Drunk JACK attacks locals after STOPPING him from playing Volleyball!!

Here ARE some photos that ONCE again prove that I am the BEST source of SPOILERY Spoilers as WELL as BEING voted the GREATEST Lostigator OF our Time!!

Here WE see JACK in the flashback from EPISDE 15 when he is IN Tieland in a place call pooket!! Here YOU can see a CLEARLY deranged and DIsturbed JACK trying to get the LOCALS to let him Play Frissbee OR beach VOLLYBALL with them!! It looks LIKE he is VERY VERY Drunk like his DAD Christoper!!


  1. That is amazing and I am in love with you.

  2. Great photos misfit. You really are the best losigator.

  3. this PROVES that MR PIKE is in on IT

  4. lol u took these from another site nice one again, cant find your own stuff well done

  5. WHY are those people FLIMING nad not HELPING!?!?!?!?!?!? jack could DIE!!!!! and you can also CLEARLY see jacks CLONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Wow, MisFit, I've just spotted anoher great FIND! Did you notice the hand of one Mr Candle's son? One of the boys has NO hand (the third picture). This proves MY theory that mr Morowind Candle is a clone, and his younger colnes are growing up to make another orientation films. Perhaps Jack will find the clone LABORATORY and those nasty clones will try to anihilate him so that THE truth about them remained unknow. I think that you will admit that comming to this conlclusion makes me the SECOND after YOU lostigator. I am proud of myself! Feel free to spread my GREAT FIND but remember to give me credits for that. Your, DEKAC LOSTIGATORE NUMERO DEUX

  7. You have the best lost site in the world. I get all my Lost news from you. You are so accurate that my Lost understanding rate has increased to 92.8923628176%! What do you think the alien clones are up to? Can the Jack virus be stopped? What is so wrong with volleyball in Thailand?

    Thank you for revealing so much.

  8. Put you pants back on and go and wash your hands mIsFiT you naughty boy

  9. Y do u lie about the views to your site and then put up the cluster link so people can then find out your lies. u say 2.8 mil hits when it is actually 102k people visiting (on average) about 5 0r 6 times each. I know you wont post this but it would be nice to get a answer

  10. you are so damn full of yourslef and you are shit. therefore you are full of shit

  11. look at the picture on the bottom, has a stunt double for jack (same clothes :P )


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