When did KEENUA Reeves JOIN lost!!

I must HAVE missed a CRUCIAL episode (PROBABLY Episode 27 OF Season 1!!) AS I have no recollection OR memory OF Keenua Reves Joing LOST!! You can TELL by the EXACT Goaty Beard THAT they are the same person and MY face RECOGNITION software(WHICH I may add has proven 102.23% ACCURATE to date) MATCH them at an incredible 99.893%!! Maybe we will FIND his BUS for the film Speeding that Crash on the Island!! I have MORE finds which I will PASTE into the Internet very soonish!!


  1. you are a true dipshit miss shit.....you need glasses aswell as a brain.... and you need some better RECOGNITION software if that wat you even have....i bet you just bs about that aswell.... well watever makes you feel better fool...but tou are only fooling youself....i bet every1 will be laughing at you on this 1....and if they dont....they must be total fools aswell if they agree with you.....wtf....but you will allways be the worlds biggest fool

  2. so i guess the tree in the backgroung is the 1 and only tree from on our moon.....who do you think you are fooling.......you really are a wanker misfit.....or shold i call you "miss shit" like the others do

  3. omg that is just pathetic....are you upset with your life or something.... you need counciling

  4. Are you out of your mind, idiot...

  5. Do you do it just for the attention, or are you really that fucking stupid?

  6. Question!

    Are you stupid? Keanu Reeves is _not_ the only one who uses that kind of beard.

  7. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats my special Boy!!!

  8. you are a sad soul what is that shit

  9. miss shit. now that is truely funny. a real good name for that fool.

  10. is that suppose to be a joke. you are pathetic misfit?????????? get real!!!!!!!!!!! or go kill yourself 1 of the 2 !!!!!!!!

  11. I think honestly, this is your best find yet! I love it! You crack me up.

  12. Hellloooooooooo, think think... Of course this is not Keanu Reeves, it's Rodrigo Santoro, a famous brazilian actor...

  13. Miss Shit - BRILLIANT
    you really need to get laid!!! LOL

  14. I dont undersatnd why people have to be so abusive ??? If you dont like it, hit the back button. I love your page Misfit.. its only a TV programme after all (its fiction not real!!). Keep up the great work

  15. Dude,

    Keep it up!!! I absolutely howl when I read your "discoveries".

    You are a true genius my friend!

  16. ThEmIsFiTiShErE ok now i really think you need glasses! I' been a long time fan of your's and your site but this is a little far out there. Please if you don't have anything good to show us and it does happen , just don't post anything you don't have to make things up we understand.Rather nothing then bullshit.

  17. How unpleasant. As my mum says, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!

    It is a true fact, as any right minded Lots fan will know, substandard SF film stars are queuing up to join the cast.

    Such as Keenua Reeves and Natasha Henbridge from the film Speshies.

    I am also positive that that Brabra Brain from Space:1979 will also be in season three!

    I can't wait!

  18. Bunch of idiots. Don't you realize this blog is pure SARCASM?? You are the retarded. THis is humor. If you don't have it, leave.


  20. Answer

    yes misfit is stupid. he is also a lost cause, has no life, and really need someone to smack him across the face and back to reality.
    maybe when he was a alter boy like in that pic of his he was raped that hard that it dislodged his brain out of place that is why he think he make sence. i truly pitty you misfit.
    i aggree with all the other here on this 1 it is totally pathetic. get some better material, or atleast get something that makes sence, because you dont have any!!!

  21. your website is going to be hacked. all your blogs are belong to me

  22. What is this crap?

    KEENUA Reeves JOIN lost!!


    I have notice no one has stuck up for you on this 1 misfit maybe they have finally realised how fucked up you really are.
    Looks like you have proven to everyone how fucked 1 person can be.

  23. OMG misfit that is a brilliant find i cant believe i missed it or it hasnt been announced to the world! MAYBE CUZ ITS NOT FUCKIN HIM U FAT PRICK!!!

  24. For those of you that come on this site and abuse The Misfit, call him names, complain that he doesn't know how to spell or that he has no idea what he's talking about, I have some news for you: you are making colossal fools of yourself.

    I assure you, The Misfit knows what he's doing. Every misspelled name, every cockamamie theory, every example of rank stupidity is a calculated move to be intentionally goofy and tongue-in-cheek. I'm sure he sits at home and laughs his head off every time one of you criticizes him. He's actually a smart guy (girl?) who intentionally writes outrageous posts so that goofballs who don't understand satire will predictably be outraged.

    I for one love the site. It's funny stuff, and I admire the cleverness of The Misfit, a cleverness that obviously far outweighs the cleverness of his detractors.


  25. OMG!! AbC WiLl Be VEry PiSed AT you 4 rEvealINg that!! I tHiNK He Is "ALVIN HANSEN"? what do you think.!! ((this is your best find.. but i have to ask .are you 98.7854% sure?))


