The Hawaii PREMIERE!!

I cannot BELIEVE how good that was I am so EXCITED!! It was the best start to ANY season and just cannot SLEEP!! I met with Charlie WHO is very nice and HE says that he is A BIG fan of my website and he SAYS that a lot of the CAST love my facts and visit the PAGE often!! He also TOLD me that he HAS actually LEFT some comments on my SITE!!

Tony WILL post all the pictures WHEN we get home tomorrow AS his laptop has run out of POWER!!

If you HAVE any questions ABOUT them premiere JSUT ask by leaving me A COMMENT!!

HERE are some spoilers BUT be careful as they CONTAIN spoilers!!

- The Others LIVE in nice houses!!
- Kate is FORCED to show and put on a dress!!
- Fake HENRY (if that is indeed HIS real name!!) is called Benny!!
- Juliet HAS a large school REPORT on Jack!!
- Jack was ANGRY with his dad for talking to HIS wife!!
- We see GOODWILL and Ethan again!!
- Jack GETs all wet
- There is A new Drama STATION called Hyrdo!!


  1. Hey mis..., come on give us some spoilers!!! A little report whats going on in the first episode.

  2. all i want to know
    is how much are we going to learn? is anything explained?
    or is it still all... going to be confusing?

  3. I have ADDED the spoilers NOW!! I hope you LIKE thme a lot!!

  4. omg dont feed us this bogus crap you ass-tard. other people have already spoiled the show, you know nothing. you've been sitting on your fat ass this whole time waiting for info lmfao

  5. what happened to jack,kate and sawyer!?

  6. hi mis!
    what is kate dressed like that for?
    what about sawyer?why is he in a jail?and who is that guy next to him?
    where are the nice houses of the others?at the same island?
    does ethan resucitate?

  7. Thank´s mis... !!!

    Can´t wait to see the pics.


  8. nice one misfit,
    i have a intresting website for you (not sure if uve been on it)
    in theyellow box on the right red the hidden message, i cant make out the stuff behind the box, ive been told that the website contains loads of hidden hints etc. cheers!!

  9. what happens to sawyer?

  10. Hi misfit is that picture u got at the bottom of this post. one you took?? its great!!

  11. that is not ya picture it is from
    i just see it on there y do u take other peoples stuff please tell me

  12. Hi misfit is that picture u got at the bottom of this post. one you took?? its great!!

    No IT is not mine!! I found it at!!

    Tony WILL put all the photos ON the internet thing when WE get home TOMORROW some time!!

  13. what happens to sawyer?

    Sawyeer IS in an outside cell that looks like it has magnetic FORCES inside it!! He esacpes but IS re-captutred!! He gets given some FOOD and meets a teenager CALLED Karlos!!

  14. hi mis!
    what is kate dressed like that for?
    what about sawyer?why is he in a jail?and who is that guy next to him?
    where are the nice houses of the others?at the same island?
    does ethan resucitate?

    She HAS breakfast with FENRY whose real name is Benny!!The OTHERS live in a very nice TOWN!!
    Ethan IS dead it was a FLASHBACK!!

  15. BTW these have all been confirmed on other sites so, he's not talking out of his bum.

  16. No, he just steals things from other sites.

  17. hi misfit are you spelling mistakes actually spelling mistakes or do you put the inproper names because they are lies? GOODWILL?,DRAMA?,but gratz on your visit cant wait for wednesday

  18. I have NEVER stoled anything in MY life and quite FRANKLY I do not like the IMplication!!

  19. apaerntly Fake henry makes jack an offer he 'can't refuse' what is it? does he acctually make him an offer and is it true hurley finds a naked desmond in the jungle?

  20. i fink ur stuff is wicked i follow this everyday! i am a fellow uk citezen i cant wait 2 c wot happens in season 3 most of ur stuff is very interesting i just need 2 know the pic of the survivors with the others on the jety the houses in the bckround is that their house? cheers!

  21. Hi Misfit! Pay no attention to the envious simpletons behind the curtain who accuse you of dastardly deeds. They're merely wet blankets on the beach.

