Why was JIN in Hawaii!!

The makers of LOST keep giving US clues but ONLY I the Lostigator can FIND them!! This time THEY made me work a little HARDER by putting the CLUE in a mirror!! HA!! That won't STOP me!! In this IMAGE that I made using some electronic computer program for editing electronic images I have FOUND that Wife BEATER Jin was IN Hawaii on SOME secret MISSION for Suns DAD Mr pike!! You can CLEARLY see that he is AT the Yahct HARBOUR HOTEL which is in Honolololo HAWAII!! AS I suspect for A long time the peieces OF The puzzle are coming together VERY nicely and I should be SOLVING lost totally SOON!! Carlton Cused AND Daniel Lindoff will NEED to try a lot harder to HIDE the clues next time!! you need TO click to MAKE the image expand to ENORMOUS proporations!!


  1. OMFG you are teh greatest lostigator evar! Thank you 4 this one of the greatest finds in the world!!1!

  2. its not "harbour" but "harbor". and its "Honolulu" not "Honolololo" lmao

  3. is there not more than one of those hotels????

  4. That pattern looks like the Hydra logo.

  5. We will find this is not important. It's more likely the place some of the actors are staying, so they film there and why make a fake floor layout when there is a perfectly good on there already. He will still be in japan in the show. I think my lostigatorial skills beat you down in one paragraph

  6. Erm... in Japan? I don't recall Jin being in Japan at anytime. I believe you mean Korea. Obviously Jin went to Hawaii to see a premier of a hit tv show with a crazed conspiracy theorist of the show.

  7. Ok my mistake. He will be where ever they come from being scared of sun's dad.

  8. Ok my mistake. He will be where ever they come from being scared of sun's dad.

  9. Anonymous said...
    its not "harbour" but "harbor".

    You idiot, only lazy Americans drop the u's on words.

  10. Maybe he was but you never went!!!

  11. watch lost season 3 episode 2 at tv.peekvid.com before before waiting for it to download!


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