  26. I really enjoy these poor critics but why don't you stop coming again and again to check ThEmIsFiTiShErE ?
    I guess you like it as much as I do

  27. Dear Fit - enjoyed your re-caps and music ! Continue to dream your dreams and dance to your own special music !


  28. ANOTHER amazing find MISFIT!
    I suspect you are gonna be LOCKEd away by ABC!
    They CANT let you reveal ALL mysteries!

  29. hahaha
    Funny man,
    that guy is Rodrigo Santoro, he started right now, it was his first appearence, his name at LOST will be Paulo (Paul in english). He is a Brazilian actor.

  30. hahahah
    Funny man,
    that guy is Rodrigo Santoro, a brazilian actor. He startet at Lost in this last episode, his name at LOST will be Paulo (or Paul in english).
    Santoro = Reaves ? Stop drink caipirinhas! ;)

  31. hahahah
    Funny man,
    that guy is Rodrigo Santoro, a brazilian actor. He startet at Lost in this last episode, his name at LOST will be Paulo (or Paul in english).
    Santoro = Reaves ? Stop drink caipirinhas! ;)

  32. hahahah
    Funny man,
    that guy is Rodrigo Santoro, a brazilian actor. He startet at Lost in this last episode, his name at LOST will be Paulo (or Paul in english).
    Santoro = Reaves ? Stop drink caipirinhas! ;)

  33. Good boy. Keanu was awesome last night.

  34. hey misf, love your lostigation...
    think i found a clue...
    pause last episode when the cop is checking locke's gun papers, you can see his driving license has a photo in wich he was already bald!.. plus you get to see john's birth date... aparently he's 60!

    keep it up!

  35. People, please don't insult The Misfit. Its not his fault he's so goofy.

  36. I think you are right. I believe a huge dump truck is heading for the island because Benny lost his when he was a kid and wants to find it again and kineu reeves has to stop it. i think if you look more cloesely, you might see sanra bullok. my brains and skills are not as good as yours, but i believe she is there. what do you think misfit???

  37. What a GRATE find, MiFIST! When I was watching last night and that man showed up in the middle of the conversation with LOCKE, I thought, "Who's SHE!? I've never seen that person before!" But you're right, the new guy does vaguely look like Keanu Reeves, so it HAS to be him, it's the only explanation I can think of, so it's gotta be RITE!

  38. WOW....Great Catch...I never would have saw that.

    Thanks for posting it and Thank God for your face recognition software....Keep uo the good work.

  39. sorry dude but I'm going to have to go with mis shit on this one!

  40. What r u on? Shrooms, acid or just smack? or all three?

  41. these are the comments you obviously adore so - what a fool, everybody hates you but you still carry on, no in fact get worse! all I can give you is 'you are a fool'

  42. Lololololololololololololololololololol

    That was probably the most stupid thing you sayd since you have this blog...lolololololoolololololololololololololol

    You have to be joking,its impossible that someone would say that for real...lololololololololololololololololo

    I know that you want to be famous in the lost comunity worldwide but your getting more and more absurd...lololololololololololololololo

    Thanks a lot for the laughts you gave all of us around the world....llolololololololololololololololo

    When Lost ends you should consider a job in the stand up comedy business because your are really a lot of laughts...lolololololololololololololololol
    lolololo....Keanu Reeves...lololololololololololololololololol

  43. Why dont you try your facial recognition software on your ass,you should try to match it with your face,if the software says theres no match then you should really buy a new software...lololololololo...Keanu reeves...lololololololololol

  44. You Know what I don't understand? Is why these losers who make nasty comments bother to come to this site....I'll tell you why because they are little people with pea brains who have nothing better to do....Personally me,I wouldn't bother to go out of my way to read something that I thought was so ridiculous. That just goes to show you how pathetic people are...Get a life losers! Annette

  45. i THINK you are on to SOMETHING misfit. that is clearly REEVESY or maybe it is NEO from the film the matrices because he also LOOKS like keanu reeves.

    Maybe NEO is here to SAVE the losties and jack them OUT of the island. What do YOU think about my theory?

  46. Well done Misfit on finding this new fact. It might well have been Keanu with the craziness of some redshirts clearly being primed for full blown 'actual characters'. Nutso. Thanks for the grab.

  47. looks like keanu reaves, but thats rodrigo santoro

  48. Wow, people, you are just making idiots of yourself, because you clearly don't understand the brilliance of satire.

    I'm laughing at all the bullshit comments. You people saying all this hateful stuff are the real idiots.

    This blog is the best. If you actually have a brain, and don't take every freaking thing so literally, that is.

  49. YoU ArE A FrEeKiNg MoRoN!!

  50. Lol listen to all these posters thinking your being serious. He is just having a bit of fun, the posters are taking it too heart. He doesn't mean half the stuff he says thats what makes him a genius. The other half is solid gold Lost facts.

  51. c'mon misfit, you can do better than this.

