You all MISSED a major clue but the LOSTIGATOR didnt!!

Well once AGAIN I am living up TO my name of THE LOSTIGATOR with another EARTH-Shattering find!! With the PROMO pictures you ALL missed the massive clue THAT Sawyer has been Injected with the Sickness!! You can clearly SEE his injection mark and Plaster!!

This is a Season 3 Spoiler of the Sick Sawyer!! and just like Detective Mark Slain of Diagnostic Murders I have uncovered THE truth!! You need to click the computer image BELOW to make it appear ENORMOUSLY large!!


  1. Great find again mate, but does that look under the bandage that its a needle? more of a gash :\ Also Misfit, Im sure you noticed when Michael In the 3 minutes episode had something writen on his head? then the next episode it was a mark instead, What was that?

  2. That's from the kick Pickett gave him on the Pala Ferry.

  3. That is a very good catch

  4. To the anonymous above.Picket didn't kick him in the arm you idiot and why would he give him a plaster? You need to watch the show as closely as the misfit.

  5. its Mark Sloan and hes from diagnosis Murder Numbnuts


  7. Anonymous said...
    its Mark Sloan and hes from diagnosis Murder Numbnuts

    Its a intentional mistake and its called a sense of humour Titface!

  8. Misfit you are a legend and a genuis. No one else spotted this, well done.

  9. wow great find !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they took blood not inject though

  10. If it is the sickness why is Sawywe the only one?????

  11. Not an injection. Blood was possibly blood drawn. If you're gonna be the "Lostigator" try making sure you get your stuff 100% right.

  12. You're a fucking idiot.

  13. Misfit you are the king of Lost detectives, Mark Slain would be proud of you.

    I can't wait for season 3 and what you will discover then.

  14. I seen it and let it pass since they took blood from Micheal why not from Swayer, Kate and Jack as well makes sense to me

  15. you are a fucking nut case m8

    ps. no wounder u are in a phsyco
    home u fucking looney

  16. misfit knows fuck all folks. how can he know any more than anyone else? maybe the bandage is from a needle, maybwe its not. this is just speculation... and its not as if the producers are trying to hid it is it? it's going to happen in the first episode and theyv already given us a clip showing his arm... get over it folks and get over misfit, cos hes a tit

  17. I think you're missing the obvious clue.

    They took Michael's blood to see if was really Walt's father. Clearly the OTHERS suspect that promiscuous Sawyer is really Walt's father!

  18. It always amazes me when the Misfit finds stuff that no one else is finding... real things that could be clues that the "serious" obsessed fans overlook.

  19. Misfit this find has yet again proven you to be the best Lostigator ever.

    Ignore the idiot haters m8 you have a massive fan club.

    2.5 Million hits cannot be wrong.

  20. Anonymous said...

    It always amazes me when the Misfit finds stuff that no one else is finding... real things that could be clues that the "serious" obsessed fans overlook.

    Thats why he is the best lostigator :)

  21. u actually found something halfway believable

  22. Do you guys realize that the misfit is just a spoof of lost fans.

  23. What I really want to know is how many of the comments on your blog are really just you trying to hype your blog rather than a bona fide visitor.

  24. Or they've just taken blood from his arm like they did Michael? :|

  25. You all should get a life and quit trying ti figure out the writers/producers, etc.....

    You will never do it!

  26. oh my GOD!! you ARE a fucking tit! how do you know for a fact that he's been injected with the sickness (if there even is a sickness) he could have been sedated. Give credit where credit is due its well spotted! And sorry, as for the hurley hair growth thing, its a fucking tv program! one pic looks like his hair is tied back. Think before you write some random shit, i dont think any one cares about hurleys hair, i dont......

  27. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHAAAAAAA. i think mis(TIT) needs to get layed BIG time.

  28. sometimes i just wish i could hit you, once for every bullshit fact you've put on your blog, im a big fan of lost (clearley not as big as you) and it pisses me off when you post pure and utter shite facts that YOU and everyone else that reads this blog knows is not true. how can you be 99.4546???% on the way to solving lost if there are still meant to be another 3 season. GET A GRIP!! before its to late

  29. You're a fucking prick. Learn how to type without typing every other word in capitals you fucking moron. Get a girlfriend and get fucking laid, maybe then you won't have so much time to make up bullshit foilers and fake pictures to make people think you're awesome in this cyberworld. Go get some real friends you dumb fucking dickhole.

  30. Sawyer's wound is either from being injected with the sickness as Misfit claims or else he got cut by that knife on the food dispenser button. He's right handed & the cut is clearly on the same arm he used to push the button with. We'll learn the truth of the matter when this episode is aired.

  31. Sawyer's wound COULD be from being injected with the sickness or MAYBE he was cut by the knife on the food dispenser button when it when it went flying off after zapping him good for being so disrepectful to it!

    whatever...But we'll all learn the naked truth when this episode is finally aired & then there should be lots of apologies made to Misfit from all the cheeky, unfilial people who write those liverish & very ignoble comments to him here.

  32. you spend to much time on this shit, it can't be healthy!! how ace is your name! lostigator, how original....

  33. BLOOD was drawn from Sawyer so they could make CLONES!

    Can't you see it? OH great MisFIT! Finder of the enchanted faries!

  34. "wow great find !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they took blood not inject though"

    I agree. just like they did to Claire, just some blood tests, unfortunately!

  35. i just have 2 say ive seen screen shots from one of the lost promos and jack has one of these two, couldnt these just be from the dart shots they got in the season 2 finale??


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