    Didn't I tell you at least a couple of times that the Lost ppl probably read your blog & some may even post comments?! so there ya go..Charlie admits to it!

    I'm looking forward to reading more about your fabuloso adventure & am wishing you a very safe trip back to Scotland...take care!

  22. this is bullshit...the premiere is sunday can this be posted at 11AM on sunday morning...did you use a f@#$%in' time machine you lying shit?

    your life is sooooooooooooo sad...

  23. apaerntly Fake henry makes jack an offer he 'can't refuse' what is it? does he acctually make him an offer and is it true hurley finds a naked desmond in the jungle

    No THERE is no desmond in the EPISODE i was SHOWN!! and I dont REMEMBER any offer like THAT!!

  24. Thank YOU for the kind words EVERYONE espeically jennifer hale!!

    The EPISODE was so much fun and it was so exciting!! The people WHO make lost are very clever and WERE so nice to ME and TONY!! They gave us a GOODyBAG and stuff!!

    It will BE a shame to GO home BUT I miss my mum and my CAT!!

  25. to "charliepacehatesyou" you are obviously not as big as fan as the mifit is. The Premiere was last night you dope. Shows how much you know.

    Great photos misfit and pleased you enjoyed the trip and the premiere.

  26. concerning

    if you have firefox, disable css and scroll to the bottom to find the hidden message and a photo...

  27. what with bunker it's ok or explode ?

  28. u met charlie? but charlie who? dom who plays charlie or who?

  29. did you find out what happened to Locke?

  30. HE says that he is A BIG fan of my website and he SAYS that a lot of the CAST love my facts and visit the PAGE often!! He also TOLD me that he HAS actually LEFT some comments on my SITE!!

    hahahaha thts so funny, i dnt belive tht for one second, so if thts lieing wat else is lying??!?!?!

  31. Yes HIS real name was Dominic Monaghan!!

    We DO not find out about LOCKE in this episode!!It is all Jack KATE and Sawyer!!

  32. ey mis, thanks for replying my questions!
    it seems like you had a funny trip!!
    when could we see a pic of yourself at Hawaii!?!? :)

  33. wow it's great!! How many people is others?? sorry for my english...I from Poland...

  34. wow it's great!! how many people is others?? my english i weak becouse I from Poland.sory

  35. We are FLYINGback tomorrow and then TONY will put more power charge IN his laptop and then WE can uploaded them!!

  36. There ARE lots and lots of oTHERS !! I think I counted 37!!

  37. Actualy, ugh, Kate wakes up in that dress if youw acth the trailer

  38. HEADLINE: "Thousands turn out for Lost stars, answers": Go here for a video glimpse of Sunset on the Beach last night. click on the video link located right under the headline.

  39. No Kate goes for a SHOWER and when she comes back they have thaken HER clothes and replaced them WITH the dress!! She does NOT wake up with them on!! In the trailery SHE is crying!!

  40. comon give us a script

  41. did you get to see what the hydro station logo looks like?

  42. what does the hydro station logo look like?

  43. No one i repeate NO ONE acually believes your were in hawaii ! sorry but if you don't upload a picture of you acually in hawaii then im sure everyone will know for sure your full of shit. misfit do you have a picture of you in hawaii??? or tony, any atall?? please respond ! tom

  44. I believe him i repeat I BELIEVE him. Great work with another entry, one day these kids will start seeing the funny side, let's hope there are enough seasons for that to happen!

    Hope you had fun at the premiere!

  45. can you just explain the episode not just put spoilers that don't make sense

  46. this site is mad i check every day any ways i cant wait till i see season 3 but im in australia and the shoe starts in feb somthig!

  47. The words behind the box on state:
    "If anyone should find this message, please get word I'm alive and stranded on an island somewhere in the South Pacific. Please send help soon. Things are bad. And they're getting worse... Sally"
    "I survived a horrific plane crash and am stranded on an island somewhere Northeast of Australia and Southwest of Hawaii. In the event that I am never found, please forward word of my fate to my parents."

