My REVIEWS of "Everyone from Themselves!!"

HERE is my REVIEW of eveyone from THEMselves!! I gave it A 9.374 out of 11.3 RATING!!

Desmond USE to be a ROOFER!!

The Guinea PIG had a weak HEART and has a PACEmarker installed

JACK does not LIKE cartoons!!

Sawyer USED to be a BOXER!!

Sawyer IS very CLEAN and likes to always PICK up litter

Some Bloke called Colin died on the Operating TABLE

Jack is a TERRBIBLE docter!! Everyone HE workes on Dies!!

Sawyer was INJECTED into the heart with glue!!

Keanue REEVES does NOT play golf VERY well as he KEEPS hitting it into the WATER!!

Sawyers WATCH speeds up WHENEVER kate has her BACK to it!!

Juliet IS a fetilizer Docter!!

Sawyer HAS a little baby Boy called Clement!!

MR Pickitt Has a tumour!!

KATE is workign for the OTHERS after she UNESCAPED herself!!

As I predicated 3 YEARS ago there is ANOTHER Island!!

DEsmond is AN expert weather forecaster!!


  1. Thank You- That was very witty and clever, I needed to laugh!

  2. Hi mIsFiT
    Why do you wait until you've seen the episode before reviewing it?


  4. i used to read ur comments and like that they where crazy and funny, but this is just getting fucking stupid. Why dont u come up with some real stuff for once.

  5. Cheeky. Baiting the gullible again I see. Didn't anyone ever tell you it ain't nice to taunt the weak minded?

  6. Just as I knew it your a fake you dont live in the UK at all!!
    since last nights show isnt up online to be downloaded!!
    you Freak!!

  7. what show where you watching??
    not lost for sure

    Desomd was in the queens army Sawyer was in prison and it was Collen who died and she was a FEMALE!

  8. holy shit/\. everything is wrong with that. like the tumor is bennys, it clearly says in the promo. the baby is CLEMENTINE not clemet u bastard. desmond doesnt know shit about a roof and its irrrelevant anyway. yest sawyer was a boxer no shit sherlock but i dont think he loves to clean trash its a prison duty. colin? colin? its cauleen, a woman, WOMAN, the kind of people you dont know. everyone from themselves is so far from the actual name of the episode you make me want to slam a hot iron on my face. good review i give it a .0 out of 431.97. why do you bother? really?

  9. Idiot above. It's been online for around 12 hours, I live in England and downloaded it and watched it before I went to work.

    You got to love the idiots who shout and rant at the misfit but end up making idiots of themselves.

  10. Hey mIsFiT you forget to mention one point: Desmond states that he's Scotish which you detected quite a while ago when some people were foolishly stating he was Irish. He can't be from Aberdeen though because he's not called Angus.

  11. I'm done with Lost. the show blows now it had a great run but I'm done. Anyone else feel this way?

  12. Great review, Misfit! I felt BAD when the guinea pig died, but I really didn't care so much when that lady that Soon-YI shot died. Maybe Ben has that lady in his satchel, too, next to the bunny pig, and Ben will climb a mountain with Jack and whip her out when they get to the top of the mountain, and say "We fooled you, Jack! We faked the beeps on the heart monitor! And I'm a woman named Dorothy Gale!"

    Do you really think Desmond does roofies? Maybe he will use them to date rape Kate or Sawyer.

  13. Gee and my freinds in the UK havent gotten it yet cause they say its not up yet and he lives in Oxford

  14. Anonymous said... I'm done with Lost. the show blows now it had a great run but I'm done. Anyone else feel this way?

    Lost does not blow. You seem to be an impatient type & thats your trouble. I "want it now" people like you don't know how to enjoy anything. You probably aren't the type to relish a good story & rich characters so maybe its better that you're "done" with Lost. Its above & beyond your realm. You just know that you want everything Grantis Quickis & thats not what the writers have in mind. Maybe you'll change your mind. Hope so.

  15. Everyone Jack operates on DOES die! You are so right to point it out. He should totally have his doctor license taken away!

    This is the best review of a TV show I have ever seen.

    Keep being awesome!

  16. u r soooooooooooooo wrong...shithead

  17. It was called "Every MAN for himself". And Sawyers baby is a girl.
    Your blog is not better than shit.

  18. this is my rap...

    yo guys why u messin with my man the misfit

    cause u guys are losers and u know hes the s***

    you guys have no lives so kiss my hiney

    everytime he says sumthing a lil weird u get all whiney

    so cmon guys leave misfit alone and dont act like a fool

    and dont be jealous cuz i rap better than ja rule


  19. retard u made so many mistakes
    1) its a rabit fucking retard
    2)not true bout jack, not everyone dies
    3)thats not keanue reves reatard,and he wants to hit it to the water, see how's he facing the water!
    4) his watch was speeding up cuz he likes evanglien lilly, whos canadian, ye me 2, because shes fucking hot, and also when he was climbing up the rocks, it was speeding up, so ur wrong bout that

    maybe, i should be the lostigator, cuz im right

  20. Benny & the rabbit!

    That was the best freaking scene ever!

    He is such a good actor, can't wait to watch that part again.

  21. ROFL!! I LOVE your "observations" Keep it up!

    (BTW...he DOES look like Keanu Reeves)

  22. jeff cre said...
    retard u made so many mistakes
    1) its a rabit fucking retard
    2)not true bout jack, not everyone dies
    3)thats not keanue reves reatard,and he wants to hit it to the water, see how's he facing the water!
    4) his watch was speeding up cuz he likes evanglien lilly, whos canadian, ye me 2, because shes fucking hot, and also when he was climbing up the rocks, it was speeding up, so ur wrong bout that

    maybe, i should be the lostigator, cuz im right

    Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:10:00 PM
    Hey Jeff RETARD! How about you learn how to spell and talk like a human sond like a fucking Idiot.....

  23. I love lost and can't stop watching, But I'm sick and tired of them not answering any questions, It's really annoying. They keep adding more and more mystery but no answers to anything.

  24. i am not making fun of your site, but can you please spell words right. all you have to do is a spell check. it's really annoying and i barely can read what you are writing anymore.

  25. ThEmIsFiTiShErE the golfer on theisland is an Brazilian actor who did a Commerical with Nicole Kidmanin Channel#5 i saw it on insider Hollywood and this time you are way out there.


  27. P.T. Barnum was right...

    It is disappointing that there have only been 6 comments "correcting" misfit so far, but this post is still somewhat recent. I'm still pulling for 15. Anyone care to wager? Betting on this could be amusing...

  28. Excellent job again brother.
    I just love it when these american teenagers come here and correct what the misfit has said. They don't understand irony at all... it's priceless lol

  29. jesus u are SHIT
    BEN has a tumour retard havnt u even watched the episode, not Pickett u arsewipe

    This is the crappest site ive ever been on, all u do is lie and make stupid things up!


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