The COMPUTERS have been tampered WITH!!

The LOSTIGATOR is back with the FIND of the Month!! After poor tony was ILL it Delayed my FACTOID hunt for 13.543 Hours but I have MADE up for it by STUDYING Lost with my Razor sharp mind!! Here for YOU I present my latest DETAIELD research!! This one only took me 16.437 seconds to SPOT!!

Here WE can clearly see that SOMEONE has been moving the computers around!! The first electronic PHOTO we see is the PEARL computer from the epside called "The Quetion MArk!!" and then second IS from the EPisode "The COST of listening"!! YOu can see that the Dharma LOGO is now different!! I suspect MR Marlin Candles has been movign them AROUND to create an ISLAND Intranet!! ANd it appears to BE working as Argentinaian PAULOS Sister Micky appears to have logged onto the WEBCAM of the Patch Station!!

No need for thanks AS I know I am the greatest and LIKE President Gandy of the indians I shall lead the LOST fans to a better pLACE!!

ALERT!! ALERT!! ALERT!! I have JUST been told by my good friend amberTIFFANY (She is not a PORN star!!) that ABC have actually been LISTENING to me since I revealed THAT they had the wrong LOGO on the pearl COMPUTERS last year!! It is FURTHER proof that MY facts are leaving the ABC Executives quaking in there BOOTS as I reveal more secrets and GET ever closer to SOLVING lost!!

I also HAVE to say HELLO to "Jorge Gabriel"!!


  1. MisFit!

    This is almost as IMPOTENT as KEENUA reeves toilet visit!

    more impotantly, how DID benny GET the TUMOR! is this related to the INCIDENT that DR marvin talks about in the VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!!

  2. c'mon now.. this is clearly satire.. and it's not for everyone.. but you gotta admit "the Patch Station" is funny.. it''s funny.

  3. Another SHOCKING factually-based factoid!!!! Well done LostiGator you rule

  4. I love your work, but I have a couple of questions. Why do you capitalize words that don't need to be? Why do you mispell a lot of stuff? And why do you use the wrong names often? For example, you called the new girl Micky, when it's actually Nikki. I would assume that someone with your knowledge of Lost and your findings, that you'd correctly put things out there. What gives dude? It makes it very hard to read.

  5. First off, I love the work you do, but I have a couple questions. Why do you capitalize words that don't need to be? Why do you mispell everything? And why do you use incorrect names? For example, you called the new girl Micky. C'mon dude, it's Nikki or Nicky. Micky? What gives dude? It makes it so hard to read this stuff.

  6. Misfit please keep on quaking those ABC bigwigs' booties because they royally deserve it. Making us wait 3 months for a "Spring" season?
    Oh the inhumanity of it all... (rolling eyes & clutching chest)

  7. Oh I´m so excited to hear that ABC is finally picking up on your clues...

    what do you think the´ll do? I think they will give you a job! But are you willing to leave Aberdeen for good to work for the Dharma people?

    Keep up the good work, you Lostigator you :)

    Your friend Viktoria!

  8. ABC is concerned about the information spewing from this blog.

    I advise you to cease and desist.

  9. How the hell do you know Jorge Gabriel?!? He's a mediocre TV presenter, fan of a mediocre football club...uh?!?
    Please don't tell me that they're exporting his shitty show!

  10. DON'T let them pay you off to make you silently disappear!

    BTW The great Lostigator really should think about procreation, because TNG will need one as well even more than we need em now.

  11. ok misfit . . MAYBE theres more than 1 logo . . have you ever thought about that BUDDY !

  12. mis fit answer these questions or your not a lostagator I love your work, but I have a couple of questions. Why do you capitalize words that don't need to be? Why do you mispell a lot of stuff? And why do you use the wrong names often? For example, you called the new girl Micky, when it's actually Nikki. I would assume that someone with your knowledge of Lost and your findings, that you'd correctly put things out there. What gives dude? It makes it very hard to read.

  13. I make the WORDS big that I think are important to ME!! I dont think I've MANY any spelling MistakeS!! Who is Nicky!! I am SURE that Pauly called HER Micky!!

  14. I'm sorry, but a lot of your ramblings are just that... ramblings. No one KNOWS anything for sure. You can make a lucky guess every now and then, but that's no reason to pass them off as FACTS. And I highly doubt that ABC execs could give a rats a** about you and your "theories".


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