  48. its amazing how many people still dont believe u is just pathetic.
    nice work misfit ive been cheking this web ever since i found it

  49. ur a fuckin fool and a theith...learn how to spall fool

  50. u idiots! dont you know how easily laptops battery gets empty.. and i think misfit dont got always time to load it!! i believe u misfit, just w8ing for the photos :))) and i really hope u got those photos because i have believed you since you get the tickets from ABC to lost season3 premiere..

  51. misfit's funny but he aint in hawaii! i think the watermark on the ticket reveals all!


  52. you can post a picture of kate and her mobile phone but you cant post a picture of YOU in hawaii. you never went to hawaii, but you do have a good site that i check everyday ! keep up the good work

  53. Dude, you really met Charlie (Dom) ??? Far out..!!! Did you get any pics of you with HIM. Tony could have taken one. PROOF that you were at the premiere.

  54. Yes I got a PHOTO of me and Charlie!! Tony WILL upload them later today!!

  55. F*cking Faker you were not in Hawaii the times for travel watching and arriving don't match and all of your photos are taken from other sides.

    What about telling the name of the airport you wre flying from or simply say what happens in the first episode!!!!!

    All you are "spoiling" is shown in the promos, so give us some Infos Faker

  56. are your spelling mistakes actually spelling mistakes or do you write the inproper names because they are lies? GOODWILL?,DRAMA? but well done on premier cant wait till wednesday

  57. watch OUT it LOOKS like the MONSTER is in that LAST picTURE

  58. you are really are a loser

  59. It's obviously a SAWYER flashback because he is in JAIL.

  60. SPOILER: Island flashback: Goodwin and Ethan ROM are lovers, which is not allowed by the Others. When they are discovered by Goodwin's wife Juliet, they leave the Other's village in shame. They walk in opposite directions across the island, Goodwin walks south, and Ethan walks north. That is how they came to be at the two survivor camps. Jack's flashback: Jack discovers that his wife Sarah is actually divorcing him because she is secretly engaged to be married to Jai Lee from Sun's previous flashbacks.

  61. No no nO!! The Premiere IS a jack FLASHBACK!! He has a FIGHT with his dad!!



    Thank YOU very MUCH vor this COOL PAGE.

    DO we SEE in this NEW episode PENNY?

  63. Thank YOU cool HILL!! No we only see JACK/KATE/Sawyer/BEN and Juliet

  64. Anonymous wrote- F*cking Faker you were not in Hawaii the times for travel watching and arriving don't match and all of your photos are taken from other sides.

    All of your photos are taken from other sides

    Thats a mighty brilliant deduction you made Anonymous -->> In your mind, Misfit was born without legs so he couldn't have possibly moved around the area to take pictures.


    I don't think you're ready to graduate from detective school so its back to the books for you.
    (now go sit in the corner & put on the dunce cap)

  65. still waiting a pic of you at Hawaii!

  66. misfit said....
    Yes I got a PHOTO of me and Charlie!! Tony WILL upload them later today!!

    well i havnt seen this photo so i guess this proves that you didnt go to hawaii. like i said your full of shit ! post this cos u didnt post the last one

  67. I am sgtill WAITING for tony to upload them!!

  68. you said he would upload them about 2 days ago!! ever sinse then you have posted kate & her mobile & kate in her dress ( which you stole) so when are you gona put a pic of you or tony acually in hawaii ?? personaly i think you never went and it seems like im right....


  69. wow u guys r retarded. misfit is a spoof of a lost fan, and abc mole is just another username of him that he uses to make it look more real. i love the misfit blog no madder how obviously fake it is. take a joke, gosh.

  70. WOW Mis! You met Domanic Monaghan! And you came back from the premire with the knowledge, that hes been on your SITE! COOL!

    Domanic if you are here and reading this plz go to my site:


    keep up the good work Misfit! (Lostigator)

  71. i think zeke is right , that would make sense and i can take a joke and i love this site! but if misfits givin us spoilers they should atleast be real otherwise whats the point. great site, keep it up.

  72. prove it.. and why havn't you posted a picture of you in hawaii yet !! great site

  73. Misfit puh-lease post some pics of you in Hawaii!!!

    why keep us all waiting and anxious?? : {


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