maybe that particular footage is from that movie.

  39. what i meant to say is u live in Scotland as do i.

    How can you not tell, go on his website as it clearly says he is SCOTTISH! lol

  40. I live in scotland BUT I was born in CORNWALL!! I am english!!

  41. The majority of these clips came from a made for TV movie called "The Librarian: Quest for the Spear" (2004), which starred Sonya Walger (Penelope)and Noah Wyle (of E.R.).

  42. I don't remember where I heard this but there was a guy who was flying his airplane around the arctic and blacked out and awoke flying in a sunny tropic just like the lost island. that might be what is going on

  43. I found a clip on 'Youtube' like this one, it had sound {only music}. Check it out at ''LOST Season 3 Prequel Recap'' - I can see Penny playing a big part in Season 3!

  44. I av came across a clip on 'youtube' that is same as his one - with some extra footage. Check it out at''LOST Season 3 Prequel Recap'' Penny looks fit - I hope she becomes a regular!!

  45. I av came across a clip same as thos one but with some extra footage, and it has sound, well music anyway. Check it out at 'LOST Season 3 Prequel Recap' Penny is on a mission... she's one hell of a babe!

  46. That's just loads of FIlm clips, I swear one of them was "The Lord Of The Rings", only a tard like "ThEmIsFiTiShErE" would belive it, your an idiot. Mother fucker go fuck your cousin, why would anyone belive a dick like you.
    Your Truely

  47. Of course it's fake ..

    Just like the episode list

    1 - XX (Jack)

    2 - YY (Kate)

    3 - ZZ (Desmond)

    Then when the real list is given, he just changes it to the real ones. Then most of the people (blindfolded I presume) go there and say "yeah mate, you got that right".


  48. thats obviously fake clips from the day after tomorrow and lord of the rings and i cant believe people actually beleive this crap u say your the biggest fan but all you do is ruin the show just piss of

  49. one more thing, desmond is scottish not irish

  50. To bad that that scene is from the movie The Libraian!!!

  51. people i think its a hoax
    well at leaste not the first seen
    but after that it doesnt seem right

    just a thought

  52. i think its a hoax
    except for the first seen

  53. 1. The footage of penny is from another tv show she has done
    2. The helicopter footage is from a video game

  54. Obviously (that is, to afficionados), the whole "deus ex machina-in-reverse" episode with the female astronaut landing on the island (or, given the smoke monster's predilection for obscuration, what the Milanese call fumaro, was it not an astronaut, but Amelia Erhart, transported through a time-vortex where she not only was introduced to but possible married Mr. Eko), I would suspect that this clip was dropped down ABC's rapacious corporate memory hole because of its Zapruder-like revalatory capability. Like some hillbilly Sawyer who suddenly invents the nanocomputer and uses it to open beer cans, this "episode," this "incident," will not please the peanut-gallery who clamor incessantly, insistently for "sound."

  55. Misfit, if I sent you a video of the moon landing saying that it was from season four of LOST and I was a mole, would you put it here and say the others had a space ship all along?

  56. Are you saying that LOST is filmed from the moon?

  57. Misfit says : "This HAS just been emailed TO me by someone calling themselves "DeepTHROAT"!!"

    And then Misfit says : "Sorry BUT it is A 75 MEGAbite file!! That is TOO big for my email system!!"

    So ... ?!

  58. You guys are ALL wrong. Those are scenes from the made for TNT movie, The Librarian: Quest for the Spear, which had the actress that plays penny in it, hiking in the mountains and through jungles. Sorry.

  59. It's amazing how stupid some people are. Not Mifit, but the people that get mad and actually take him seriously.

  60. you r such a retard..

    yuou posted this a wile ago..

    it is a fake
    fuceken retard

  61. lmao it is clearly lost clips from previous episodes and over videos put together to make that.

  62. It's a hoax pEoPlE

    The scenes are taken from the movie: The Librarian

    You could see "Penny" in the photo


  63. anyone else see the frame of penny in a brown tank top at the end of clip. looks like shes on the island...??

  64. Helicopters over the arctic circle?!?! Just proves what my gut's told me all along -- THE ISLAND IS IN NORWAY!!

  65. well i fell for this when i saw it LAST YEAR, but the clip with the helicopters is from the day after tomorrow, and as we are 5 eps away from the finale its obvious that this isn't gonna happen, but i still think some of your stuff is great.

  66. desmond is not irish u absolute tool

  67. THe MiSfit is such a f*cken Idiot if I saw him on the street I'd smash him in the head just for being such A F*CKEN DICKHEAD.
    Get a life you imbecile.

  68. You said last year this was the season ending! You're full of shit mate!

  69. you smelly pirate hooker!

  70. THis is obvoisley not a fARk!!@ ZOMGROFLMAO
    Missy Joo RoxOrOs. This BY fur and Aweigh the BESTEREST lost! site evermade! Keep up the stupidness work. I think maybe The mAfia did NOT explode yours Bits inb binary, but the TRUTH of ThIs Video May hAVE. Also jacob being the chair makes the most sence I wonder if JACOB got Angry because the smoke monster turn into a maN aND sAt on Jacobs FaCE for 11 fraMES!!!@ That Would make ME MAAAD too! Love your show!

  71. I wish people would stop wasting my time with bullshit- just say it's pretend in the title and stop trying to trick people into thinking it's real- my time is too precious to waste on this nonsense.


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