  52. I heard about this blog on a Lost forum and they refered to it as the "crazy guy blog",so i decided to take a look at it...i never thought they were so right,congratz misfit,your insanity as reached the entire world...some people will do anything to be knowned...unbeliaveble...i will add this blog to may favorites and everytime i feel down i will come and read it,it will allways make me laught...lolololololololol...Keanu Reeves...lololololololollo...keep up the "good" work...lololollollolollololololol

  53. So, mIsFiT, do YOU think KEENUA'S co-star from BILL AND TED'S EXCELLENT JOURNEY, Alex Winger, might make an APPEARANCE?

    I heard he CURRENTLY works on Jimmy Kimble's show, where HUGE MACINTYRE was interviewed.

  54. annette828

    annette828 said...
    You Know what I don't understand? Is why these losers who make nasty comments bother to come to this site....I'll tell you why because they are little people with pea brains who have nothing better to do....Personally me,I wouldn't bother to go out of my way to read something that I thought was so ridiculous. That just goes to show you how pathetic people are...Get a life losers! Annette

    wtf....but you do read them....so personally it dose shows how pathetic you are....

  55. ohhhh miss shit we know you are ther why have you not commented yet to all the replys here... have you finnally relised how pathetic your life is.....or mabye you are the ones who have givien you a positive feedback on here....there is only 5 or so and you probally dont have anymore name to use....better make some more up and give yourself more positive feedbak....you are a true fool miss shit

  56. "miss shit" what a great name forthis fool

  57. This is HILARIOUS!

    Not the topic, but the number of comments rising the more absurd the clueless find gets.

    There is no point arguing, but the mastermind's face recognition software truly needs to be checked out, I guess that's a job for Fony.

    Just a hint: This has to be a Microsoft Windows problem, which wouldn't have happened, if you would have used it under GNU/Linux!

    But it also could be that Hubbard aura, which clearly can manipulate the software's recognition ability.

    Surely we'll never know, what really happened, so we just have to accept the fact, that maybe our own eyes can not focus clearly the very close affinity between the two actors. After all, it could be a mind trick...

  58. for one love the site. It's funny stuff, and I admire the cleverness of The Misfit, a cleverness that obviously far outweighs the cleverness of his detractors.

    "and I admire the cleverness of the Misfit"

    WTF - my five year old son could equal this so called humour

    40 comments to the bad
    22 comments to the good

    Your getting better!

  59. not counting repeated comments

  60. All of these haters' comments are boring, unoriginal & not clever in the slightest. Ignore them.

    Misfit's blog rules!!!

  61. Rodrigo Santoro is a brazilian actor. He is gorgeous!!!!You couldn't see it yet...but he is soooo HOt!
    He was on the Channel's comercial with Nicole Kidman and he was part of the Love Actually's cast.

  62. ACtually, NO

    WATCH THE MOVIES: Lakehouse, Matrix, Bill and Ted!

    Keenua Reeves is INVOLVED with TIME travel in ALL of these MOVIES!

    This is a MASSIVE clue to the TIME theory of the ISLAND!

  63. All of these haters' comments are boring, unoriginal & not clever in the slightest. Ignore them.

    Misfit's blog rules!!!

    Friday, October 20, 2006 1:19:00 PM

    Why does a comment have to be clever. we dont all have the misfit style of writing, like 'I must trick everyone into thinking im dumb, Oh how clever I am'

  64. annette828 said...
    You Know what I don't understand? Is why these losers who make nasty comments bother to come to this site....I'll tell you why because they are little people with pea brains who have nothing better to do....Personally me,I wouldn't bother to go out of my way to read something that I thought was so ridiculous. That just goes to show you how pathetic people are...Get a life losers! Annette

    wtf....but you do read them....so personally it dose shows how pathetic you are.... Back off brainless Idiot!

  65. Minnie the AnonyMouse said...
    All of these haters' comments are boring, unoriginal & not clever in the slightest. Ignore them.

    Misfit's blog rules!!!
    I agree with you all the way minnie, people are so stupid at times it makes me sick....I have been reading this blog for months and never signed up until yesterday. After reading the comments I had to post what I thought about the classless people. It made me sick that they would say such stupid things when obviously this guy takes the time out to post these things and puts alot of effort into it....they must believe in alot of things he is posting or the losers wouldn't keep coming back and reading what has been written by him.......

  66. That's Rodrigo Santoro , a Brazilian actor who is now part of Lost cast!!

    But I think he is a Keanu Reeves look a like.

  67. u are retarted i thin al of those positive comments are wrriten by misfitisanasshole

  68. Anonymous said...
    u are retarted i thin al of those positive comments are wrriten by misfitisanasshole

    Monday, October 23, 2006 2:50:00 PM
    I hate to burst your bubble but I can assure you I'm not Missfit. did you ever think there are people that actually have some intelligence and don't need to resort to having a filthy mouth and constantly having to make crude comments towards anthor individual....

  69. Keanu Reeves did join the Lost cast. But thats not him in the picture.

  70. Kate said...
    Keanu Reeves did join the Lost cast. But thats not him in the picture.
    Really? How do you know that for sure?

  71. oh my gosh! you discovered all lost secrets!!! if neo is in the island that means the losties are in the matrix, the others are the agents and there's no spoon!!!! lol

  72. Because im Evangeline Lilly


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